Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Pipeline Construction: Glacial Drift

Glacial Drift

Dérive glaciaire : L'héritage des géants de l'âge glaciaire

La dérive glaciaire, un terme souvent rencontré en géologie et en géographie, désigne une large catégorie de débris et de pierres transportés par les glaciers. Elle englobe une gamme diversifiée de matériaux, de la fine vase et de l'argile aux blocs de pierre massifs, tous façonnés et transportés par la puissance implacable de la glace en mouvement.

Voici une décomposition des composants clés de la dérive glaciaire :

  • Till : C'est le type de dérive glaciaire le plus courant, constitué de fragments de roche non triés et anguleux de tailles variables. Le till se forme directement sous le glacier, alors qu'il broie et écrase le substratum rocheux.
  • Outwash : Composé de sédiments triés comme le sable et le gravier, l'outwash est déposé par les cours d'eau de fonte provenant du glacier. Ces cours d'eau emportent les particules les plus fines et laissent derrière elles des matériaux plus grossiers, créant des formes de relief distinctes comme les eskers et les kames.
  • Dépôts glaciofluviaux : Ce terme désigne les sédiments déposés par les eaux de fonte glaciaire, englobant à la fois l'outwash et d'autres caractéristiques comme les rivières tressées, les plaines deltaïques et les lacs de fonte.
  • Dépôts glaciolacustres : Ce sont des sédiments déposés dans les lacs glaciaires, souvent caractérisés par de l'argile et de la vase à grain fin, et contenant parfois des fossiles uniques.
  • Erratiques : Ce sont de gros blocs de pierre isolés trouvés loin de leur source, souvent transportés par les glaciers sur des distances considérables. Les erratiques peuvent être de précieux indicateurs des mouvements glaciaires passés et fournir des informations sur l'origine de la roche.

L'importance de la dérive glaciaire :

  • Création de formes de relief : La dérive glaciaire joue un rôle essentiel dans le façonnement des paysages. Elle crée une variété de formes de relief, notamment des moraines, des drumlins, des eskers et des kettles, qui contribuent à la topographie unique des régions façonnées par les glaciers.
  • Formation des sols : La dérive glaciaire sert souvent de matériau parental pour les sols, fournissant une base pour la végétation et les écosystèmes. La composition et la texture de la dérive glaciaire influencent la fertilité des sols et les caractéristiques de drainage.
  • Potentiel en ressources : Les dépôts de dérive glaciaire peuvent contenir des ressources précieuses, notamment du sable et du gravier pour la construction, et des ressources en eaux souterraines piégées dans les aquifères.
  • Preuve des climats passés : La présence de dérive glaciaire fournit une preuve irréfutable des glaciations passées. En étudiant la composition, la distribution et l'âge de la dérive glaciaire, les scientifiques peuvent reconstituer les changements climatiques passés et comprendre la dynamique des âges glaciaires.

Comprendre la dérive glaciaire est essentiel pour apprécier la puissance de la glace en tant que force géologique. Elle offre une fenêtre sur l'histoire de notre planète, façonnant les paysages et influençant la distribution des ressources.

Test Your Knowledge

Glacial Drift Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main characteristic of till, a type of glacial drift?

a) Sorted and layered sediments b) Fine-grained clay and silt c) Unsorted, angular rock fragments d) Sand and gravel deposited by meltwater


c) Unsorted, angular rock fragments

2. Which of the following is NOT a landform created by glacial drift?

a) Moraine b) Canyon c) Drumlin d) Esker


b) Canyon

3. What is the significance of erratics in the context of glacial drift?

a) They indicate the presence of ancient lakes. b) They show the direction and distance of glacial movement. c) They are the primary source of sand and gravel. d) They are only found in mountainous regions.


b) They show the direction and distance of glacial movement.

