Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans HVAC & Ventilation Systems: Henry Hub

Henry Hub

Henry Hub : Le cœur du prix du gaz naturel

Dans le monde du pétrole et du gaz, le terme "Henry Hub" a un poids considérable. Ce n'est pas seulement un lieu géographique, mais un élément essentiel de la machinerie complexe du commerce et de la tarification du gaz naturel. Plongeons-nous plus profondément dans ce que représente Henry Hub et pourquoi il est si important.

Henry Hub : Plus qu'une simple intersection de pipelines

Situé à Erath, en Louisiane, Henry Hub est un important point d'échange de pipelines. Cela signifie qu'il sert de point de rencontre crucial pour divers pipelines transportant du gaz naturel. Ici, le gaz provenant de différentes sources est mélangé, mesuré et finalement livré à divers marchés à travers les États-Unis.

Une référence pour les contrats à terme sur le gaz naturel

Cependant, l'importance d'Henry Hub dépasse son rôle de point de livraison physique. Il sert de principale référence pour les contrats à terme sur le gaz naturel négociés à la Bourse de marchandises de New York (NYMEX). Ces contrats, basés sur le prix d'Henry Hub, fixent le prix des transactions de gaz naturel à travers le pays et influencent les prix au comptant sur les marchés régionaux.

Pourquoi Henry Hub est devenu la référence :

  • Emplacement stratégique : Sa situation en Louisiane, à proximité des principales zones de production du golfe du Mexique et d'un réseau dense de pipelines, en fait une plaque tournante centrale pour le flux de gaz naturel.
  • Marché liquide : Le volume important de transactions de gaz naturel à Henry Hub offre une liquidité du marché importante, essentielle pour une tarification précise.
  • Importance historique : Établi en 1978, il est devenu un symbole de longue date de la tarification du gaz naturel, assurant la stabilité et la prévisibilité du marché.

Comprendre l'impact :

Le prix d'Henry Hub est un indicateur puissant pour l'industrie du gaz naturel. Il influence :

  • Revenus des producteurs : Les producteurs de gaz naturel fixent le prix de leur gaz en fonction du prix d'Henry Hub, déterminant ainsi leur rentabilité.
  • Coûts des consommateurs : Le prix du gaz naturel pour les consommateurs, que ce soit pour le chauffage ou la production d'électricité, est finalement lié à Henry Hub.
  • Décisions d'investissement : Les sociétés énergétiques fondent leurs décisions d'investissement, telles que la construction de nouvelles infrastructures ou la prospection de nouvelles réserves de gaz, sur le prix anticipé d'Henry Hub.

L'avenir d'Henry Hub :

Alors que l'industrie du gaz naturel évolue, le rôle d'Henry Hub évolue également. L'importance croissante des énergies renouvelables et le développement de nouvelles technologies pourraient influencer la demande et les prix du gaz naturel. Cependant, en tant que référence bien établie, Henry Hub devrait rester un élément clé du marché du gaz naturel dans un avenir prévisible.

En conclusion, Henry Hub est plus qu'une simple intersection de pipelines. C'est un centre vital pour le commerce du gaz naturel, une référence pour la tarification et un indicateur clé de la santé de l'industrie. Comprendre son rôle est essentiel pour toute personne impliquée dans le monde complexe du gaz naturel.

Test Your Knowledge

Henry Hub Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Henry Hub's primary function?

a) A major pipeline intersection point for natural gas b) A natural gas production facility c) A storage facility for liquefied natural gas d) A research center for natural gas technology


a) A major pipeline intersection point for natural gas

2. Why is Henry Hub considered a benchmark for natural gas futures contracts?

a) It has the highest volume of natural gas transactions in the US b) It is located in a politically stable region c) Its price is determined by government regulation d) It is a major export hub for natural gas


a) It has the highest volume of natural gas transactions in the US

3. Which factor contributes to Henry Hub's role as a benchmark?

a) Its proximity to major oil refineries b) Its strategic location near major production areas c) Its government-regulated pricing system d) Its exclusive access to a specific type of natural gas


