Forage et complétion de puits

GL (lift)

Le Gaz Lift: Un Outil Puissant pour la Production Pétrolière et Gazière

Le gaz lift est une méthode de levage artificiel courante et efficace utilisée dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière pour améliorer la production des puits. Il implique l'injection de gaz dans le puits afin de réduire la pression hydrostatique sur la colonne de pétrole, facilitant ainsi l'écoulement du pétrole vers la surface. Cet article approfondira les principes, les types, les avantages et les inconvénients du gaz lift.

Fonctionnement du Gaz Lift :

Imaginez une paille immergée dans un verre d'eau. Vous pouvez facilement boire l'eau en aspirant l'air du haut de la paille, créant une zone de basse pression à l'intérieur de la paille, et permettant à l'eau de monter. Le gaz lift fonctionne selon un principe similaire.

  • Injection de Gaz : Du gaz haute pression (généralement du gaz naturel produit en même temps que le pétrole) est injecté dans le puits à une profondeur spécifique.
  • Réduction de Pression : Le gaz injecté déplace le pétrole dans le puits, réduisant la pression hydrostatique sur la colonne de pétrole.
  • Amélioration du Débit : Cette réduction de pression permet au pétrole de s'écouler plus facilement vers la surface et dans les installations de production.

Types de Gaz Lift :

  • Gaz Lift Continu : Le gaz est injecté en permanence dans le puits, maintenant une réduction de pression constante. Cette méthode est adaptée aux puits avec un débit de production constant.
  • Gaz Lift Intermittent : Le gaz est injecté par cycles, alternant les périodes d'injection et d'arrêt. Cette méthode est plus efficace pour les puits avec des débits de production fluctuants.
  • Gaz Lift avec Vannes de Gaz Lift : Ces vannes sont installées à intervalles spécifiques dans le puits afin de contrôler le débit d'injection de gaz et d'optimiser la production.

Avantages du Gaz Lift :

  • Augmentation de la Production : Le gaz lift peut augmenter considérablement le débit de production des puits de pétrole, en particulier ceux avec des taux de production d'eau élevés ou une faible pression de réservoir.
  • Rentabilité : Le gaz lift est souvent une solution rentable par rapport à d'autres méthodes de levage artificiel comme les pompes.
  • Polyvalence : Il peut être appliqué à différents types de puits et conditions de réservoir.
  • Contrôlable : Le débit d'injection peut être facilement ajusté pour optimiser la production.

Inconvénients du Gaz Lift :

  • Disponibilité du Gaz : Un approvisionnement en gaz suffisant est crucial pour le fonctionnement du gaz lift.
  • Coûts de Compression : La compression du gaz pour l'injection peut représenter un coût supplémentaire.
  • Intégrité du Puits : L'injection de gaz peut créer une tension sur le tubage du puits, nécessitant une surveillance et une maintenance minutieuses.
  • Préoccupations Environnementales : Le brûlage et le rejet de gaz peuvent être une préoccupation environnementale.

Résumé :

Le gaz lift est une méthode de levage artificiel fiable et polyvalente utilisée dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière pour améliorer la production. Il offre de nombreux avantages, tels que l'augmentation de la production, la rentabilité et la flexibilité. Cependant, il est important de prendre en compte des facteurs tels que la disponibilité du gaz, les coûts de compression et les implications environnementales avant de mettre en œuvre le gaz lift. Avec une planification et une exécution minutieuses, le gaz lift peut être un outil précieux pour maximiser la production pétrolière.

Test Your Knowledge

Gas Lift Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind gas lift?

(a) Increasing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column. (b) Injecting water into the wellbore to displace oil. (c) Reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column. (d) Using pumps to lift oil to the surface.


(c) Reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column.

2. Which type of gas lift is suitable for wells with a consistent production rate?

(a) Intermittent Gas Lift (b) Continuous Gas Lift (c) Gas Lift with Gas Lift Valves (d) None of the above


(b) Continuous Gas Lift

3. What is a key advantage of gas lift compared to other artificial lift methods?

(a) High initial installation cost. (b) Limited application to specific well types. (c) Increased risk of wellbore damage. (d) Cost-effectiveness.


