Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Instrumentation & Control Engineering: Run In

Run In

"La Mise en Route" dans les Termes Techniques : Éviter le "Plein Fouet"

Dans le monde de la technologie, le terme "mise en route" a plusieurs significations, souvent se référant à une période d'opération ou de test initiale où les composants sont "rodés" et les performances optimisées. Cependant, il peut également porter une connotation plus inquiétante - "pleine fouet". Cet article explore les différentes significations de "mise en route" et ses pièges potentiels, dans le but de faire la lumière sur ce terme technique courant.

"Mise en Route" comme Opération Initiale :

  • Moteurs : Une période de "mise en route" pour un nouveau moteur implique un fonctionnement contrôlé à différentes vitesses et charges pour permettre aux pièces de s'user et de créer une lubrification optimale. Ce processus aide à prévenir les pannes prématurées et assure des performances à long terme.
  • Logiciels : En développement logiciel, une "mise en route" fait référence à la phase de déploiement et de test initiale où les bogues sont identifiés et corrigés, assurant une expérience utilisateur fluide. Cela implique des tests approfondis dans divers environnements et scénarios.
  • Matériel : Pour un nouveau matériel comme les disques durs ou la RAM, une période de "mise en route" peut impliquer des tests de résistance pour garantir la stabilité et la longévité. Cela permet d'identifier les défauts potentiels avant qu'ils ne provoquent des problèmes plus importants.

"Plein Fouet": Le Côté Négatif de la Mise en Route:

L'expression "pleine fouet" est un terme d'argot utilisé pour décrire une situation négative, en particulier dans l'ingénierie ou la fabrication, où un composant ou un système commence à mal fonctionner ou à tomber en panne pendant son fonctionnement initial. Cela découle souvent de défauts de conception imprévus ou de défauts de fabrication qui apparaissent pendant la phase de "mise en route".

Exemples de "Plein Fouet":

  • Une nouvelle moteur qui tombe en panne prématurément en raison d'une pièce défectueuse ou d'un assemblage incorrect.
  • Un logiciel qui plante à plusieurs reprises en raison de bogues non résolus ou de problèmes d'incompatibilité.
  • Du matériel qui subit une corruption de données ou une dégradation des performances en raison de composants défectueux ou d'une configuration incorrecte.

Éviter le "Plein Fouet":

Pour éviter les pièges potentiels du "pleine fouet", il est crucial de mettre en œuvre des mesures de contrôle de la qualité efficaces tout au long des phases de conception, de fabrication et de test. Celles-ci comprennent :

  • Examen et simulation de conception approfondis : Identifier et traiter les défauts de conception potentiels dès le départ peut prévenir des problèmes futurs.
  • Tests rigoureux : Des tests intensifs dans diverses conditions et scénarios sont essentiels pour découvrir les défauts cachés.
  • Processus de fabrication appropriés : Le respect de normes de contrôle de la qualité strictes en fabrication minimise le risque de produire des pièces défectueuses.
  • Documentation claire : Une documentation complète du processus de "mise en route" permet l'analyse et le dépannage si des problèmes surviennent.

En Conclusion:

Le terme "mise en route" a plusieurs significations dans les contextes techniques, allant de l'opération initiale d'un système au potentiel de panne. Alors que la période de "mise en route" est cruciale pour optimiser les performances, il est tout aussi important d'être conscient du potentiel de "pleine fouet". En mettant en œuvre des processus de conception, de fabrication et de test approfondis, nous pouvons minimiser le risque de rencontrer ce résultat négatif et assurer le succès à long terme de nos produits et systèmes.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The "Run In" and Avoiding the "Go Into the Hole"

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a typical example of a "run in" period in technology?

a) Testing a new software application in various environments. b) Breaking in a new car engine by driving it at controlled speeds. c) Evaluating the performance of a new video game in a live gaming session. d) Testing the stability and longevity of a new hard drive.


c) Evaluating the performance of a new video game in a live gaming session.

2. The phrase "going into the hole" is a slang term used to describe:

a) A successful "run in" period where a system or component performs flawlessly. b) A period of intense debugging and troubleshooting in software development. c) A situation where a system or component malfunctions during its initial operation. d) The process of optimizing a system or component for maximum efficiency.


c) A situation where a system or component malfunctions during its initial operation.

3. Which of the following is NOT a recommended measure to avoid "going into the hole" during a "run in" period?

a) Thorough design reviews and simulations to catch potential flaws early on. b) Conducting rigorous testing in a variety of conditions and scenarios. c) Implementing strict quality control measures during manufacturing. d) Releasing the product to the market as soon as possible to gather feedback and make improvements.


d) Releasing the product to the market as soon as possible to gather feedback and make improvements.

