Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Safety Training & Awareness: Finger Board (drilling)

Finger Board (drilling)

Plateaux de doigts : Un composant essentiel pour la sécurité et l'efficacité des derricks

Dans le monde du forage pétrolier et gazier, la sécurité et l'efficacité sont primordiales. Un élément clé pour y parvenir est la manipulation et le stockage appropriés des tiges de forage dans le derrick. C'est là que les **plateaux de doigts** entrent en jeu.

**Que sont les plateaux de doigts ?**

Les plateaux de doigts sont des structures en acier, ressemblant à de longs doigts, qui sont solidement montées sur le derrick. Ils offrent un emplacement désigné et sécurisé pour que le derrickman stocke les tiges qui sont "debout" dans le derrick - ce qui signifie qu'elles ne sont pas utilisées activement dans le processus de forage.

**Le rôle des plateaux de doigts dans les opérations de forage :**

Les plateaux de doigts jouent un rôle crucial dans plusieurs aspects des opérations de forage :

  • Sécurité : En fournissant un espace de stockage dédié pour les tiges debout, les plateaux de doigts éliminent le risque que les tiges tombent et causent des blessures ou des dommages.
  • Efficacité : Un stockage organisé permet au derrickman d'accéder rapidement et facilement aux tiges nécessaires, ce qui réduit les temps d'arrêt et augmente la vitesse globale de forage.
  • Organisation : Les plateaux de doigts maintiennent l'ordre dans le derrick, en veillant à ce que les tiges soient correctement empilées et accessibles, contribuant ainsi à un environnement de travail sûr et efficace.

Fonctionnement des plateaux de doigts :**

Chaque doigt du plateau est conçu pour maintenir solidement une seule rangée de tiges. Les plateaux de doigts sont souvent fabriqués en acier robuste et présentent des rainures ou des fentes qui s'alignent sur les filets de la tige. Ces rainures offrent une plateforme sûre et stable pour la tige, l'empêchant de rouler ou de glisser.

Types de plateaux de doigts :**

Il existe différents types de plateaux de doigts, chacun conçu pour s'adapter à différentes tailles de tiges et configurations de derrick. Voici quelques types courants :

  • Plateaux de doigts fixes : Ils sont fixés de manière permanente au derrick et offrent une solution de stockage fiable et constante.
  • Plateaux de doigts réglables : Ces plateaux permettent un ajustement de l'espacement entre les doigts pour s'adapter à différentes tailles de tiges.

Maintenance et inspection :**

L'inspection et la maintenance régulières des plateaux de doigts sont essentielles pour garantir leur sécurité et leur efficacité. Cela comprend :

  • Inspections visuelles : Vérification de tout signe d'usure, de dommage ou de corrosion.
  • Intégrité structurelle : Vérification que les plateaux sont solidement montés et capables de supporter le poids de la tige stockée.
  • Alignement des filets : S'assurer que les rainures ou les fentes sont correctement alignées pour maintenir la tige solidement.

Conclusion :**

Les plateaux de doigts sont un outil indispensable pour le fonctionnement sûr et efficace des plateformes de forage pétrolier et gazier. Ils offrent un espace de stockage désigné et sécurisé pour les tiges debout, améliorant la sécurité des travailleurs, rationalisant les opérations et contribuant à un processus de forage bien organisé et efficace. Leur importance est indéniable, ce qui en fait un composant crucial de toute opération de forage réussie.

Test Your Knowledge

Finger Boards Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of finger boards in drilling operations? a) To assist in the removal of pipe from the well. b) To provide a safe storage location for "standing" pipe. c) To facilitate the connection of drill pipe sections. d) To help stabilize the derrick during drilling.


b) To provide a safe storage location for "standing" pipe.

2. What is the main safety benefit of using finger boards? a) They prevent pipe from being accidentally dropped during drilling. b) They reduce the risk of pipe corrosion. c) They help prevent pipe from becoming entangled. d) They protect the derrick from damage during storms.


a) They prevent pipe from being accidentally dropped during drilling.

