Traitement du pétrole et du gaz


Les malthènes : Les héros méconnus du pétrole et du gaz

Dans le monde du pétrole et du gaz, l'attention se porte souvent sur les molécules lourdes et complexes des asphaltenes, tristement célèbres pour leur propension à causer des problèmes coûteux comme le colmatage des pipelines et la réduction de la production. Cependant, sous la surface de cette scène volatile se cachent les **malthènes**, un composant moins connu mais crucial du pétrole brut. Ces composés, bien que moins discutés, jouent un rôle essentiel dans le maintien de la stabilité et du flux du pétrole brut.

**Que sont les malthènes ?**

Les malthènes représentent un groupe diversifié de composés organiques principalement composés d'**hydrocarbures saturés et aromatiques** avec un degré variable de **polarité et de fonctionnalité**. En termes plus simples, ce sont les **composants plus légers et moins polaires** du pétrole brut qui restent solubles dans le pentane ou l'hexane, contrairement à leurs homologues plus lourds et plus polaires, les asphaltenes.

**Le rôle clé des malthènes**

Imaginez les asphaltenes comme de minuscules plaquettes qui ont tendance à s'agglomérer, formant de grands agrégats qui peuvent perturber le flux du pétrole. C'est là que les malthènes entrent en jeu. Ces composés plus légers, comme un groupe d'amis se tenant la main, entourent les plaquettes d'asphaltenes, agissant comme un **agent dispersant**.

**Les malthènes maintiennent les asphaltenes en suspension, les empêchant de former de gros agrégats problématiques.** Ils agissent essentiellement comme la **colle** qui maintient les asphaltenes en place et maintient la stabilité du pétrole brut.

**Une question d'équilibre**

Le **rapport des asphaltenes aux malthènes** est un facteur crucial pour déterminer la stabilité et la fluidité du pétrole brut. Un **rapport plus élevé de malthènes** aux asphaltenes indique généralement un **pétrole brut plus stable**, moins susceptible de précipiter et de colmater.

**Implications pour les opérations pétrolières et gazières**

Comprendre le rôle des malthènes est essentiel pour diverses opérations pétrolières et gazières :

  • **Production :** La teneur en malthènes influence la facilité d'extraction du pétrole et le risque de précipitation des asphaltenes pendant la production.
  • **Transport :** La stabilité du pétrole brut pendant le transport dépend de l'équilibre entre les malthènes et les asphaltenes.
  • **Raffinage :** Les malthènes jouent un rôle dans le traitement du pétrole brut en différents produits, influençant l'efficacité des différents procédés de raffinage.

**L'avenir de la recherche sur les malthènes**

Si le rôle des malthènes est de plus en plus reconnu, la recherche sur ces composés n'en est qu'à ses débuts. L'exploration plus approfondie de leur composition chimique, de leur interaction avec les asphaltenes et de leur impact sur les propriétés du pétrole est cruciale pour optimiser les opérations pétrolières et gazières et atténuer les problèmes potentiels liés à la précipitation des asphaltenes.

**En conclusion, les malthènes, bien qu'ils soient moins glamour que leurs homologues plus lourds, sont cruciaux pour maintenir la stabilité et le flux du pétrole brut. En comprenant leur rôle et l'équilibre délicat qu'ils maintiennent avec les asphaltenes, nous pouvons améliorer les processus de production, de transport et de raffinage du pétrole, assurant ainsi un trajet plus fluide et plus efficace du puits de pétrole au consommateur.**

Test Your Knowledge

Maltenes Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are maltenes primarily composed of?

a) Saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons b) Heavy metals and sulfur compounds c) Water and dissolved gases d) Polysaccharides and proteins


a) Saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons

2. How do maltenes affect asphaltenes in crude oil?

a) They cause asphaltenes to precipitate out of solution. b) They act as a dispersing agent, preventing asphaltenes from clumping together. c) They react chemically with asphaltenes, changing their properties. d) They have no significant effect on asphaltenes.


b) They act as a dispersing agent, preventing asphaltenes from clumping together.

3. What does a higher ratio of maltenes to asphaltenes generally indicate?

a) A more unstable crude oil, prone to precipitation. b) A more stable crude oil, less susceptible to clogging. c) A higher viscosity, making the oil harder to pump. d) A lower density, making the oil easier to transport.


b) A more stable crude oil, less susceptible to clogging.

