Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: S-Riser


S-Riser : Un élément clé de la production pétrolière et gazière sous-marine

Dans le vaste monde de la production pétrolière et gazière sous-marine, chaque composant joue un rôle crucial pour garantir des opérations efficaces et sûres. L'un de ces composants, souvent négligé mais essentiel pour un flux régulier, est le **S-Riser**.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un S-Riser ?**

Un S-Riser, également connu sous le nom de **ligne de flux en forme de S avec vanne d'aile**, est un segment de ligne de flux spécialement conçu pour connecter un puits sous-marin à un système de pipeline plus important. Contrairement aux lignes de flux droites traditionnelles, les S-Risers présentent une forme "S" distincte, offrant plusieurs avantages clés dans les opérations sous-marines.

**Pourquoi la forme "S" ?**

La conception en forme de S de la ligne de flux offre des avantages cruciaux :

  • **Réduction des contraintes :** La courbe à l'intérieur du S-Riser agit comme un amortisseur de contraintes, s'adaptant aux mouvements naturels et aux contraintes subies par les équipements sous-marins en raison des courants océaniques, de l'action des vagues et des fluctuations de température. Cela réduit la fatigue sur le pipeline et contribue à prévenir les défaillances potentielles.
  • **Réduction de la tension :** La forme en S réduit efficacement la tension dans la ligne de flux, la rendant moins susceptible de se fléchir ou de s'effondrer dans des conditions extrêmes. Cela améliore l'intégrité structurelle globale du système.
  • **Stabilité accrue :** La conception incurvée offre une stabilité accrue, garantissant que la ligne de flux reste en place et évite les mouvements indésirables qui pourraient endommager l'équipement ou perturber la production.
  • **Flexibilité :** Le S-Riser permet de légers ajustements de l'alignement du pipeline, offrant une flexibilité lors de l'installation et s'adaptant aux changements potentiels du fond marin.

**Intégration avec les vannes d'aile :**

Les S-Risers sont généralement intégrés à des **vannes d'aile**, des composants essentiels des systèmes de production sous-marins. Les vannes d'aile sont utilisées pour isoler et contrôler le flux de pétrole et de gaz à travers le pipeline. Elles sont fixées au S-Riser, permettant une régulation efficace et sécurisée du flux.

**Applications des S-Risers :**

Les S-Risers sont largement utilisés dans divers développements pétroliers et gaziers sous-marins, en particulier dans :

  • **Les gisements en eau profonde :** Où l'environnement hostile et les forces dynamiques nécessitent une résistance et une stabilité accrues.
  • **Les systèmes de production à configuration complexe :** Les S-Risers offrent flexibilité et adaptabilité pour connecter plusieurs puits au système de pipeline principal.
  • **Le routage des lignes de flux :** La forme en S permet un routage optimisé des lignes de flux, minimisant la longueur globale et améliorant l'efficacité du flux.

**Conclusion :**

Le S-Riser, avec sa conception unique et ses propriétés précieuses, est un composant crucial de la production pétrolière et gazière sous-marine. Ses capacités de réduction des contraintes, sa tension réduite, sa stabilité accrue et sa flexibilité contribuent de manière significative à la fiabilité et à la sécurité des systèmes sous-marins. En garantissant un flux régulier et ininterrompu d'hydrocarbures, les S-Risers jouent un rôle vital pour maximiser l'efficacité de la production et la rentabilité dans le monde difficile du développement pétrolier et gazier sous-marin.

Test Your Knowledge

S-Riser Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main function of an S-Riser?

a) To connect a subsea wellhead to a larger pipeline system b) To regulate the flow of oil and gas c) To monitor pressure within the pipeline d) To provide buoyancy for the pipeline


a) To connect a subsea wellhead to a larger pipeline system

2. Why is the S-Riser shaped like an "S"?

a) To increase the flow rate of oil and gas b) To reduce stress and tension on the pipeline c) To improve the buoyancy of the pipeline d) To make it easier to install


b) To reduce stress and tension on the pipeline

3. What type of valve is typically integrated with an S-Riser?

a) Check valve b) Gate valve c) Globe valve d) Wing valve


d) Wing valve

4. Where are S-Risers most commonly used?

a) Shallow water fields b) Onshore oil and gas production c) Deepwater fields d) Offshore wind farms