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of finger board? a) Fixed Finger Boards b) Adjustable Finger Boards c) Telescopic Finger Boards d) Swivel Finger Boards


d) Swivel Finger Boards

4. Why is regular inspection of finger boards important? a) To ensure that they are clean and aesthetically pleasing. b) To check for any signs of wear, damage, or corrosion. c) To determine the weight capacity of the boards. d) To ensure that they are properly aligned with the derrick.


b) To check for any signs of wear, damage, or corrosion.

5. What makes finger boards an important part of a safe and efficient drilling operation? a) They help to improve communication between the derrick man and the drill crew. b) They reduce the amount of time required to set up the drilling rig. c) They contribute to an organized work environment and reduce downtime. d) They make it easier to transport pipe to the drilling site.


c) They contribute to an organized work environment and reduce downtime.

Finger Boards Exercise:

Scenario: You are the derrick man on a drilling rig. You have just finished running a new string of pipe into the well. Now you need to store the "standing" pipe safely using the finger boards.


  1. Identify: Describe the different types of finger boards you may encounter on a drilling rig (e.g., fixed, adjustable).
  2. Storage: Explain the steps involved in storing the "standing" pipe safely on the finger boards, making sure to consider factors like:
    • Choosing the correct finger boards based on pipe size.
    • Aligning the pipe threads with the finger board grooves.
    • Ensuring the pipe is securely held and won't roll or slip.
  3. Safety: List at least three safety precautions you would take while storing pipe on the finger boards.

Exercice Correction

1. Identify: - Fixed Finger Boards: Permanently mounted to the derrick, offering a consistent storage solution. - Adjustable Finger Boards: Allow for adjustment in spacing to accommodate different pipe sizes. 2. Storage: - **Choose the correct finger boards:** Select finger boards with slots that match the diameter of the pipe being stored. - **Align the pipe threads:** Carefully align the pipe threads with the grooves or slots on the finger board, ensuring a secure fit. - **Secure the pipe:** Make sure the pipe rests firmly in the grooves, preventing it from rolling or slipping. 3. Safety Precautions: - **Use proper lifting techniques:** Always lift and move pipe with appropriate lifting equipment and use correct lifting techniques to avoid injury. - **Inspect the finger boards:** Before storing pipe, check the finger boards for any damage, wear, or corrosion. - **Clear the area:** Ensure the area around the finger boards is clear of obstructions and tools to prevent trips or falls.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert F. Anderson - A comprehensive text covering various aspects of drilling, including derrick design and equipment.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William C. Lyons - A reference handbook containing detailed information on drilling operations, including safety practices and equipment.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion Engineering" by Richard P. Mayer - This book focuses on drilling operations, including derrick design, rigging, and pipe handling.


  • "Derrick Safety and Efficiency" by [Author's name] - This article (which may be fictional or yet to be published) would likely focus on the specific role of finger boards in safety and efficiency.
  • "Best Practices for Rigging and Handling Drill Pipe" - A search for articles with this title on industry websites or journals can provide valuable insights.
  • "The Importance of Rig Maintenance for Safety and Productivity" - Articles with this title could touch upon the importance of finger board maintenance.

Online Resources

  • Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Websites: Explore websites of companies specializing in oil and gas drilling equipment. They may have sections on derrick components, including finger boards.
  • Oil and Gas Industry Associations: Websites like the American Petroleum Institute (API) or the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) might provide guidelines, standards, or safety information related to derrick equipment and finger boards.
  • Drilling Engineering Journals: Online journals like SPE Drilling & Completion, Journal of Petroleum Technology, or World Oil may publish articles relevant to finger board design, maintenance, or use.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "finger boards" with "drilling", "derrick", "safety", "efficiency", "rig", or "maintenance" for targeted results.
  • Search for industry publications: Include "API" or "IADC" in your search to narrow down results to relevant industry sources.
  • Utilize quotation marks: Surround specific phrases like "finger board design" or "finger board inspection" with quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Explore image search: Look for images of finger boards installed in derricks to get a better visual understanding of their design and function.
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