Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Measured Depth

Measured Depth

Profondeur mesurée : Dévoiler le mystère de la mesure du puits

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, comprendre les subtilités du forage et de la géométrie du puits est crucial. Un terme clé qui revient souvent est la "Profondeur Mesurée" (PM), un concept apparemment simple qui peut avoir des implications significatives pour les opérations de forage et l'interprétation des données.

Qu'est-ce que la Profondeur Mesurée ?

La Profondeur Mesurée (PM) représente la longueur totale du train de tiges qui a été déployé dans le puits. Elle mesure essentiellement la distance parcourue par le trépan le long du trajet du puits, indépendamment de la pénétration verticale réelle atteinte.

Imaginez ceci : Imaginez une ficelle qui se déroule d'une bobine tandis qu'elle est descendue dans un puits. La longueur de la ficelle lorsqu'elle se déroule représente la Profondeur Mesurée.

Pourquoi la Profondeur Mesurée est-elle importante ?

Alors que la profondeur verticale d'un puits est souvent la principale préoccupation, la Profondeur Mesurée fournit des informations précieuses sur :

  • Gestion du Train de Tiges : La PM aide à suivre la longueur totale du train de tiges dans le trou, ce qui est essentiel pour calculer le poids sur trépan, gérer les connexions des tiges de forage et prévenir les pannes potentielles du train de tiges.
  • Suivi de la trajectoire du puits : La PM est cruciale pour suivre le trajet du puits, en particulier dans les puits directionnels ou horizontaux, car elle permet de comprendre la déviation de la verticale et de planifier les futures opérations de forage.
  • Évaluation de la formation : La PM est utilisée pour corréler les échantillons de carottes, les diagraphies et autres données à leurs profondeurs respectives dans le puits, permettant des interprétations géologiques précises.
  • Optimisation de la production : La PM aide à déterminer l'emplacement des différentes zones de production, contribuant à la conception de stratégies de complétion et de production efficaces.

La différence entre la Profondeur Mesurée et la Profondeur Verticale Réelle :

Il est important de différencier la Profondeur Mesurée de la Profondeur Verticale Réelle (PVR). La PVR représente la distance verticale réelle entre la surface et un point spécifique dans le puits.

Pour les puits verticaux droits, la PM et la PVR sont essentiellement les mêmes. Cependant, dans les puits directionnels ou horizontaux, la PM peut être considérablement plus longue que la PVR en raison de la déviation du puits par rapport à la verticale.

Conclusion :

La Profondeur Mesurée est un paramètre essentiel dans l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, fournissant des informations cruciales pour les opérations de forage, le suivi de la trajectoire du puits et l'interprétation des données. Comprendre le concept de PM et sa relation avec la PVR est crucial pour optimiser la conception du puits, les stratégies de production et, finalement, obtenir des résultats d'exploration réussis.

Test Your Knowledge

Measured Depth Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does Measured Depth (MD) represent?

a) The actual vertical distance from the surface to a point in the wellbore. b) The total length of drill pipe deployed into the wellbore. c) The distance between the surface and the target formation. d) The amount of drilling fluid circulated during drilling.


The correct answer is **b) The total length of drill pipe deployed into the wellbore.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Measured Depth is important?

a) Tracking the wellbore trajectory. b) Determining the amount of pressure needed to circulate drilling fluid. c) Correlating well logs to their respective depths. d) Designing efficient completion and production strategies.


The correct answer is **b) Determining the amount of pressure needed to circulate drilling fluid.**

3. How does Measured Depth differ from True Vertical Depth (TVD)?

a) MD accounts for the wellbore's deviation from vertical, while TVD does not. b) TVD accounts for the wellbore's deviation from vertical, while MD does not. c) MD and TVD are always the same value. d) MD measures the length of the drill pipe, while TVD measures the length of the wellbore.


The correct answer is **a) MD accounts for the wellbore's deviation from vertical, while TVD does not.**

4. Imagine a well is drilled straight down vertically. How would MD and TVD compare?

a) MD would be significantly longer than TVD. b) TVD would be significantly longer than MD. c) MD and TVD would be approximately the same. d) MD and TVD would be unrelated.


The correct answer is **c) MD and TVD would be approximately the same.**

5. Why is understanding Measured Depth crucial for drilling operations?

a) To calculate the amount of cement needed to secure the wellbore. b) To predict the type of formation encountered at a certain depth. c) To manage the length of drill pipe and prevent potential failures. d) To determine the volume of hydrocarbons present in the reservoir.


The correct answer is **c) To manage the length of drill pipe and prevent potential failures.**

Measured Depth Exercise:


A directional well is drilled with the following data:

  • Measured Depth: 3500 meters
  • True Vertical Depth: 2800 meters
  • Wellbore inclination: 30 degrees


  1. Explain why the Measured Depth is greater than the True Vertical Depth in this case.
  2. Calculate the horizontal distance (horizontal displacement) traveled by the wellbore.

Exercise Correction

1. The Measured Depth is greater than the True Vertical Depth because the wellbore is deviated from vertical. The drill pipe travels along the path of the wellbore, covering a longer distance than the actual vertical penetration.

2. To calculate the horizontal distance, we can use the following trigonometric relationship:

sin(inclination) = Horizontal Distance / Measured Depth

Rearranging the equation to solve for Horizontal Distance:

Horizontal Distance = Measured Depth * sin(inclination)

Horizontal Distance = 3500 meters * sin(30 degrees)

Horizontal Distance = 3500 meters * 0.5

Horizontal Distance = 1750 meters

Therefore, the horizontal distance traveled by the wellbore is 1750 meters.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of petroleum engineering, including drilling, wellbore geometry, and data interpretation. (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
  • Drilling Engineering: This book delves into the technical details of drilling operations, covering topics like wellbore design, drill string management, and directional drilling. (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
  • Formation Evaluation: This book explains the techniques and methods used to analyze and interpret wellbore data, emphasizing the correlation between Measured Depth and other parameters. (Society of Petroleum Engineers)


  • "Measured Depth (MD) and True Vertical Depth (TVD): Understanding the Difference" by [Author name] (Journal of Petroleum Technology, [year]) - Look for articles that specifically address the distinction between MD and TVD and their importance in different wellbore types.
  • "Wellbore Trajectory Design and Optimization: A Case Study" by [Author name] (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, [year]) - Analyze articles that examine how MD is used for planning and optimizing wellbore trajectories, particularly in directional and horizontal wells.
  • "Data Integration for Formation Evaluation: Utilizing Measured Depth and Well Logs" by [Author name] (Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, [year]) - Search for publications that demonstrate how MD is integrated with other data sources like well logs for geological interpretation.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This professional organization provides a wealth of resources, including articles, technical papers, and online courses related to oil and gas exploration and drilling.
  • Schlumberger: A leading oilfield services company, Schlumberger offers a vast online library of technical information, including articles and case studies on wellbore geometry, drilling, and formation evaluation.
  • Halliburton: Another major oilfield services company, Halliburton provides online resources and information related to drilling, completion, and production operations, often including explanations of MD and its applications.

Search Tips

  • "Measured Depth" AND "drilling" OR "wellbore" - This will narrow your search to results related to MD within the context of drilling and wellbore geometry.
  • "Measured Depth" AND "True Vertical Depth" - This search will yield articles and resources that specifically focus on the difference between these two depth measurements.
  • "Measured Depth" AND "formation evaluation" - This query will help you find information on how MD is used in geological interpretation and data analysis.
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