Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Safety Training & Awareness: IM Standard (BP)

IM Standard (BP)

Norme IM (BP) : Un fondement pour des opérations sûres et fiables dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier

Le terme "Norme IM" dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière fait souvent référence à la **Norme de gestion de l'intégrité (IM)** développée par **BP**, une entreprise mondiale de l'énergie. Cette norme sert de cadre complet pour la gestion de l'intégrité des actifs critiques, garantissant des opérations sûres et fiables tout au long du cycle de vie de l'actif.

**Qu'est-ce que la gestion de l'intégrité ?**

La gestion de l'intégrité est un processus systématique de gestion des risques associés à la détérioration des actifs. Cela implique d'évaluer l'état des actifs, d'identifier les modes de défaillance potentiels, de mettre en œuvre des stratégies pour atténuer les risques et de surveiller les performances afin de garantir une exploitation sûre continue.

**La norme IM de BP : une approche holistique**

La norme IM de BP est une norme largement reconnue et respectée pour la gestion de l'intégrité des actifs pétroliers et gaziers. Elle définit un processus rigoureux qui comprend les éléments clés suivants :

  • **Identification des actifs :** Identifier tous les actifs critiques dans le cadre du programme.
  • **Identification des dangers et évaluation des risques :** Réaliser une identification des dangers et une évaluation des risques approfondies pour identifier les modes de défaillance potentiels.
  • **Surveillance et inspection de l'intégrité :** Mettre en œuvre des programmes de surveillance et d'inspection efficaces pour évaluer l'état des actifs.
  • **Réparation et maintenance :** Établir des procédures de réparation et de maintenance pour traiter la détérioration identifiée.
  • **Gestion des changements :** Mettre en œuvre un processus formel pour gérer les changements apportés aux actifs et aux processus.
  • **Documentation et gestion des dossiers :** Tenir des dossiers complets de toutes les activités de gestion de l'intégrité.
  • **Formation et compétences :** S'assurer que le personnel impliqué dans la gestion de l'intégrité est correctement formé et compétent.

**Avantages de la mise en œuvre de la norme IM de BP :**

  • **Sécurité accrue :** Réduction des risques d'accidents et d'incidents, protection du personnel et de l'environnement.
  • **Fiabilité améliorée :** Minimisation des temps d'arrêt et des perturbations, maximisation de l'efficacité de la production.
  • **Réduction des coûts :** La maintenance préventive et l'atténuation des risques peuvent prévenir des réparations et des pannes coûteuses.
  • **Durée de vie accrue des actifs :** Prolongation de la durée de vie opérationnelle des actifs grâce à une gestion efficace.
  • **Conformité réglementaire :** Répondre aux exigences réglementaires en matière de gestion de l'intégrité des actifs.

**Au-delà de BP : un cadre pour l'adoption à l'échelle de l'industrie**

Bien qu'elle ait été développée par BP, les principes et les pratiques décrits dans la norme IM ont été largement adoptés dans l'ensemble de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. De nombreuses autres entreprises et organismes de réglementation ont adapté et mis en œuvre leurs propres versions de programmes de gestion de l'intégrité basées sur le cadre établi par BP.

**Conclusion :**

La norme IM de BP fournit un cadre complet et efficace pour la gestion de l'intégrité des actifs pétroliers et gaziers. Son adoption a considérablement contribué à l'amélioration de la sécurité, de la fiabilité et de l'efficacité au sein de l'industrie. En adoptant une approche proactive de la gestion de l'intégrité des actifs, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières peuvent garantir une exploitation sûre et durable de leurs actifs, tout en atténuant les risques et en maximisant le retour sur investissement.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: IM Standard (BP)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the BP IM Standard?

a) To increase production efficiency by maximizing asset utilization. b) To ensure the safe and reliable operation of critical assets throughout their lifecycle. c) To comply with regulatory requirements for asset management. d) To reduce operational costs by minimizing maintenance activities.


The correct answer is **b) To ensure the safe and reliable operation of critical assets throughout their lifecycle.** The BP IM Standard focuses on managing asset integrity to prevent failures and ensure safe operations.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element of the BP IM Standard?

a) Asset Identification b) Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment c) Process Optimization & Automation d) Integrity Monitoring & Inspection


The correct answer is **c) Process Optimization & Automation**. While automation can be beneficial, it's not a core element of the BP IM Standard. The standard focuses on managing the integrity of assets, not necessarily optimizing processes through automation.

3. What is the primary benefit of implementing the BP IM Standard?

a) Increased revenue due to higher production rates. b) Enhanced safety and reduced risk of accidents and incidents. c) Minimized maintenance costs and reduced downtime. d) Improved environmental performance due to reduced emissions.


The correct answer is **b) Enhanced safety and reduced risk of accidents and incidents.** The BP IM Standard prioritizes safety and aims to prevent asset failures that can lead to accidents.

4. What is the role of "Management of Change" within the BP IM Standard?

a) To identify and assess risks associated with new technologies and processes. b) To ensure that changes to assets and processes are properly documented and managed. c) To minimize downtime and ensure smooth transition during changes. d) To optimize asset utilization by implementing changes that improve efficiency.