(d) Cost-effectiveness.

4. What is a potential disadvantage of gas lift?

(a) No requirement for gas supply. (b) Low environmental impact. (c) Limited production increase potential. (d) Compression costs for the injection gas.


(d) Compression costs for the injection gas.

5. What is the role of gas lift valves in gas lift operations?

(a) To inject water into the wellbore. (b) To control the injection rate of gas. (c) To increase the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column. (d) To monitor the flow rate of oil.


(b) To control the injection rate of gas.

Gas Lift Exercise

Scenario: An oil well is experiencing a decline in production due to low reservoir pressure. The well has a steady production rate and access to a sufficient supply of natural gas.


  • Explain why gas lift would be a suitable solution for this well.
  • Which type of gas lift would be most appropriate in this situation? Why?
  • List two potential challenges that might arise when implementing gas lift in this well.

Exercice Correction

Explanation: Gas lift would be a suitable solution because it effectively addresses the low reservoir pressure issue by reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column, facilitating easier oil flow to the surface.

Type of Gas Lift: Continuous Gas Lift would be most appropriate due to the steady production rate. Continuous injection of gas maintains a consistent pressure reduction, optimizing production.

Potential Challenges:

  • Gas availability: While a sufficient supply is currently available, ensuring its long-term availability for continuous injection is crucial.
  • Wellbore integrity: Continuous gas injection can exert stress on the wellbore casing. Regular monitoring and maintenance are needed to prevent potential damage.


  • Artificial Lift Methods for Oil and Gas Production by A.R.S.M. Aziz, F.S.I. (2016). This book provides comprehensive coverage of various artificial lift methods, including gas lift, and their applications.
  • Petroleum Production Engineering by James D. Brill and John C. Licht (2008). This book offers a complete guide to petroleum production, including in-depth discussions on gas lift technologies and their design considerations.
  • Oil Well Technology: An Introduction to the Engineering and Design of Oil Wells by Frank L. Miskimins, D. L. Frazier, and R. W. Eaton (2007). This textbook covers the principles and practices of oil well technology, with a chapter dedicated to gas lift and its application.


  • “Gas Lift – The Basics of Application and Operation” by Oil & Gas Journal. This article provides a concise overview of the principles, types, and applications of gas lift technology.
  • “Optimizing Gas Lift Performance: A Case Study” by SPE Journal. This article discusses a practical example of gas lift optimization using simulation and field data analysis.
  • “The Impact of Gas Lift on Oil Production: A Review” by Energy Procedia. This paper provides a detailed review of gas lift technology, its advantages, disadvantages, and recent advancements.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Gas Lift Resource: ( This website provides detailed information on Schlumberger's gas lift technologies and services.
  • Halliburton's Gas Lift Solutions: ( This page offers comprehensive information on Halliburton's gas lift solutions, including designs, applications, and case studies.
  • Baker Hughes Gas Lift Systems: ( This website provides details on Baker Hughes' gas lift technologies, equipment, and services.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: ( The SPE website offers a vast collection of articles, papers, and resources related to gas lift and other oil and gas technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Try combinations like "gas lift design," "gas lift optimization," "types of gas lift," "gas lift economics," etc.
  • Use quotation marks: Search for exact phrases like "continuous gas lift" or "intermittent gas lift" to get more precise results.
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use "AND" or "OR" to refine your search. For example, "gas lift AND optimization" or "gas lift OR electric submersible pump."
  • Filter your results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter by date, website, or file type.


Chapter 1: Techniques of Gas Lift

This chapter delves into the various techniques employed in gas lift operations, providing a detailed understanding of the methods used to inject gas and optimize production.

1.1 Gas Injection Methods:

  • Continuous Gas Lift: Gas is injected continuously into the wellbore, maintaining a consistent pressure reduction. This method is suitable for wells with a steady production rate and offers a consistent increase in oil production.
  • Intermittent Gas Lift: Gas is injected in cycles, alternating between injection and shutdown periods. This method is more efficient for wells with fluctuating production rates, allowing for optimization based on the well's performance.
  • Gas Lift with Gas Lift Valves: These valves are strategically placed at different depths in the wellbore to control the gas injection rate and optimize production. These valves can be manually or automatically controlled, enabling more precise adjustment of gas injection based on the well's conditions.

