Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Motherbore


Le Puits Mère : L'Épine Dorsale du Forage Horizontal

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le terme "puits mère" joue un rôle crucial dans le processus d'extraction des ressources de la Terre. Il fait référence au **puits principal** à partir duquel un **puits latéral**, ou une section horizontale du puits, est foré. Imaginez-le comme le tronc d'un arbre, avec des branches s'étendant vers l'extérieur pour atteindre de nouvelles réserves.

**Le But du Puits Mère**

Le puits mère sert de **base et de point d'accès** pour le forage du puits latéral. Il est généralement foré verticalement ou légèrement incliné avant de passer à la section horizontale. Cette partie verticale sert de **conduit principal pour les fluides de forage, les fluides de production et divers outils** nécessaires au forage et à l'achèvement du puits.

**Principaux Avantages de l'Approche du Puits Mère**

  • **Portée accrue :** En forant horizontalement, les ingénieurs peuvent accéder aux réserves de pétrole et de gaz qui étaient auparavant inaccessibles avec les méthodes de forage vertical traditionnelles.
  • **Production améliorée :** Le forage horizontal permet un plus grand contact avec le réservoir, conduisant à des taux de production plus élevés.
  • **Empreinte au sol réduite :** Le forage de plusieurs puits latéraux à partir d'un seul puits mère minimise l'impact sur la surface par rapport au forage de puits verticaux individuels.
  • **Gestion améliorée du réservoir :** La possibilité de cibler des zones spécifiques au sein du réservoir permet un meilleur contrôle et une meilleure optimisation de la production.

**Types de Puits Mère**

  • **Puits Mère Vertical :** Le type le plus courant, foré directement vers le bas avant de tourner horizontalement.
  • **Puits Mère Déviant :** Foré à un léger angle pour atteindre la formation cible plus efficacement.

**Le Processus**

  1. **Forage du Puits Mère :** Le puits initial est foré verticalement ou à un léger angle pour atteindre la formation cible.
  2. **Forage du Latéral :** Une fois la profondeur souhaitée atteinte, le trépan est tourné horizontalement et le puits latéral est foré.
  3. **Achèvement et Production :** Le latéral est ensuite achevé avec un tubage et un équipement de production pour faciliter l'extraction du pétrole et du gaz.

**En Conclusion**

Le puits mère est un élément crucial du processus de forage horizontal, permettant d'accéder à de vastes réserves d'hydrocarbures. Son efficacité et son efficience ont révolutionné l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, conduisant à une augmentation de la production et à une durabilité environnementale.

Test Your Knowledge

Motherbore Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the motherbore in horizontal drilling?

a) To extract oil and gas directly. b) To serve as the starting point for drilling the lateral wellbore. c) To act as a storage reservoir for extracted hydrocarbons. d) To provide power to the drilling equipment.


b) To serve as the starting point for drilling the lateral wellbore.

2. What is the main advantage of using a motherbore approach compared to drilling multiple vertical wells?

a) It requires less specialized equipment. b) It reduces the surface footprint of the drilling operation. c) It is less expensive. d) It is faster.


b) It reduces the surface footprint of the drilling operation.

3. Which type of motherbore is drilled at a slight angle before turning horizontal?

a) Vertical motherbore. b) Deviating motherbore. c) Horizontal motherbore. d) Lateral motherbore.


b) Deviating motherbore.

4. What is the purpose of the vertical section of the motherbore?

a) To provide a pathway for drilling fluids and tools. b) To store extracted hydrocarbons. c) To provide structural support for the lateral wellbore. d) To stabilize the drilling rig.


a) To provide a pathway for drilling fluids and tools.

5. How does horizontal drilling with a motherbore approach contribute to environmental sustainability?

a) It reduces the amount of land disturbed by drilling. b) It uses less energy to extract hydrocarbons. c) It minimizes the risk of spills and leaks. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Motherbore Exercise

Scenario: Imagine you are an oil and gas engineer tasked with designing a drilling operation for a new oil field. The field has a large, horizontally-oriented oil reservoir. You need to decide between two approaches:

  • Option A: Drill multiple vertical wells to access the reservoir.
  • Option B: Drill a single motherbore with multiple lateral wells extending horizontally into the reservoir.


  1. Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
  2. Based on your analysis, which option would you recommend for this project? Justify your answer.

Exercice Correction

**Option A: Multiple Vertical Wells** * **Advantages:** * Simpler drilling technology. * Potentially faster drilling time for individual wells. * **Disadvantages:** * Larger surface footprint and environmental impact. * Less efficient access to the horizontally oriented reservoir. * May require more wells to achieve desired production rates. **Option B: Single Motherbore with Laterals** * **Advantages:** * Reduced surface impact. * More efficient access to the horizontally oriented reservoir. * Potential for increased production rates with fewer wells. * **Disadvantages:** * More complex drilling technology and expertise required. * Potentially higher initial investment. **Recommendation:** Option B, drilling a single motherbore with multiple laterals, would be the most suitable for this project. The advantages of increased efficiency, reduced surface footprint, and potential for higher production outweigh the challenges of a more complex drilling operation. The project's objective of accessing a horizontally oriented reservoir makes the motherbore approach the most effective choice.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by John Lee: Covers the fundamentals of drilling and well completion, including detailed information on horizontal drilling techniques.
  • "Horizontal Well Technology" by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: A comprehensive guide to the technology and practice of horizontal well drilling, including sections dedicated to motherbore design and drilling.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: A detailed resource on reservoir engineering principles, including the concepts of horizontal well performance and reservoir management.


  • "Horizontal Drilling: A Technological Revolution in Oil and Gas Exploration" by Society of Petroleum Engineers: Provides an overview of horizontal drilling techniques and their impact on the industry.
  • "The Role of Motherbore Design in Horizontal Well Performance" by SPE: Discusses the design considerations for motherbores and their influence on wellbore stability, completion, and production.
  • "Advanced Drilling Techniques for Horizontal Wells" by Schlumberger: A technical article outlining various drilling technologies used for horizontal wells, including motherbore drilling practices.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: Offers a wealth of information on oil and gas engineering, including resources on horizontal drilling, wellbore design, and reservoir management.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: Provides comprehensive definitions and explanations of oilfield terms, including "motherbore" and related concepts.
  • Drillinginfo: A leading provider of oil and gas data and analytics, offering insights into horizontal drilling trends and market analysis.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "motherbore drilling", "horizontal well drilling", "lateral wellbore", "wellbore design".
  • Combine keywords with specific industry terms like "SPE", "Schlumberger", "Drillinginfo", "reservoir engineering".
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases like "motherbore design considerations".
  • Explore related terms like "wellhead", "casing", "production equipment" for a broader understanding of the process.
  • Include relevant geographic locations if you're interested in specific regional trends or practices.
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