c) Deepwater fields

5. What is a major benefit of using an S-Riser in a complex subsea layout?

a) It simplifies the installation process b) It reduces the risk of leaks c) It allows for more flexible routing of the pipeline d) It increases the production capacity of the well


c) It allows for more flexible routing of the pipeline

S-Riser Exercise

Task: Imagine you are an engineer designing a new subsea oil and gas production system. You need to decide whether to use an S-Riser or a traditional straight flowline for connecting the wellhead to the main pipeline. The location is a deepwater field with strong ocean currents and potential for significant wave action.


  1. List the potential advantages and disadvantages of using an S-Riser in this specific situation.
  2. Explain your reasoning for choosing either an S-Riser or a traditional straight flowline.
  3. Justify your decision by considering the environmental factors and the overall system's reliability and safety.

Exercice Correction

**Advantages of using an S-Riser:**

  • **Stress Relief:** The S-shape effectively mitigates the stress and tension caused by strong ocean currents and wave action, reducing the risk of pipeline fatigue and failure.
  • **Enhanced Stability:** The curved design provides greater stability, preventing the flowline from moving due to currents and waves, minimizing damage to the equipment and ensuring uninterrupted production.
  • **Flexibility:** The S-Riser can accommodate slight adjustments in the pipeline's alignment, making it easier to route the flowline around obstacles and adapt to potential seabed changes.

**Disadvantages of using an S-Riser:**

  • **Increased Complexity:** The S-shape may require more complex design and installation procedures, potentially increasing costs and complexity.
  • **Limited Flow Rate:** The curvature of the S-Riser could slightly restrict flow compared to a straight flowline, though this effect is typically minimal.


Given the harsh environmental conditions in a deepwater field with strong currents and waves, the advantages of using an S-Riser outweigh the disadvantages. The stress-relieving and stability-enhancing properties of the S-shape significantly contribute to the overall reliability and safety of the system, minimizing the risk of pipeline failure and ensuring continuous production. The potential increase in complexity and a slight decrease in flow rate are minor drawbacks compared to the substantial benefits of improved structural integrity and resilience.


In this specific situation, an S-Riser would be the recommended choice for connecting the wellhead to the main pipeline. It offers a significant advantage in terms of stress relief, stability, and flexibility, making it the most suitable option for a deepwater field with challenging environmental conditions.


  • Subsea Engineering Handbook by R.C. Dugan and J.D. Wilson: A comprehensive guide to subsea engineering, including chapters on flowlines and risers.
  • Subsea Production Systems by Michael J. Economides: Provides insights into various components of subsea production systems, including flowlines and risers.
  • Offshore Pipeline Engineering by M.R. Islam: Focuses on pipeline design and engineering for offshore applications, offering valuable information about flowlines and risers.


  • "S-Riser Design and Analysis for Subsea Flowlines" by A.K. Ghosh and S.K. Chakrabarti: A technical article detailing the design and analysis of S-risers, including stress and stability considerations.
  • "Subsea Flowline Design and Installation: Challenges and Solutions" by A.P. Smith and P. Kumar: This article discusses various aspects of flowline design and installation, including the role of S-risers in subsea operations.
  • "Fatigue Analysis of Subsea Flowlines with S-Risers" by M.A. Khan and S. Ali: This article focuses on the fatigue analysis of flowlines with S-risers, providing insights into their long-term performance.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Explore their website for technical papers and presentations related to subsea engineering and flowlines.
  • ONEPetro: This online platform offers a vast collection of technical papers, articles, and presentations related to oil and gas production, including subsea engineering topics.
  • Subsea 7: This subsea engineering company has a website with case studies and information about their services, including flowline and riser solutions.
  • TechnipFMC: Another leading subsea engineering company with a website that provides information about their products and services, including S-risers.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "S-riser," "subsea flowline," "flowline design," and "subsea production" along with keywords related to your specific area of interest (e.g., "fatigue analysis," "stress analysis," "deepwater," "installation").
  • Refine your search by specifying publication dates, file types (e.g., PDF), and websites.
  • Utilize quotation marks to search for exact phrases, e.g., "S-Riser design and analysis."
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