Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: Pumping Tee

Pumping Tee

Le T de Pompage : Le Cœur des Puits de Pétrole et de Gaz à Pompe à Tiges

Dans le monde animé de l'extraction pétrolière et gazière, le terme "T de pompage" peut sembler étranger aux non-initiés. Cependant, cette pièce d'équipement apparemment simple joue un rôle crucial dans le fonctionnement efficace des puits à pompe à tiges.

Comprendre le T de Pompage :

Imaginez un puits qui utilise une pompe à tiges pour extraire du pétrole ou du gaz des profondeurs de la terre. Le T de pompage, bien nommé, est un raccord en forme de T situé au sommet de ce puits. Son but est de gérer le flux des fluides pompés, agissant comme un point de jonction crucial dans l'équipement de surface.

Fonctionnement :

  1. Le Bras Vertical : Le bras vertical du T se connecte directement à la tête de puits, recevant les fluides pompés de la pompe à tiges.

  2. La Sortie Latérale : La sortie latérale du T se ramifie, permettant aux fluides pompés de s'écouler dans les conduites de surface. Ces conduites acheminent le pétrole ou le gaz vers les installations de traitement pour un traitement ultérieur.

  3. Séparation et Contrôle du Flux : Le T de pompage joue également un rôle clé dans la séparation du fluide pompé en différents flux. Cela peut impliquer la séparation du pétrole de l'eau ou du gaz, en garantissant que chaque composant est dirigé vers sa ligne de traitement appropriée.

Pourquoi il est Important :

  • Manutention Efficace des Fluides : Le T de pompage assure un mouvement fluide et efficace des fluides pompés, maximisant la production et minimisant les temps d'arrêt.

  • Séparation des Fluides : La conception du T permet une séparation efficace des différents composants des fluides, conduisant à une meilleure qualité de production et à des défis de traitement réduits.

  • Contrôle du Flux : Le T peut inclure des fonctionnalités pour réguler le flux des fluides, permettant aux opérateurs d'optimiser la production en fonction des conditions spécifiques du puits.

Considérations Clés :

  • Matériau : Les T de pompage sont généralement fabriqués en matériaux durables comme l'acier ou la fonte, capables de résister aux pressions élevées et aux environnements difficiles associés aux opérations pétrolières et gazières.

  • Taille et Conception : La taille et la conception du T de pompage doivent être soigneusement choisies en fonction des débits spécifiques du puits et des caractéristiques des fluides.

  • Maintenance : L'inspection et la maintenance régulières du T de pompage sont cruciales pour prévenir les fuites, les blocages et autres problèmes pouvant perturber la production.

Conclusion :

Le T de pompage est un composant apparemment petit mais essentiel dans les puits de pétrole et de gaz à pompe à tiges. Son emplacement stratégique et sa conception permettent une manipulation, une séparation et un contrôle efficaces des fluides, maximisant la production et contribuant de manière significative au succès des opérations pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Pumping Tee Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a pumping tee in a rod-pumped well?

a) To connect the wellhead to the sucker rod pump. b) To separate pumped fluids into different streams. c) To regulate the flow of fluids to the surface lines. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical material used for pumping tees?

a) Steel b) Cast iron c) Aluminum d) Plastic


d) Plastic

3. What is the main reason for separating fluids at the pumping tee?

a) To prevent corrosion in the pipelines. b) To ensure each component is sent to the correct processing facility. c) To increase the efficiency of the sucker rod pump. d) To reduce the overall cost of production.


b) To ensure each component is sent to the correct processing facility.

4. Why is regular maintenance of a pumping tee essential?

a) To prevent leaks and blockages that can disrupt production. b) To extend the lifespan of the tee and reduce replacement costs. c) To ensure the tee remains compatible with changing well conditions. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is NOT a direct benefit of using a pumping tee?

a) Increased well production rates. b) Improved fluid quality. c) Reduced operating costs. d) Enhanced safety for workers.


d) Enhanced safety for workers. While the tee contributes to overall efficiency and production, its primary function is not directly related to worker safety.

Pumping Tee Exercise


A rod-pumped oil well is experiencing a decline in production. The operator suspects the issue is related to the pumping tee. The well currently produces a mixture of oil, water, and gas. The oil is being sent to a processing plant, while the water is being reinjected back into the formation. The gas is being flared off.


Identify at least two potential problems with the pumping tee that could be causing the decline in production. For each problem, suggest a possible solution.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Problems:** 1. **Blockage in the tee:** A buildup of debris or sediment in the tee could be restricting the flow of fluids, leading to reduced production. * **Solution:** Regular inspection and cleaning of the tee to remove any blockages. 2. **Leak in the tee:** A leak in the tee could be allowing produced fluids to escape, reducing the overall amount reaching the surface. * **Solution:** Thorough inspection of the tee for any signs of leaks and repair or replacement of any damaged components. **Additional Considerations:** * **Incorrect tee size:** The tee may be too small for the well's current flow rate, leading to increased pressure and reduced efficiency. * **Malfunctioning flow control valves:** If the tee includes flow control valves for regulating fluid flow, these valves may not be functioning correctly, leading to uneven distribution of fluids.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including well completion and production. Chapter 9 deals with Artificial Lift Systems, where you'll find information on rod-pumping and related equipment like the pumping tee.
  • "Oil Well Drilling and Production" by William C. Lyons: This book provides a thorough overview of oil well operations, with a dedicated section on wellhead equipment, which includes the pumping tee.
  • "Rod Pumping Systems Handbook" by Dale A. Crain: This book delves deep into rod pumping technology, providing detailed insights into various components, including the pumping tee.


  • "Rod Pumping Systems: A Comprehensive Review" by A.A. Khan et al.: This technical review article published in the journal "Petroleum Science and Technology" discusses the design and operation of rod pumping systems, touching upon the significance of the pumping tee.
  • "Surface Equipment Design Considerations for Rod Pumping Wells" by C.D. Williams: This article provides a practical guide for selecting and configuring surface equipment for rod pumping wells, focusing on aspects like the pumping tee and its function.

Online Resources

  • "Rod Pumping Systems" by the University of Texas at Austin: This online resource offers a detailed description of rod pumping systems, including illustrations of various components like the pumping tee.
  • "Pumping Tee" by Baker Hughes: This website provides technical information and specifications for various pumping tee models, including their applications and features.
  • "Sucker Rod Pumping Systems" by Schlumberger: This page offers a detailed overview of sucker rod pumping systems, outlining the different components and their roles, including the pumping tee.

Search Tips

  • "Pumping Tee Rod Pumping": This search term will yield more specific results related to the pumping tee within the context of rod pumping systems.
  • "Pumping Tee Specifications": This search will lead you to technical documentation and manufacturer information for various pumping tee models.
  • "Pumping Tee Design Considerations": This search will help you find articles and resources focusing on the design and engineering aspects of the pumping tee.
  • "Pumping Tee Maintenance": This search will provide information on inspecting, maintaining, and troubleshooting pumping tees in rod pumping systems.
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