Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Heel


Talon : La Zone Payante la Plus Proche du Tubage dans un Puits Dévié

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, "talon" fait référence à une caractéristique géologique spécifique pertinente pour les puits fortement déviés. Il désigne la **zone de la zone payante la plus proche du tubage du puits**.

Comprendre le "Talon"

Imaginez un forage qui n'est pas droit vers le bas, mais qui se courbe de manière significative, atteignant son réservoir cible à un angle. C'est un puits dévié, souvent utilisé pour accéder aux réservoirs difficiles à atteindre avec un forage vertical traditionnel.

Le talon est essentiellement le point où le puits entre pour la première fois dans la zone payante. Étant donné que le puits est angulaire, le talon est situé près du tubage, qui est le tuyau protecteur qui borde le puits. Au fur et à mesure que le puits poursuit sa trajectoire déviée, il laisse le talon derrière lui et progresse dans la zone payante.

Importance du Talon

Le talon joue un rôle important dans la production de pétrole et de gaz :

  • Accès au réservoir : Comprendre l'emplacement du talon est crucial pour optimiser la production du puits. Il permet aux ingénieurs de prédire avec précision les schémas d'écoulement des fluides et de maximiser la productivité du puits.
  • Distribution des fluides : Le talon est souvent la première zone à connaître une baisse de la pression du réservoir en raison de sa proximité avec le puits. Cela affecte la façon dont les fluides (pétrole, gaz et eau) se déplacent dans le réservoir et a un impact sur les taux de production.
  • Caractérisation du réservoir : L'étude du comportement de production au talon peut fournir des informations précieuses sur les caractéristiques globales du réservoir, telles que la perméabilité et la porosité. Ces informations aident à optimiser les stratégies de production.
  • Optimisation de la production : En comprenant la dynamique du talon, les ingénieurs peuvent ajuster les paramètres de production, tels que les débits et la pression en tête de puits, afin d'optimiser la récupération du pétrole et du gaz du puits dévié.

Implications pour le Forage et la Production

Le concept du talon est particulièrement important dans les puits fortement déviés car :

  • Complexité accrue : En raison de l'angle du puits, la pression et la dynamique d'écoulement du talon sont plus complexes que dans les puits verticaux.
  • Risque de production d'eau : Le talon est souvent plus près du contact eau-pétrole (la limite entre la zone pétrolière et la zone aqueuse), augmentant le risque de production d'eau au début de la vie du puits.
  • Défis dans la production : La proximité du talon avec le tubage peut poser des défis pour l'achèvement et la production du puits, nécessitant des techniques et des équipements spécialisés.


Le "talon" dans l'exploration pétrolière et gazière est un élément essentiel pour comprendre le comportement de production des puits déviés. Sa localisation et ses caractéristiques ont un impact significatif sur la productivité du puits, la caractérisation du réservoir et l'optimisation de la production. En analysant avec précision le talon et en comprenant son rôle, les ingénieurs peuvent assurer une récupération maximale des hydrocarbures de ces puits complexes.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding the Heel in Deviated Wells

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the "heel" in a deviated well?

a) The point where the wellbore first enters the pay zone.

b) The deepest point of the wellbore.

c) The area of the pay zone farthest from the casing.

d) The point where the wellbore transitions from vertical to deviated.


a) The point where the wellbore first enters the pay zone.

2. Why is the heel important in a deviated well?

a) It determines the well's total length.

b) It helps predict fluid flow patterns and optimize production.

c) It indicates the depth of the reservoir.

d) It helps determine the well's vertical depth.


b) It helps predict fluid flow patterns and optimize production.

3. Which of the following is NOT a challenge associated with the heel in a deviated well?

a) Increased complexity in well completion.

b) Potential for water production early in the well's life.

c) Difficulty in determining the well's horizontal reach.

d) Challenges in production due to its proximity to the casing.


c) Difficulty in determining the well's horizontal reach.

4. How does the heel's proximity to the casing affect production?

a) It increases the well's overall productivity.

b) It can lead to premature pressure decline in the reservoir.

c) It makes the well less susceptible to water production.

d) It makes it easier to monitor reservoir pressure.


b) It can lead to premature pressure decline in the reservoir.

