Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: NU (pipe)

NU (pipe)

NU (Tuyau) dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier : Comprendre les opérations sans incident

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, les abréviations sont un langage courant, simplifiant la communication et garantissant la clarté. L'une de ces abréviations est NU, qui signifie Non-Upset. C'est un terme crucial lié aux opérations de tuyauterie, et comprendre sa signification est essentiel pour une production efficace et sûre.

Que signifie "Non-Upset" dans le contexte des opérations de tuyauterie ?

Essentiellement, NU fait référence aux conditions de fonctionnement normales au sein d'un système de pipeline. Cela implique que le pipeline fonctionne sans aucune perturbation significative, arrêt non planifié ou événement inattendu.

Les facteurs clés qui contribuent à un état "Non-Upset" comprennent :

  • Pression stable : La pression à l'intérieur du pipeline reste constante et dans les paramètres de fonctionnement sécuritaires.
  • Débits constants : Le volume de pétrole ou de gaz circulant dans le pipeline est régulier et prévisible.
  • Pas de fuites ou de déversements : L'intégrité du pipeline est intacte, sans fuites ou déversements.
  • Fonctionnalité de l'équipement : Tout l'équipement impliqué dans le système de pipeline (pompes, vannes, etc.) fonctionne comme prévu.

Pourquoi est-il important de comprendre "Non-Upset" ?

Sécurité : Les opérations NU minimisent le risque d'accidents, de déversements et de dommages environnementaux. Efficacité : Les débits constants et les opérations prévisibles maximisent la production et minimisent les temps d'arrêt. Maintenance : Identifier les problèmes potentiels pendant les périodes NU aide à la maintenance préventive et au dépannage proactif. Rentabilité : La minimisation des perturbations et des arrêts non planifiés réduit considérablement les coûts opérationnels.

Exemple :

  • Un pipeline NU est un pipeline qui fonctionne correctement, avec du pétrole ou du gaz circulant au débit et à la pression attendus.
  • Un pipeline subissant un incident peut connaître une baisse de pression, une interruption du débit, une fuite ou un dysfonctionnement de l'équipement.

En conclusion :

Comprendre le concept de NU (Non-Upset) dans les opérations pétrolières et gazières est essentiel pour garantir la sécurité, l'efficacité et la rentabilité. Il souligne l'importance de maintenir des conditions stables et prévisibles au sein d'un système de pipeline afin d'optimiser la production et de minimiser les risques.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: NU (Non-Upset) in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "NU" stand for in the context of oil & gas operations?

a) Natural Uplift b) Non-Upset c) Normal Utility d) None of the above


b) Non-Upset

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Non-Upset (NU) pipeline operation?

a) Stable pressure within the pipeline b) Consistent flow rates c) Frequent equipment malfunctions d) No leaks or spills


c) Frequent equipment malfunctions

3. What is the primary reason understanding "NU" is important for safety in oil & gas operations?

a) It allows for faster equipment repairs. b) It reduces the risk of accidents and spills. c) It increases the flow rate of oil and gas. d) It minimizes the cost of environmental cleanups.


b) It reduces the risk of accidents and spills.

4. How does "NU" contribute to efficiency in oil & gas operations?

a) By increasing the size of the pipeline. b) By allowing for more frequent maintenance. c) By minimizing downtime and maximizing production output. d) By reducing the amount of oil and gas extracted.


c) By minimizing downtime and maximizing production output.

5. Which of the following scenarios describes a pipeline experiencing an "upset"?

a) A pipeline operating at a constant pressure and flow rate. b) A pipeline experiencing a pressure drop and flow interruption. c) A pipeline operating at its maximum capacity. d) A pipeline undergoing routine maintenance.


b) A pipeline experiencing a pressure drop and flow interruption.

Exercise: Identifying NU and Upset Scenarios

Instructions: Read each scenario and identify whether it describes a "Non-Upset" (NU) pipeline operation or an "Upset" situation. Briefly explain your reasoning.

Scenario 1: A pipeline is transporting oil at a steady rate of 1000 barrels per hour. The pressure within the pipeline remains stable at 1000 PSI. There are no leaks or malfunctions reported.

Scenario 2: A pipeline carrying natural gas experiences a sudden pressure drop, causing a decrease in flow rate. The cause is identified as a malfunctioning valve.

Scenario 3: A pipeline undergoes planned maintenance activities to ensure the integrity of the system and prevent future issues.

Scenario 4: A pipeline is operating at a consistent flow rate and pressure, with all equipment functioning properly.

Exercice Correction

**Scenario 1:** NU - Steady flow rate, stable pressure, no leaks or malfunctions indicate normal operations. **Scenario 2:** Upset - The pressure drop and malfunctioning valve are clear signs of a disruption in normal operations. **Scenario 3:** Neither NU nor Upset - Planned maintenance is a controlled event, not a disruption of normal operations. **Scenario 4:** NU - Consistent flow rate, pressure, and functioning equipment point to stable and predictable operations.


  • "Pipeline Engineering" by E.W. McAllister: This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of pipeline design, construction, and operation, including detailed information on pipeline upsets and how to mitigate them.
  • "Pipelines: Design, Construction, and Operation" by David A. Usher: This book provides an in-depth analysis of pipeline systems, focusing on safety, reliability, and environmental considerations.


  • "Pipeline Upset Management" by the American Petroleum Institute: This article outlines best practices for managing pipeline upsets, including identification, response, and recovery.
  • "Understanding Pipeline Upset Events: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions" by the Society of Petroleum Engineers: This article examines the various causes of pipeline upsets and discusses strategies for preventing and mitigating them.

Online Resources

  • Pipeline Safety Trust: This non-profit organization provides valuable resources and information on pipeline safety, including explanations of pipeline upsets and their impact. (
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): ASCE offers a wealth of information on pipeline engineering, including articles, research papers, and technical guidelines related to pipeline operations and safety. (
  • Department of Transportation (DOT): The DOT provides regulations and guidelines for the transportation of hazardous materials, including pipelines. Their website has resources on pipeline safety and accident investigations. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords such as "NU pipeline," "non-upset operations," "pipeline upset management," "pipeline safety," and "oil and gas" to narrow down your search.
  • Filter by date: Use the "Tools" section to filter search results by date to access the most recent and relevant information.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches for your search query. For example, "pipeline upset events."
  • Combine search terms: Use "AND," "OR," and "NOT" operators to refine your search results and target specific topics. For example, "pipeline safety AND oil and gas."
  • Use advanced search operators: Utilize advanced operators such as "site:" to limit your search to specific websites like government agencies or industry publications.
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