4. A new engine failing prematurely due to a faulty part is an example of:

a) Successful "run in" period. b) "Going into the hole" during initial operation. c) Effective quality control. d) Thorough design review.


b) "Going into the hole" during initial operation.

5. Which of the following aspects is NOT directly related to minimizing the risk of "going into the hole"?

a) Clear documentation of the "run in" process. b) Using the latest and most expensive components available. c) Implementing proper manufacturing processes. d) Conducting extensive testing to identify potential defects.


b) Using the latest and most expensive components available.

Exercise: The "Run In" of a New Smartphone

Scenario: You are a product manager responsible for launching a new smartphone. During the initial "run in" phase, several units experience battery drain issues, leading to premature shutdowns.


  1. Identify the potential causes for the battery drain issue. Consider factors such as design flaws, manufacturing defects, software bugs, and user behavior.
  2. Outline a plan to address the issue and prevent similar problems in the future. This plan should include steps for troubleshooting, testing, and quality control.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Causes:** * **Design Flaws:** * Inefficient power management in the hardware or software. * Battery capacity not sufficient for the smartphone's features and usage patterns. * **Manufacturing Defects:** * Faulty battery cells or improper battery assembly. * **Software Bugs:** * Software glitches consuming excessive battery power. * Background apps draining battery unnecessarily. * **User Behavior:** * High screen brightness settings. * Frequent use of power-intensive apps. **Plan to Address the Issue:** 1. **Troubleshooting:** * Conduct thorough investigation of the affected units to identify the root cause of the battery drain. * Analyze battery usage data and logs to pinpoint software or hardware issues. 2. **Testing:** * Re-test existing units with different software versions and power management configurations. * Conduct extensive battery life testing in various usage scenarios. 3. **Quality Control:** * Reinforce quality control measures during manufacturing to ensure proper battery assembly and functionality. * Implement stricter testing protocols for battery performance before shipping. 4. **Software Updates:** * Release software updates with optimized power management settings and bug fixes to address any software-related battery drain issues. 5. **User Education:** * Provide users with tips and guidelines for optimizing battery life, such as adjusting screen brightness, limiting background app activity, and using power-saving modes.


  • Reliability Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers a wide range of topics, including reliability testing, design for reliability, and failure analysis. It provides valuable insights into "run in" processes and the potential for failures. (Amazon Link)
  • Design for Reliability: Focuses on designing products and systems with reliability in mind. It delves into topics like failure modes, preventive measures, and testing methods, which are relevant to understanding the "run in" process and its implications. (Amazon Link)
  • The Art of Designing Systems for Reliability: Explores the principles and methods for designing systems that are highly reliable and resilient. It covers various aspects of reliability testing, including "run in" periods, and helps engineers avoid common pitfalls. (Amazon Link)


  • "Run-In Testing: A Critical Step in Reliability Assessment" by John Smith (publication details to be filled in): This article focuses on the importance of "run in" testing in evaluating the reliability of components and systems. It explores different types of "run in" testing, their benefits, and potential limitations.
  • "Avoiding Catastrophic Failures: The Importance of Design Review and Testing" by Jane Doe (publication details to be filled in): This article emphasizes the importance of rigorous design review and thorough testing, including "run in" periods, in mitigating the risk of failures during the initial operation of systems.
  • "The Hidden Costs of 'Going Into the Hole': Understanding Failure Analysis and Prevention" by Alex Jones (publication details to be filled in): This article delves into the implications of failures during the "run in" process, exploring the hidden costs associated with "going into the hole" and how to implement preventative measures.

Online Resources

  • This website features a wide range of articles and resources on engineering topics, including reliability, testing, and failure analysis. Search for keywords like "run in," "reliability testing," or "failure analysis" to find relevant content. (Link)
  • ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers): ASME offers numerous resources on reliability engineering, including standards, guidelines, and publications. Their website is a valuable source for information on "run in" testing and other reliability-related topics. (Link)
  • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): IEEE provides extensive information on various aspects of electrical and electronic engineering, including reliability, testing, and failure analysis. Their website and publications are valuable resources for understanding the "run in" process in different contexts. (Link)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching for "run in," try using more specific terms like "run in testing," "run in period," or "go into the hole."
  • Combine keywords: Use multiple keywords in your search to narrow down the results. For example, search for "run in testing software development" or "run in period engine reliability."
  • Use quotes: Enclose keywords in quotes to find results containing the exact phrase. For example, search for "run in period for engines."
  • Use site-specific searches: Use the "site:" operator to search within specific websites like, ASME, or IEEE. For example, " run in testing."
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