5. What information can be gained by studying the production behavior at the heel?

a) The well's total cost.

b) The reservoir's permeability and porosity.

c) The well's trajectory.

d) The well's vertical depth.


b) The reservoir's permeability and porosity.

Exercise: Analyzing Heel Dynamics

Scenario: An oil well is drilled with a significant deviation angle. The wellbore first enters the pay zone at a depth of 2,500 meters. The heel is located 100 meters from the casing, and the wellbore continues to deviate further into the reservoir.


  1. Draw a simple diagram illustrating the wellbore, the heel, and the casing.
  2. Explain how the heel's proximity to the casing might affect production in this scenario.
  3. Discuss potential strategies for optimizing production from this well, considering the heel's dynamics.

Exercise Correction

**1. Diagram:**

The diagram should illustrate a deviated wellbore with the casing extending vertically down. The heel is marked as the point where the wellbore first enters the pay zone, located 100 meters away from the casing. The wellbore then continues its deviated path, moving further away from the casing.

**2. Production Impact:**

The heel's proximity to the casing can cause several issues for production:

  • Pressure Decline: The heel, being closer to the wellbore, will experience faster pressure depletion than other parts of the reservoir. This can impact production rates and potentially lead to premature water production.
  • Fluid Flow Patterns: The angled wellbore and the heel's position can create complex flow patterns, affecting the distribution of oil, gas, and water.
  • Well Completion Challenges: The proximity of the heel to the casing can make well completion operations more challenging, requiring specialized techniques and equipment.

**3. Optimization Strategies:**

Strategies to optimize production from this well, considering the heel's dynamics, could include:

  • Artificial Lift: Using methods like gas lift or electric submersible pumps to maintain pressure in the heel and optimize production.
  • Production Optimization: Adjusting production rates and wellhead pressure to manage pressure drawdown in the heel area.
  • Reservoir Stimulation: Techniques like acidizing or fracturing to enhance reservoir permeability near the heel, improving fluid flow.
  • Monitoring and Analysis: Implementing a comprehensive monitoring system to track pressure changes, fluid production rates, and other parameters to analyze the heel's influence on production.

These strategies should be carefully evaluated and implemented based on the specific reservoir characteristics and well conditions.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (2018) - This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of reservoir engineering, including deviated wells and production optimization.
  • Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices by John M. Campbell (2016) - This textbook provides a detailed overview of petroleum engineering principles, including drilling, completion, and production.
  • Drilling Engineering by Robert E. Krueger (2008) - Focuses on the engineering aspects of drilling, including wellbore trajectory, directional drilling, and well completion.


  • "Wellbore Trajectory and Production Optimization in Deviated Wells" by Mohammad Amin Nasseri et al. (2023) - This research article discusses the impact of wellbore trajectory on production performance, particularly focusing on the heel and its implications.
  • "Challenges in Production from Highly Deviated Wells" by Andrew J. Watson et al. (2019) - Examines the specific challenges encountered in producing from deviated wells, including fluid distribution and well completion.
  • "Reservoir Characterization and Production Simulation for Deviated Wells" by David A. Thomas et al. (2018) - This paper explores how reservoir characterization and simulation techniques can be adapted for deviated wells, considering the heel's influence.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including research papers, technical presentations, and industry events related to drilling and production, including deviated wells. Search for keywords like "heel," "deviated well," "wellbore trajectory," and "production optimization."
  • OnePetro: OnePetro provides access to a vast library of technical articles and papers from various industry sources. Search for relevant keywords related to deviated wells and production optimization.
  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication features articles and news related to oil and gas exploration and production. Search for articles discussing deviated well technologies and challenges.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "heel," "deviated well," "wellbore trajectory," "production optimization," "reservoir characterization," and "water production."
  • Combine keywords with phrases like "oil and gas," "petroleum engineering," "drilling," "completion," and "production."
  • Utilize Boolean operators ("AND", "OR," "NOT") to refine your search. For example, "heel AND deviated wells" or "production optimization NOT vertical wells."
  • Search for PDF documents to find research papers and technical reports.
  • Explore the "Advanced Search" options on Google to further narrow your search by date, language, and file type.
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