1.2 Gas Lift System Design:

  • Wellhead Configuration: The gas lift system must be carefully designed to ensure proper gas injection into the wellbore and efficient separation of gas and oil at the surface.
  • Gas Injection Point: The depth of the injection point is crucial to maximize pressure reduction and minimize gas wasted in the upper portion of the well.
  • Injection Rate Control: The gas injection rate is a critical parameter that must be optimized to balance production enhancement and gas consumption. This involves considering factors like wellbore pressure, reservoir pressure, and production rate.

1.3 Gas Lift System Monitoring and Control:

  • Pressure Monitoring: Monitoring pressure at various points in the wellbore is essential to assess the effectiveness of gas injection and identify any potential issues.
  • Production Monitoring: Continuously monitoring production rate and gas consumption allows for adjustments in gas injection and optimization of the gas lift system.
  • Flow Rate Measurement: Accurate flow rate measurements are critical for optimizing gas injection and ensuring efficient oil production.

1.4 Advanced Gas Lift Techniques:

  • Intelligent Gas Lift: Utilizing automation and control systems to optimize gas injection based on real-time well data, leading to improved production efficiency.
  • Multiphase Gas Lift: Injecting gas into the wellbore to lift both oil and water, enhancing production from wells with high water cuts.
  • Enhanced Gas Lift: Employing innovative technologies like downhole gas compressors to further increase the pressure reduction in the wellbore and boost production.

Chapter 2: Models and Principles of Gas Lift

This chapter explores the mathematical models and fundamental principles that govern the operation of gas lift systems.

2.1 Flow Equations and Pressure Drop:

  • Multiphase Flow Equations: Modeling the flow of gas, oil, and water in the wellbore is essential for accurate prediction of well performance and optimization of gas lift parameters.
  • Pressure Drop Calculation: Accurate calculation of pressure drop in the wellbore, including frictional losses, is crucial for determining the optimal gas injection rate and ensuring efficient oil production.

2.2 Gas Lift Performance Analysis:

  • Gas Lift Efficiency: Calculating the efficiency of the gas lift system involves analyzing the ratio of oil production to gas injection.
  • Production Optimization: By understanding the relationship between gas injection rate, production rate, and wellbore pressure, operators can optimize gas lift performance for maximum oil production.

2.3 Reservoir Simulation and Gas Lift Integration:

  • Reservoir Modeling: Simulating reservoir behavior, including pressure depletion and fluid flow, is essential for predicting the long-term performance of gas lift systems.
  • Integration with Gas Lift Models: Combining reservoir simulation with gas lift models allows for accurate prediction of production over the entire life of the well.

2.4 Advanced Simulation Tools:

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): Utilizing CFD models to simulate multiphase flow in complex wellbore geometries, allowing for detailed analysis of gas lift performance.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Implementing AI algorithms for real-time optimization of gas lift parameters based on historical data and current well conditions.

Chapter 3: Gas Lift Software and Technology

This chapter focuses on the software and technology employed in gas lift systems, providing an overview of the tools used for design, simulation, and optimization.

3.1 Gas Lift Design Software:

  • Wellbore Simulation Software: Software packages that model the flow of fluids in the wellbore, allowing for accurate prediction of pressure drop and optimization of gas injection parameters.
  • Reservoir Simulation Software: Software used to model reservoir behavior, including pressure depletion and fluid flow, enabling prediction of well performance over time.
  • Gas Lift Design Tools: Specialized software tools designed specifically for gas lift system design, incorporating all relevant parameters and calculations.

3.2 Gas Lift Control and Monitoring Systems:

  • SCADA Systems: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems that collect data from sensors in the wellbore and surface facilities, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of gas lift operations.
  • Downhole Sensors: Sensors installed at specific depths in the wellbore to provide accurate pressure and flow data for optimizing gas lift performance.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: Utilizing telecommunications technology to monitor and control gas lift systems from remote locations, enabling efficient and responsive management.

