Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: Flashing


Le phénomène de flash : un concept clé dans la production pétrolière et gazière

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, le "flashing" (ou vaporisation instantanée) fait référence à la vaporisation rapide des gaz dissous ou des composants volatils dans un liquide lorsqu'une baisse de pression se produit soudainement. Ce phénomène est particulièrement important pendant la production et le traitement, car il peut affecter l'efficacité et la sécurité des opérations.

Comprendre le concept:

Imaginez une bouteille de soda. Lorsque vous l'ouvrez, vous entendez un sifflement et voyez des bulles se former. C'est parce que la pression à l'intérieur de la bouteille est soudainement libérée, permettant au dioxyde de carbone gazeux dissous de s'échapper. De même, dans la production pétrolière et gazière, les liquides comme le pétrole brut ou le condensat de gaz naturel contiennent des gaz dissous comme le méthane, l'éthane et le propane. Lorsque ces liquides sont remontés à la surface des réservoirs à haute pression, la pression baisse considérablement. Cette réduction de pression provoque la vaporisation instantanée d'une partie des gaz dissous, ce qui signifie qu'ils se vaporisent rapidement et forment une phase gazeuse.

Pourquoi le flash est important:

Le flash est un aspect crucial des opérations pétrolières et gazières car il influence:

  • Efficacité de production: La quantité de gaz qui se vaporise instantanément affecte le volume et la composition des fluides produits. Cela peut affecter les débits, les coûts de transport et les exigences de traitement.
  • Sécurité: Le flash peut créer une augmentation soudaine du volume et de la pression, conduisant potentiellement à des dommages aux équipements ou même à des explosions. Une conception et un fonctionnement appropriés des installations de production et de traitement sont essentiels pour gérer ce risque.
  • Qualité du produit: La quantité de flash affecte la qualité des liquides produits. Par exemple, le flash peut entraîner une diminution de la densité API du pétrole brut, affectant sa valeur.

Gestion du flash:

Pour gérer le flash, diverses techniques sont utilisées, notamment:

  • Contrôle de pression: Le maintien d'une chute de pression contrôlée pendant la production et le traitement minimise le flash et contribue à réguler les débits.
  • Séparateurs: Ces vaisseaux séparent les gaz vaporisés de la phase liquide, permettant une récupération et une utilisation efficaces des composants précieux.
  • Chokes: Ces dispositifs régulent le débit et la chute de pression, atténuant le flash et prévenant les risques potentiels.
  • Calculs de flash: Les ingénieurs utilisent des logiciels et des calculs spécialisés pour prédire la quantité de flash et optimiser les opérations de production et de traitement.


Le flash est un phénomène complexe qui joue un rôle important dans la production pétrolière et gazière. Comprendre ses principes, ses impacts et ses stratégies de gestion est crucial pour garantir des opérations sûres, efficaces et rentables. En gérant soigneusement le flash, l'industrie peut maximiser la récupération des ressources, minimiser les impacts environnementaux et améliorer l'efficacité globale.

Test Your Knowledge

Flashing Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is "flashing" in the oil and gas industry?

a) The process of heating oil to remove impurities b) The rapid vaporization of dissolved gases in a liquid due to pressure reduction c) The mixing of different oil and gas components d) The separation of oil and gas using specialized equipment


b) The rapid vaporization of dissolved gases in a liquid due to pressure reduction

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor influenced by flashing?

a) Production efficiency b) Safety c) Product quality d) Environmental regulations


d) Environmental regulations

3. How can pressure control help manage flashing?

a) By increasing the pressure drop, promoting faster vaporization b) By reducing the pressure drop, minimizing the amount of flashing c) By completely eliminating pressure changes during production d) By using specialized chemicals to prevent vaporization


b) By reducing the pressure drop, minimizing the amount of flashing

4. Which of these devices is specifically designed to separate flashed gases from liquids?

a) Chokes b) Separators c) Pumps d) Pipelines


b) Separators

5. Flashing calculations are used by engineers to:

a) Determine the optimal temperature for oil production b) Predict the amount of flashing and optimize production operations c) Monitor the environmental impact of oil and gas extraction d) Calculate the cost of transporting oil and gas


b) Predict the amount of flashing and optimize production operations

Flashing Exercise

Scenario: You are working on an oil production platform. The platform is producing crude oil from a high-pressure reservoir. The oil contains dissolved gases like methane and ethane. During production, the pressure drops significantly as the oil is brought to the surface, causing flashing.


  • Explain the potential hazards associated with flashing in this scenario.
  • Describe two strategies you could implement to manage the flashing and mitigate those hazards.

Exercice Correction

Potential Hazards:

  • **Increased Volume and Pressure:** Flashing can cause a sudden increase in volume and pressure within the production system, potentially exceeding the design capacity of equipment and leading to damage or explosions.
  • **Reduced Flow Rate:** Flashing can result in a decrease in the flow rate of the produced oil, as some of the liquid is converted to gas, affecting production efficiency.
  • **Equipment Damage:** The rapid expansion of gas due to flashing can cause stress on pipes and valves, potentially leading to leaks or failures.

Strategies to Manage Flashing:

  • Install Chokes: Chokes are devices that can control the flow rate and pressure drop, minimizing the amount of flashing. By limiting the rate at which the pressure decreases, the amount of gas that flashes can be controlled.
  • Utilize Separators: Separators are vessels designed to separate the flashed gases from the liquid phase. This allows for the efficient recovery and utilization of the valuable gas components, while also preventing the gas from accumulating in the production system and creating hazards.


  • "Fundamentals of Petroleum Production" by John A. Campbell - This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed explanation of various production operations, including flashing and its implications.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed - This handbook covers reservoir engineering principles, including the concept of flashing and its role in reservoir performance.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Production" by Schlumberger - This book offers a practical guide to drilling and production operations, with sections devoted to flashing and its management.


  • "Flashing and Its Impact on Production" by SPE Journal - This journal article explores the impact of flashing on production efficiency and methods to manage it.
  • "Understanding Flashing in Oil and Gas Production" by Oil & Gas Journal - This article provides a general overview of flashing and its significance in the industry.
  • "Flashing Calculations and Their Application in Oil and Gas Production" by Petroleum Technology Quarterly - This article delves into the use of flashing calculations for optimizing production operations.

Online Resources

  • "Flashing" on the SPE website - The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) provides a wealth of information on various aspects of oil and gas production, including a dedicated section on flashing.
  • "Flashing in Oil and Gas Production" on EnergyXpert - This website offers articles and resources on various topics related to oil and gas production, including flashing and its implications.
  • "Flashing Calculations" on PetroWiki - PetroWiki is a collaborative online encyclopedia for the oil and gas industry, providing comprehensive information on various topics, including flashing calculations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "flashing oil and gas", "flashing calculations", "flashing separator", and "flashing management".
  • Combine keywords with relevant phrases like "impact of flashing on production", "controlling flashing", and "flashing in pipelines".
  • Consider using advanced search operators like quotation marks ("") to find exact matches, and minus sign (-) to exclude irrelevant results.
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