The correct answer is **b) To ensure that changes to assets and processes are properly documented and managed.** Management of Change is a crucial aspect of the BP IM Standard to ensure that any modifications to assets or processes are controlled and do not compromise integrity.

5. Why is the BP IM Standard considered a valuable framework for the oil and gas industry?

a) It simplifies asset management processes and reduces paperwork. b) It provides a comprehensive and structured approach to managing asset integrity. c) It eliminates the need for external audits and inspections. d) It ensures regulatory compliance with minimal effort.


The correct answer is **b) It provides a comprehensive and structured approach to managing asset integrity.** The BP IM Standard offers a structured framework for addressing asset integrity risks, which is valuable for the industry.

Exercise: Integrity Management Scenario

Scenario: A company operating an offshore oil platform has identified a potential crack in a critical pipeline.

Task: Using the elements of the BP IM Standard, outline the steps the company should take to address this situation. Include the following:

  • Asset Identification:
  • Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment:
  • Integrity Monitoring & Inspection:
  • Repair & Maintenance:
  • Management of Change:

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible approach to address the scenario using the BP IM Standard:

Asset Identification:

  • The cracked pipeline should be clearly identified and documented as a critical asset within the scope of the IM program.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment:

  • The potential crack is a hazard that needs to be assessed for its potential impact. The company should determine the following:
    • Severity: How severe is the crack? Is it likely to grow or lead to a catastrophic failure?
    • Probability: What is the likelihood of the crack causing a leak or rupture?
    • Consequences: What are the potential consequences of a leak or rupture? (e.g., environmental damage, production loss, injuries).
    • Risk: The risk is calculated by combining the severity and probability of the hazard.

Integrity Monitoring & Inspection:

  • The company needs to implement a plan for monitoring the crack's progression. This might involve:
    • Regular inspections: Frequent visual inspections of the pipeline, potentially using specialized tools.
    • Non-destructive testing: Techniques like ultrasonic testing or radiography to assess the crack's depth and extent.
    • Pressure testing: Testing the pipeline at pressure to assess its integrity.

Repair & Maintenance:

  • Depending on the severity of the crack, the company may need to:
    • Repair: If the crack is small, it may be possible to repair it in-situ by welding or other methods.
    • Replacement: If the crack is too severe or in a location that makes repair difficult, the company may need to replace the pipeline section.

Management of Change:

  • The company should implement a formal process to manage the change related to the crack and repair/replacement:
    • Documentation: Thoroughly document the discovery of the crack, the assessment process, and the repair/replacement decision.
    • Communication: Inform relevant personnel and stakeholders about the issue and the chosen course of action.
    • Authorization: Obtain necessary approvals for the repair/replacement work.
    • Verification: After the repair/replacement, ensure that the pipeline meets integrity standards and is safe for operation.

Important Considerations:

  • Safety: Safety should be the top priority during all stages. The company should ensure the safety of personnel involved in inspection, repair, and replacement activities.
  • Environmental Protection: The company should take measures to minimize environmental impact during the repair/replacement process.
  • Emergency Preparedness: The company should have an emergency plan in place in case of a leak or rupture.


  • Reliability and Integrity Management in the Oil and Gas Industry: This book offers a comprehensive overview of reliability and integrity management concepts, including the BP IM Standard. It covers various aspects like risk assessment, failure analysis, inspection, and maintenance strategies.
  • Asset Integrity Management: A Practical Guide for the Oil and Gas Industry: This book provides a practical guide to implementing asset integrity management systems, focusing on best practices and industry standards, including the BP IM Standard.
  • Integrity Management: A Practical Guide for the Process Industry: This book delves into integrity management principles applicable across the process industry, including the oil and gas sector, with specific examples of the BP IM Standard's implementation.


  • "The Importance of Integrity Management in the Oil and Gas Industry" (Source: Oil & Gas Journal): This article highlights the significance of asset integrity management and the role of the BP IM Standard in achieving operational safety and efficiency.
  • "BP's Integrity Management Standard: A Blueprint for Safe and Reliable Operations" (Source: Upstream): This article explores the key elements and benefits of the BP IM Standard and its contribution to the industry's best practices.
  • "Developing a Successful Integrity Management Program" (Source: Engineering and Technology): This article provides practical insights into developing and implementing effective integrity management programs, drawing upon the principles and practices outlined in the BP IM Standard.

Online Resources

  • BP Website: BP's official website offers various resources related to their integrity management program, including case studies, publications, and training materials.
  • API (American Petroleum Institute): The API offers resources and standards for asset integrity management in the oil and gas industry, including references to the BP IM Standard.
  • Society for Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE provides a platform for industry professionals to access research, publications, and events related to asset integrity management, often referencing the BP IM Standard.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "IM Standard BP", "asset integrity management BP", "oil and gas integrity management" in your searches.
  • Refine your search: Use advanced search operators like quotation marks ("") for exact phrases, "+" to include specific words, and "-" to exclude certain words.
  • Explore specific sites: Target your search to specific websites like BP, API, or SPE by using the "site:" operator.
  • Use date filters: Limit your search to specific years or periods for the most up-to-date information.
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