Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: HSP (lift)

HSP (lift)

Alimenter le flux : Comprendre le HSP (Pompage), la fracturation et les proppants à haute résistance dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier

L'industrie pétrolière et gazière prospère grâce à l'extraction efficace des hydrocarbures, un processus qui repose fortement sur une terminologie et un équipement spécialisés. Comprendre ces termes est crucial pour comprendre les subtilités de cette industrie complexe.

Nous allons approfondir ici trois termes clés : HSP (Pompage), Pompe submersible hydraulique (HSP) (Fracturation), et proppant à haute résistance, en soulignant leur importance dans les opérations pétrolières et gazières.

HSP (Pompage) : La puissance de la production

HSP, abréviation de « Pompe submersible hydraulique (Pompage) », est un élément essentiel de l'équipement d'extraction pétrolière et gazière. Il s'agit essentiellement d'un puissant moteur électrique immergé dans un puits, chargé de pomper les fluides produits, comme le pétrole, le gaz et l'eau, vers la surface. Ces pompes sont conçues pour des applications haute pression et à gros volume, permettant une production efficace et maximisant le rendement du puits.

Pompe submersible hydraulique (HSP) (Fracturation) : Débloquer le potentiel

Les pompes submersibles hydrauliques jouent également un rôle crucial dans la fracturation, une technique utilisée pour améliorer la production de pétrole et de gaz à partir de réservoirs non conventionnels. Pendant la fracturation, un fluide sous pression est injecté dans le puits, créant des fractures dans la formation rocheuse et augmentant la perméabilité. Ces fractures sont ensuite maintenues ouvertes à l'aide de proppants, assurant un écoulement continu de pétrole et de gaz.

Proppant à haute résistance : Maintenir l'écoulement ouvert

Les proppants à haute résistance sont essentiels pour maintenir la perméabilité des fractures créées pendant la fracturation. Ces proppants, souvent en céramique, sont spécialement conçus pour résister aux conditions de haute pression et de température à l'intérieur du puits. Leur résistance et leur durabilité garantissent que les fractures restent ouvertes, permettant un écoulement continu des hydrocarbures vers la surface.

En conclusion :

HSP (Pompage), Pompe submersible hydraulique (Fracturation) et Proppant à haute résistance sont des composants essentiels de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, chacun contribuant à une extraction efficace et à la maximisation de la production. Comprendre leurs rôles et leur importance fournit un aperçu précieux des opérations complexes impliquées dans l'extraction de ces ressources vitales.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Powering the Flow

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of an HSP (Lift)?

a) To inject fluids into the well for fracturing. b) To pump produced fluids from the well to the surface. c) To create fractures in the rock formation. d) To prevent the fractures from closing after fracturing.


b) To pump produced fluids from the well to the surface.

2. What is the main purpose of fracturing in oil and gas production?

a) To create new wells. b) To increase the flow of oil and gas. c) To identify the location of oil and gas reservoirs. d) To reduce the viscosity of oil.


b) To increase the flow of oil and gas.

3. What is the role of high strength proppants in fracturing?

a) To create fractures in the rock formation. b) To seal the wellbore after fracturing. c) To prevent the fractures from closing after fracturing. d) To increase the pressure within the well.


c) To prevent the fractures from closing after fracturing.

4. Which of the following is NOT a typical material used for high strength proppants?

a) Ceramic b) Sand c) Glass beads d) Plastic


d) Plastic

5. Why are hydraulic submersible pumps (HSP) considered a crucial part of oil and gas production?

a) They are inexpensive and easy to install. b) They can be used to extract oil and gas from deep wells. c) They require minimal maintenance. d) They are environmentally friendly.


b) They can be used to extract oil and gas from deep wells.


Scenario: A new oil well has been drilled and is ready for production. The reservoir is known to have low permeability, meaning the rock is tight and restricts the flow of oil and gas.

Task: Explain the role of HSP (Lift), fracturing, and high strength proppants in maximizing oil and gas production from this well.

Exercice Correction

* **HSP (Lift):** Once the well is producing, the HSP (Lift) will be installed to pump the oil and gas to the surface. It will be essential to ensure efficient and continuous production. * **Fracturing:** Due to the low permeability of the reservoir, fracturing will be necessary to increase the flow of hydrocarbons. High-pressure fluids will be injected into the well, creating fractures in the rock formation. * **High Strength Proppants:** To keep the fractures open and maintain permeability, high strength proppants will be used. These proppants will be pumped into the well along with the fracturing fluids. Their strength and durability will ensure that the fractures remain open, allowing for sustained flow of oil and gas.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including production, well completion, and hydraulic fracturing. It provides detailed information on HSPs, proppants, and other related technologies.
  • Modern Fracturing Technologies: This book focuses specifically on hydraulic fracturing, discussing the use of HSPs, proppants, and other equipment involved in the process.
  • Oil Well Drilling and Production: This book offers a detailed overview of drilling and production techniques, including sections on pumps, fracturing, and well completion.


  • "Hydraulic Submersible Pumps: A Key to Enhanced Oil and Gas Production": This article explores the application of HSPs in oil and gas production and their role in increasing production efficiency.
  • "High Strength Proppants: The Cornerstone of Successful Fracturing": This article focuses on the importance of proppants in hydraulic fracturing, highlighting their role in maintaining fracture permeability.
  • "Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing: A Review of Technology and Applications": This review article summarizes the latest advancements in hydraulic fracturing, including developments in HSPs and proppants.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: The SPE is a professional organization for petroleum engineers, and their website contains a wealth of information on oil and gas industry practices, including articles, technical papers, and conferences.
  • Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ) website: OGJ is a leading industry publication that provides news and analysis on the oil and gas sector. Their website includes articles on various topics, including HSPs, fracturing, and proppants.
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger is a major oilfield service company that provides a wide range of technologies and services, including HSPs and proppants. Their website offers detailed information on their products and services.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "HSP lift", "hydraulic submersible pump fracturing", and "high strength proppant" in your searches.
  • Combine keywords with other terms related to the oil and gas industry, such as "oil production", "well completion", and "hydraulic fracturing".
  • Specify your search by using filters, such as "published date" and "file type", to narrow down your results.
  • Explore advanced search operators, such as "site:" and "filetype:", to refine your searches.
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