Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans General Technical Terms: Model D Packer

Model D Packer

Le Packer Modèle D : Un Cheval de Trait dans la Production Pétrolière et Gazière

Le Packer Modèle D est un nom familier dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, synonyme de fiabilité et d'efficacité. Il s'agit d'un terme de marque, généralement désignant un type spécifique de **packer de production**, un composant crucial dans les puits de pétrole et de gaz qui isole différentes zones et aide à contrôler la production.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un Packer ?**

Les packers sont des outils essentiels pour gérer les puits de pétrole et de gaz. Ils sont placés à l'intérieur du puits, agissant comme une barrière entre différentes zones. Cette isolation permet de :

  • Production sélective : Extraire du pétrole ou du gaz de zones spécifiques sans affecter les autres.
  • Contrôle de la pression : Maintenir la pression dans différentes zones pour optimiser la production.
  • Prévenir la migration des fluides : Arrêter le flux de pétrole, de gaz ou d'eau entre les zones.

**Le Packer Modèle D : Une Conception éprouvée**

Le Packer Modèle D se distingue par sa simplicité et son efficacité. Il s'agit d'un **packer mécanique**, qui s'appuie sur l'expansion d'un élément en caoutchouc pour sceller contre le puits. Cette conception offre plusieurs avantages :

  • Fiabilité : La conception mécanique est robuste et a fait ses preuves dans de nombreuses applications.
  • Polyvalence : Les packers Modèle D peuvent être utilisés dans diverses conditions de puits, y compris les environnements à haute pression et haute température.
  • Rentabilité : Leur conception simple les rend relativement peu coûteux par rapport à d'autres types de packers.

**Comment ça marche ?**

Le Packer Modèle D se compose d'un élément en caoutchouc, d'un mandrin et d'un outil de mise en place.

  1. Mise en place : Le packer est descendu dans le puits et positionné à la profondeur souhaitée.
  2. Expansion : L'outil de mise en place est activé, ce qui fait gonfler l'élément en caoutchouc contre la paroi du puits. Cela crée une étanchéité serrée, isolant les zones au-dessus et en dessous.
  3. Production : Une fois installé, le packer permet la production contrôlée de pétrole ou de gaz à partir de la zone cible.

**Au-delà du Nom :**

Bien que "Packer Modèle D" soit un terme courant, il est important de noter que différents fabricants peuvent avoir leurs propres variations de cette conception. Cependant, le principe fondamental de l'expansion mécanique pour l'étanchéité reste le même.

**Conclusion :**

Le Packer Modèle D a consolidé sa place comme un outil essentiel dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Sa fiabilité, sa polyvalence et sa rentabilité en font un choix privilégié pour de nombreux opérateurs de puits. Preuve de son succès, le terme "Packer Modèle D" est devenu presque synonyme du concept même de packer de production.

Test Your Knowledge

Model D Packer Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a production packer?

a) To control the flow of oil and gas from the wellhead.


Incorrect. This is the function of wellhead equipment.

b) To isolate different zones within a wellbore.


Correct! Production packers create barriers between different zones within the well.

c) To pump oil and gas to the surface.


Incorrect. This is done by pumps, not packers.

d) To prevent corrosion in the wellbore.


Incorrect. Corrosion prevention is handled by other methods.

2. What makes the Model D Packer a "mechanical packer"?

a) It uses electricity to expand.


Incorrect. Model D Packers are not electrically operated.

b) It relies on a hydraulic system for expansion.


Incorrect. While some packers use hydraulics, Model D Packers are mechanical.

c) It uses a rubber element that expands mechanically.


Correct! The rubber element in a Model D Packer is expanded mechanically.

d) It relies on a specialized chemical reaction for expansion.


Incorrect. Model D Packers do not use chemical reactions for expansion.

3. Which of these is NOT an advantage of the Model D Packer?

a) Reliability.


Incorrect. Model D Packers are known for their reliability.

b) Versatility.


Incorrect. Model D Packers can be used in various conditions.

c) Cost-effectiveness.