b) Its strategic location near major production areas

4. How does the Henry Hub price impact natural gas producers?

a) It determines the amount of natural gas they can produce b) It sets the price at which they can sell their natural gas c) It regulates the amount of natural gas they can export d) It determines the amount of tax they have to pay


b) It sets the price at which they can sell their natural gas

5. What is the likely future of Henry Hub in the evolving energy landscape?

a) It will become obsolete as renewable energy sources gain prominence b) It will maintain its importance as a benchmark for natural gas pricing c) It will transition to a hub for renewable energy trading d) It will be replaced by a new benchmark in a different location


b) It will maintain its importance as a benchmark for natural gas pricing

Henry Hub Exercise:

Scenario: Imagine you are a natural gas producer in Texas. You have a large reserve of natural gas and are planning to sell it in the coming months. You are considering two options:

  • Option 1: Sell your gas at the current Henry Hub spot price, which is $5.00 per million British thermal units (MMBtu).
  • Option 2: Enter into a futures contract at a price of $5.50 per MMBtu for delivery in three months.


  1. Research the current Henry Hub spot price and historical price data for the past three months.
  2. Analyze the pros and cons of each option, considering the potential for price volatility.
  3. Based on your analysis, decide which option you would choose and explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The correct answer to this exercise will depend on the current market conditions and the individual producer's risk tolerance. However, here's a possible approach to the analysis:

**Research:** You should gather data on the current Henry Hub spot price and its historical price movement for the past three months. This will give you an idea of price volatility and trends.


  • **Option 1 (Spot Price):** This option provides immediate cash flow at the current price. However, it exposes you to potential price fluctuations if the price drops in the coming months.
  • **Option 2 (Futures Contract):** This option locks in a price for your gas, guaranteeing you a certain revenue. However, if the spot price rises above $5.50 in three months, you would have missed out on a potential gain.


  • **If you believe the natural gas price will likely rise in the next three months, you might choose Option 1 to capitalize on potential price increases.**
  • **If you are risk-averse and want to guarantee a certain revenue, you might choose Option 2 to hedge against potential price drops.**

Your decision should be based on your assessment of market trends, risk tolerance, and financial goals.


  • Natural Gas Markets: Fundamentals, Economics, and Regulation by James L. Sweeney (This book provides a comprehensive overview of the natural gas market, including the role of Henry Hub.)
  • The Handbook of Energy Markets edited by Charles W. Smithson (This handbook features chapters on natural gas markets and the significance of Henry Hub as a benchmark.)
  • The Energy Challenge: The Road to a Sustainable Future by David W. Keith (While not focusing solely on natural gas, this book discusses the evolving energy landscape, including the importance of gas markets and price benchmarks like Henry Hub.)


  • "Henry Hub: A Tale of Two Cities" by The Wall Street Journal (This article delves into the impact of production shifts on the Henry Hub price.)
  • "The Future of Henry Hub" by Natural Gas Intelligence (This article explores potential changes to the role of Henry Hub as the natural gas market evolves.)
  • "Henry Hub: A Critical Component of Natural Gas Trading" by EnergyCentral (This article explains the importance of Henry Hub for natural gas traders and its impact on market liquidity.)

Online Resources

  • The NYMEX website: This website provides information on natural gas futures contracts, including the Henry Hub pricing benchmark. (
  • The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) website: The EIA provides comprehensive data and analysis on natural gas markets, including Henry Hub prices and production trends. (
  • Natural Gas Intelligence (NGI): This website provides industry news, data, and analysis specifically focused on the natural gas market, including updates on Henry Hub prices and trends. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "Henry Hub" with terms like "natural gas," "price," "benchmark," "futures," "trading," "EIA," "NYMEX," etc.
  • Use quotation marks: Put keywords in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "Henry Hub price" will only return results with those exact words in sequence.
  • Combine with time filters: Use "since 2020" or "past year" to narrow down results to recent articles and analyses.
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