4. Which type of glacial drift is deposited by meltwater streams?

a) Till b) Outwash c) Glaciolacustrine deposits d) Erratics


b) Outwash

5. How does glacial drift contribute to soil formation?

a) It provides a source of nutrients for plants. b) It serves as the parent material for soil. c) It helps regulate water drainage in the soil. d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Glacial Drift Exercise

Instructions: Imagine you are exploring a landscape that was once heavily glaciated. You encounter the following features:

  • A large, rounded hill with a steeper slope on one side and a gentler slope on the other.
  • A long, winding ridge of sand and gravel.
  • A large, isolated boulder of granite, different from the surrounding bedrock.


  1. Identify the type of glacial drift feature associated with each description above.
  2. Explain how each feature formed and what information it provides about the past glacial environment.
  3. Draw a simple diagram illustrating the features and their relationship to the past glacial movement.

Exercice Correction

Feature 1: Large, rounded hill with a steeper slope on one side and a gentler slope on the other.

Type: Drumlin

Formation: Drumlins are formed by the erosive and depositional action of a glacier moving over till. The steeper slope faces the direction from which the glacier flowed, while the gentler slope points in the direction of glacial movement.

Information: Drumlins provide evidence of the direction and extent of past glacial movement. Their shape and orientation can indicate the flow patterns and the thickness of the ice sheet.

Feature 2: Long, winding ridge of sand and gravel.

Type: Esker

Formation: Eskers are formed by the deposition of sediment within a meltwater channel that flowed beneath or within a glacier. As the glacier retreated, the channel was left behind, filled with sand and gravel.

Information: Eskers indicate the location of former meltwater channels and provide insights into the drainage patterns and the volume of meltwater during the glacial period.

Feature 3: A large, isolated boulder of granite, different from the surrounding bedrock.

Type: Erratic

Formation: Erratics are boulders that were transported by glaciers from their original source area and deposited far from their origin. They are often different from the surrounding bedrock, providing evidence of glacial transport and the source of the rock.

Information: Erratics indicate the direction and distance of glacial movement. They can also provide information about the source of the rock and the geological history of the region.


A simple diagram would show a glacier moving from left to right, with a drumlin in the path of the glacier, an esker extending from the glacier, and an erratic boulder deposited some distance away from the glacier.


  • "Geomorphology" by Alan Strahler and Arthur Strahler: A comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of geomorphology, including a dedicated section on glacial processes and landforms.
  • "Glaciers" by John S. Nye: A classic text focusing on the physics and dynamics of glaciers, providing a detailed understanding of how glaciers shape the Earth's surface.
  • "The Last Glaciation" by Richard B. Alley: An engaging and informative book exploring the last glacial period, examining the causes, effects, and legacy of the ice ages.
  • "Earth: Portrait of a Planet" by Stephen Marshak: A textbook covering introductory geology, with chapters on glacial processes and glacial landforms.


  • "Glacial Geomorphology" by John Shaw: A review article published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews, summarizing key concepts and advancements in glacial geomorphology.
  • "The Role of Glacial Drift in Landscape Development" by Robert M. Krumhardt: An article discussing the influence of glacial drift on the formation of various landforms, published in Journal of the Geological Society of America.
  • "Glacial Erratics: A Window into Past Ice Sheets" by David J. Glasser: An article exploring the significance of glacial erratics as indicators of ice sheet extent and movement, published in Geology Today.

Online Resources

  • National Park Service - Glacial Landforms: Provides information on various glacial landforms and their significance, with interactive maps and photos.
  • USGS - Glaciers and Glaciation: A comprehensive overview of glacial processes, including a section on glacial drift and landforms.
  • Glacier National Park - Glacial History: Explains the history of glaciation in Glacier National Park, offering insights into glacial landforms and processes.
  • The University of Wisconsin - Glacial Geology: A website dedicated to glacial geology, covering topics such as glacial drift, landforms, and the impact of glaciation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "glacial drift," "till," "outwash," "erratics," and "glacial landforms" to refine your search.
  • Include location: If you are interested in specific regions, include keywords like "glacial drift in Canada" or "glacial drift in the Alps" to narrow down your results.
  • Explore academic databases: Use online databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect to access peer-reviewed articles on glacial drift and related topics.
  • Utilize image search: Use Google Image Search to find visuals of glacial drift and different landforms, which can aid your understanding.
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