Incorrect. Model D Packers are relatively inexpensive.

d) Complexity.


Correct! Model D Packers are known for their simplicity, not complexity.

4. How is a Model D Packer set in place?

a) By injecting a chemical that expands the rubber element.


Incorrect. Model D Packers do not use chemicals for setting.

b) By activating a setting tool that expands the rubber element.


Correct! A setting tool is used to mechanically expand the rubber element.

c) By pumping high-pressure fluid to expand the rubber element.


Incorrect. While some packers use hydraulic pressure, Model D Packers use a mechanical tool.

d) By lowering it into the wellbore and allowing gravity to set it in place.


Incorrect. Gravity alone is not enough to set a Model D Packer.

5. What is the key takeaway about the term "Model D Packer"?

a) It is a specific, trademarked term.


Correct! It refers to a specific type of packer, even if different manufacturers may have variations.

b) It is a generic term for any production packer.


Incorrect. "Model D Packer" is a specific, trademarked term.

c) It is a term only used by one specific manufacturer.


Incorrect. While the term might be trademarked by one company, it is widely used in the industry.

d) It is a term that is rarely used in the oil and gas industry.


Incorrect. "Model D Packer" is a widely used term in the oil and gas industry.

Model D Packer Exercise

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a new oil well project. The well is estimated to have multiple zones with different production potential. You need to recommend a production packer for this well.

Task: Based on the information about Model D Packers, explain why you would or would not recommend this type of packer for this project. Consider factors like:

  • The potential for high pressure and temperature in the well.
  • The need for isolating multiple zones.
  • The importance of cost-effectiveness in the project.

Exercice Correction

Exercice Correction

The Model D Packer would likely be a good recommendation for this project. Here's why:

  • **Versatility:** Model D Packers can handle high pressure and temperature environments, making them suitable for a variety of well conditions.
  • **Isolation:** Model D Packers are designed for isolating multiple zones, which is crucial for managing production from different layers.
  • **Cost-effectiveness:** Model D Packers are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of packers, making them a budget-friendly option.

However, it's important to note that other factors, like specific wellbore conditions and production requirements, should also be considered when making a final decision.


  • Oil Well Completion: A Practical Approach by J.P. Brill: This textbook provides comprehensive coverage of well completion techniques, including a detailed discussion of packers and their role in production.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed: A comprehensive resource for petroleum engineers, this handbook includes sections on well completion and the various types of packers used in the industry.


  • "The Evolution of Packers in Oil and Gas Wells" by [Author Name] - This article, ideally found in an industry journal like SPE Journal or Journal of Petroleum Technology, would trace the development of packers, highlighting the significance of the Model D Packer.
  • "Performance Evaluation of Model D Packer in [Specific Reservoir/Field]" - Search for case studies or research papers that analyze the application and performance of Model D Packers in specific well environments.

Online Resources

  • Manufacturer Websites: Websites of major oilfield equipment suppliers like Baker Hughes, Halliburton, Schlumberger, and Weatherford often feature detailed information on their packer offerings, including those based on the Model D design.
  • Oil and Gas Industry Websites: Industry websites like Oil & Gas Journal, World Oil, and Petroleum Technology Quarterly often publish articles and technical papers related to packers and well completion techniques.
  • Online Databases: Databases like OnePetro and SPE Digital Library provide access to a vast collection of technical papers and research articles related to the oil and gas industry, including those on packers and their applications.

Search Tips

  • Specific terms: Use specific terms like "Model D Packer design," "Model D Packer performance," "Model D Packer applications," or "Model D Packer advantages."
  • Manufacturer names: Combine "Model D Packer" with specific manufacturer names like "Baker Hughes Model D Packer" or "Halliburton Model D Packer."
  • Industry journals: Search for articles in industry journals like "SPE Journal" or "Journal of Petroleum Technology" using keywords related to "Model D Packer" and specific applications or well conditions.
  • Case studies: Include terms like "case study" or "field example" to find articles and reports that showcase the practical application of Model D Packers.
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