4. How do maltenes impact oil production?

a) They decrease the amount of oil that can be extracted. b) They increase the risk of pipeline blockages. c) They influence the ease of oil extraction and potential for asphaltene precipitation. d) They have no impact on oil production.


c) They influence the ease of oil extraction and potential for asphaltene precipitation.

5. What is the current state of research on maltenes?

a) Maltenes are fully understood and their role in crude oil is well-established. b) Research on maltenes is in its early stages, with much to learn about their properties and interactions. c) Research on maltenes has been abandoned due to their limited significance. d) There is no research ongoing on maltenes.


b) Research on maltenes is in its early stages, with much to learn about their properties and interactions.

Maltenes Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working for an oil company. You are tasked with evaluating two different crude oil samples: Sample A and Sample B. You know that Sample A has a higher ratio of maltenes to asphaltenes compared to Sample B.

Task: Based on this information, predict and explain the potential differences in the following aspects between the two samples:

  • Stability: Which sample is likely to be more stable and why?
  • Flowability: Which sample is likely to flow more easily and why?
  • Risk of Precipitation: Which sample is more prone to asphaltene precipitation and why?

Exercice Correction

Stability: Sample A with a higher maltene-to-asphaltene ratio is likely to be more stable. This is because maltenes act as a dispersing agent, keeping asphaltene molecules dispersed and preventing them from clumping together.

Flowability: Sample A is also likely to flow more easily. The increased dispersion of asphaltenes due to a higher maltene content means fewer large aggregates are formed, leading to less resistance to flow.

Risk of Precipitation: Sample B with a lower maltene-to-asphaltene ratio is more prone to asphaltene precipitation. This is because with fewer maltenes to keep the asphaltenes dispersed, these molecules are more likely to aggregate and precipitate out of solution, particularly when subjected to changes in temperature or pressure.


  • "Petroleum Geochemistry" by James G. Speight - This book provides a comprehensive overview of petroleum geochemistry, including a detailed discussion of maltenes and their properties.
  • "Asphaltenes and Related Heavy Ends of Petroleum" by T.F. Yen and G.V. Chilingar - This book focuses on the heavy ends of petroleum, including asphaltenes and their interaction with maltenes.
  • "The Chemistry of Crude Oil" by John Speight - This book offers a detailed explanation of the chemical composition of crude oil, including the properties and functions of maltenes.


  • "Asphaltenes and Maltenes in Crude Oil: Characterization and Influence on Viscosity" by B. J. Lee et al. - This article examines the characteristics of maltenes and asphaltenes, their impact on viscosity, and their role in oil production.
  • "The Role of Maltenes in Asphaltene Precipitation and Stability of Crude Oils" by M.A.R. Al-Sahhaf et al. - This article investigates the influence of maltenes on asphaltene precipitation and their contribution to the overall stability of crude oils.
  • "Maltene Composition and Its Effect on Asphaltene Aggregation in Crude Oil" by L.A. Wiegand et al. - This article explores the relationship between maltene composition and asphaltene aggregation, emphasizing the importance of maltenes in oil stability.

Online Resources

  • "Asphaltenes and Maltenes: A Review of Their Properties and Role in Petroleum" by SPE - This article from the Society of Petroleum Engineers provides a detailed overview of asphaltenes and maltenes, their properties, and their role in the oil industry.
  • "Maltenes" by Wikipedia - This Wikipedia page offers a concise definition of maltenes and their properties, providing a starting point for further research.
  • "Asphaltene and Maltene Characterization and Analysis" by Schlumberger - This resource provides a comprehensive overview of characterization and analysis techniques for asphaltenes and maltenes.

Search Tips

  • "Maltenes and Asphaltenes" - This broad search term will return a wide range of resources related to the relationship between maltenes and asphaltenes.
  • "Maltene composition and crude oil stability" - This search term will specifically focus on the impact of maltene composition on the stability of crude oil.
  • "Maltenes role in asphaltene precipitation" - This search term will highlight research on the role of maltenes in the prevention of asphaltene precipitation.
  • "Maltenes and oil production" - This search term will reveal information about the influence of maltenes on oil production processes.


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