3.3 Advanced Technologies:

  • Fiber Optic Sensing: Utilizing fiber optic cables to monitor pressure and temperature in the wellbore, providing real-time data for improved gas lift control.
  • Artificial Lift Optimization Software: Advanced software packages that utilize AI and machine learning algorithms to automatically optimize gas lift parameters based on real-time data.
  • Downhole Gas Compressors: Deploying gas compressors at the bottom of the wellbore to further increase pressure reduction and maximize oil production.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Gas Lift Operations

This chapter outlines key best practices for the design, implementation, and operation of gas lift systems to maximize efficiency and minimize risks.

4.1 Gas Lift System Design:

  • Thorough Well Analysis: Conducting comprehensive well analysis, including reservoir characteristics, production history, and wellbore condition, to ensure the suitability of gas lift for the specific well.
  • Optimal Gas Injection Point Selection: Carefully selecting the depth of the gas injection point to maximize pressure reduction and minimize gas wasted in the upper portion of the well.
  • Proper Gas Lift Valve Selection: Choosing the right type and size of gas lift valves based on the well's characteristics and anticipated flow rates.

4.2 Gas Lift System Implementation:

  • Wellbore Integrity Assessment: Thoroughly assessing the wellbore condition and ensuring its integrity before implementing gas lift to prevent potential issues related to gas injection.
  • Gas Supply Assurance: Securing a reliable supply of high-quality gas for injection, considering factors like availability, pressure, and composition.
  • Proper Installation and Testing: Ensuring proper installation of the gas lift equipment and conducting thorough testing before initiating full-scale operations.

4.3 Gas Lift System Operation:

  • Continuous Monitoring and Data Collection: Regularly monitoring well performance and collecting relevant data, including pressure, flow rate, and gas consumption, to identify potential issues and optimize operations.
  • Regular Maintenance and Inspections: Scheduling regular maintenance and inspections of the gas lift equipment to ensure its proper functioning and prevent equipment failure.
  • Adaptive Management: Adjusting gas injection rates and other parameters based on changing well conditions to maintain optimal performance and maximize oil production.

Chapter 5: Case Studies in Gas Lift Applications

This chapter explores real-world examples of gas lift applications across various well types and reservoir conditions, highlighting the successes and challenges faced in specific scenarios.

5.1 Case Study 1: Low-Pressure Reservoir Development

  • Well Characteristics: Low-pressure reservoir with declining production rates.
  • Gas Lift Application: Implementing continuous gas lift to enhance production from the well, extending its productive life.
  • Results: Significant increase in oil production, demonstrating the effectiveness of gas lift in low-pressure reservoirs.

5.2 Case Study 2: High Water Cut Well Optimization

  • Well Characteristics: Well with high water cut, leading to reduced oil production.
  • Gas Lift Application: Implementing intermittent gas lift and optimizing gas injection rates to mitigate water production and enhance oil recovery.
  • Results: Reduced water cut, increased oil production, and improved overall well performance.

5.3 Case Study 3: Complex Wellbore Geometry

  • Well Characteristics: Well with complex wellbore geometry, presenting challenges for gas lift implementation.
  • Gas Lift Application: Utilizing advanced gas lift valves and software tools to design and optimize gas injection in the complex wellbore.
  • Results: Successful implementation of gas lift, overcoming the complexities of the wellbore geometry and achieving significant production gains.

5.4 Case Study 4: Environmental Considerations

  • Well Characteristics: Well located in a sensitive environmental area, requiring careful consideration of gas flaring and venting.
  • Gas Lift Application: Employing environmentally friendly gas handling practices, including minimizing gas venting and maximizing gas re-injection.
  • Results: Effective gas lift operation while minimizing environmental impact, demonstrating the importance of sustainable gas lift practices.

By analyzing these case studies, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the practical applications of gas lift and the challenges and opportunities involved in implementing gas lift in diverse scenarios.


This comprehensive overview of gas lift covers various aspects, including techniques, models, software, best practices, and case studies. Gas lift remains a powerful tool for enhancing production in the oil and gas industry, offering numerous advantages when implemented effectively and sustainably. By embracing advanced technologies and best practices, operators can maximize the benefits of gas lift and optimize oil production from their wells.

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