Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Kill Spool

Kill Spool

Kill Spool : Un Mécanisme de Sécurité Essentiel dans les Opérations Pétrolières et Gazières

Dans l'environnement à haute pression et à haut risque du forage pétrolier et gazier, la sécurité est primordiale. L'un des composants clés qui assure le contrôle du puits et minimise les risques potentiels est le **kill spool**. Ce composant spécialisé joue un rôle crucial dans l'arrêt et le contrôle d'un puits en cas d'urgence.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un Kill Spool ?**

Un kill spool est essentiellement une section de tuyau stratégiquement placée entre le **shear ram** et le **slip ram** sur un **Préventeur d'Éruption (BOP)**. Il abrite un **port de ligne de kill**, un point de connexion dédié pour la ligne de kill, qui est utilisée pour injecter du fluide de kill dans le puits.

**Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?**

Le kill spool agit comme un intermédiaire de sécurité, permettant l'injection contrôlée de fluide de kill même lorsque le slip ram est fermé. Cela est particulièrement crucial dans les scénarios où le puits doit être arrêté rapidement, comme lors d'une éruption.

Voici une ventilation simplifiée du processus :

  1. **Éruption :** Un puits libère de manière incontrôlée du pétrole, du gaz ou d'autres fluides.
  2. **Activation du BOP :** Le BOP est activé pour sceller la tête de puits.
  3. **Fermeture du Slip Ram :** Le slip ram, conçu pour contenir la pression, se ferme en premier, empêchant toute nouvelle libération de fluide.
  4. **Activation de la ligne de kill :** La ligne de kill est ouverte et du fluide de kill (généralement de la boue lourde) est pompé dans le puits via le port du kill spool.
  5. **Fermeture du Shear Ram :** Le shear ram, conçu pour couper les tiges de forage, se ferme derrière le slip ram, scellant complètement le puits.

**Pourquoi le Kill Spool est-il important ?**

L'importance du kill spool réside dans sa capacité à :

  • **Assurer une injection continue de fluide de kill :** Le kill spool permet une injection continue de fluide de kill même lorsque le slip ram est fermé, empêchant l'accumulation de pression et la poursuite de l'éruption.
  • **Faciliter le contrôle du puits :** Le port stratégiquement placé du kill spool permet une injection efficace et contrôlée du fluide de kill, ciblant directement le puits pour un contrôle de pression efficace.
  • **Améliorer la sécurité :** En permettant une injection rapide et efficace du fluide de kill, le kill spool réduit considérablement le risque d'éruptions de puits, protégeant le personnel et l'environnement.


Le kill spool est un composant essentiel dans l'arsenal de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière pour prévenir les éruptions de puits et garantir la sécurité. Son placement stratégique et sa capacité à faciliter l'injection continue de fluide de kill en font un élément vital dans les opérations de contrôle des puits. Comprendre le rôle du kill spool et son fonctionnement en conjonction avec le système BOP est essentiel pour garantir une exploration et une production pétrolière et gazière sûres et responsables.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Kill Spool in Oil & Gas Operations

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a kill spool? a) To connect the drill pipe to the BOP. b) To control the flow of drilling mud. c) To inject kill fluid into the wellbore during an emergency. d) To prevent the BOP from closing.


c) To inject kill fluid into the wellbore during an emergency.

2. Where is the kill spool located on a BOP? a) Between the shear ram and the slip ram. b) Below the slip ram. c) Above the shear ram. d) Inside the drill pipe.


a) Between the shear ram and the slip ram.

3. What is the purpose of the kill line port on a kill spool? a) To connect the drill pipe to the BOP. b) To allow for the flow of drilling mud. c) To provide a connection point for the kill line. d) To release pressure from the wellbore.


c) To provide a connection point for the kill line.

4. Why is the kill spool important for well control? a) It helps to prevent the BOP from closing. b) It allows for the continuous injection of kill fluid during an emergency. c) It helps to increase the pressure inside the wellbore. d) It helps to remove drilling mud from the wellbore.


b) It allows for the continuous injection of kill fluid during an emergency.

5. Which of the following statements about the kill spool is FALSE? a) It is a critical component of the BOP system. b) It helps to ensure the safety of personnel and the environment. c) It is used to remove drilling mud from the wellbore. d) It is essential for preventing well blowouts.


c) It is used to remove drilling mud from the wellbore.

Exercise: Scenario and Decision


A well is experiencing a blowout. The drilling crew has activated the BOP and the slip ram has closed. However, pressure is still building inside the wellbore.


  1. Identify the potential issue: Why is pressure still building even after the slip ram is closed?
  2. Propose a solution: How can the kill spool be used to address this problem?
  3. Explain the reasoning behind your solution: Why is this the best course of action?

Exercice Correction

**1. Potential Issue:** The kill spool is not properly connected or there is a blockage in the kill line preventing the flow of kill fluid into the wellbore. This could be due to a faulty connection, a build-up of debris, or a malfunctioning valve. **2. Solution:** Immediately check the kill spool connection and the kill line for any obstructions. Ensure the kill line is open and properly connected to the kill spool port. Clear any blockages if found. Once confirmed, begin pumping kill fluid through the kill line to counteract the pressure buildup. **3. Reasoning:** The kill spool is designed to provide a continuous flow path for kill fluid even when the slip ram is closed. By ensuring a clear path for the kill fluid to reach the wellbore, we can effectively counter the pressure buildup and prevent the blowout from escalating.


  • "Well Control: The Basics" by Richard C.S. Robinson: This book provides an overview of well control techniques and equipment, including extensive information on BOPs and kill spools.
  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Robert E. Krueger: This comprehensive textbook on drilling engineering covers various aspects of well control, including detailed discussions on kill spools and their role in safety.
  • "Blowout Prevention Systems" by Kenneth J. Koederitz: This book specifically focuses on BOP systems and their components, providing in-depth explanations of kill spools and their function.


  • "The Role of the Kill Spool in Blowout Prevention" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This article explains the significance of kill spools in well control and their function within the BOP system.
  • "Understanding Kill Spool Systems in Well Control Operations" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article offers a comprehensive guide to kill spools, including design considerations, installation, and testing procedures.
  • "The Critical Role of Kill Spools in Well Control and Safety" by Offshore Technology: This article discusses the importance of kill spools in preventing blowouts and safeguarding both personnel and the environment.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API offers numerous standards and publications related to oil and gas well control, including detailed information on BOP systems and kill spools.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE provides a wealth of technical resources, including papers, articles, and presentations on well control and kill spools.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): IADC offers training materials, guidelines, and best practices for drilling operations, including safety protocols related to kill spools and BOPs.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication frequently features articles and updates on well control technologies, including information on kill spools and their applications.

Search Tips

  • Use keywords like "kill spool," "blowout preventer," "well control," "oil and gas," "safety," and "drilling."
  • Include specific terms like "kill spool function," "kill spool design," "kill spool testing," and "kill spool installation."
  • Consider adding location-specific terms if you're looking for regional information. For example, "kill spool Gulf of Mexico."
  • Combine keywords with Boolean operators like "AND" and "OR" for more specific search results.
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