Travaux de structure et de génie civil

Final Set

Le "Prisage Final" du Béton : Bien Plus Qu'un Simple Prisage

Le terme "prise finale" du béton désigne le moment où le béton a suffisamment durci pour résister à une charge spécifique sans déformation importante. Cela ne signifie pas que le béton est complètement durci, mais qu'il a atteint un point où il est sécuritaire d'appliquer un certain poids.

Comprendre le Parcours du Béton

Lorsqu'on mélange le béton, il est à l'état fluide. Cela permet de le couler et de le façonner. Cependant, la magie opère avec la réaction chimique entre le ciment et l'eau, appelée hydratation. Ce processus conduit au durcissement du béton, un processus qui se déroule en plusieurs étapes :

  • Prise Initiale : C'est le moment où le béton commence à perdre sa fluidité et devient semi-solide.
  • Prise Finale : La prise finale survient après la prise initiale. Le béton a alors gagné suffisamment de résistance pour supporter une charge spécifique sans déformation importante. C'est un point crucial pour les projets de construction, car il détermine le moment où diverses tâches peuvent commencer.
  • Durcissement : C'est le processus continu où le béton continue de gagner en résistance et en durabilité.

Comment Déterminer la Prise Finale

Il existe diverses méthodes pour déterminer si le béton a atteint sa prise finale, notamment :

  • ASTM C109 : Cet essai normalisé utilise un pénétromètre pour mesurer la résistance du béton à la pénétration.
  • Inspection Visuelle : Les professionnels expérimentés peuvent souvent déterminer visuellement la prise finale en fonction de l'apparence et de la consistance du béton.
  • Test Tactile : Un simple test tactile peut également être utilisé pour vérifier si le béton a suffisamment durci.

Prise Finale et Attentes de la Construction

La prise finale est un point crucial dans le processus de construction. Elle dicte le moment où certaines activités peuvent commencer, telles que :

  • Retrait des Coffrages : Une fois que le béton a atteint sa prise finale, les coffrages peuvent être retirés sans compromettre la structure.
  • Circulation sur le Béton : En fonction des exigences de résistance, la prise finale détermine le moment où la circulation piétonnière ou automobile peut être autorisée sur le béton.
  • Travaux de Construction Supplémentaires : Les étapes de construction ultérieures, telles que l'installation des finitions ou des structures supplémentaires, peuvent être réalisées une fois que le béton a atteint sa prise finale.

L'Importance du Durcissement

Il est important de se rappeler que la prise finale n'est pas la fin du processus de durcissement. Le durcissement se poursuit après la prise finale, et le béton continuera à gagner en résistance avec le temps. Le durcissement est essentiel pour garantir que le béton atteint sa pleine résistance et sa durabilité potentielles.

Prise Finale : Une Étape Décisive

La prise finale est une étape décisive dans le processus de construction en béton. Comprendre son importance et savoir comment la déterminer est essentiel pour garantir la sécurité et la réussite des projets de construction. Bien que la prise finale marque un point important dans le processus de durcissement, n'oubliez pas que le voyage continue avec l'étape cruciale du durcissement, assurant que le béton atteigne sa pleine résistance et sa longévité.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Concrete's "Final Set"

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "final set" refer to in concrete?

a) The point when the concrete starts to harden.


Incorrect. This describes the initial set.

b) The point when the concrete has completely hardened and reached its full strength.


Incorrect. This describes the fully cured state.

c) The point when the concrete has hardened enough to withstand a specific load without significant deformation.


Correct! This is the accurate definition of the final set.

d) The point when the concrete is still wet and can be easily molded.


Incorrect. This describes the concrete before it starts to set.

2. Which of the following is NOT a method used to determine the final set of concrete?

a) ASTM C109 penetrometer test


Incorrect. This is a standardized test for determining final set.

b) Visual inspection by an experienced professional


Incorrect. This is a common method used to assess final set.

c) Touch test


Incorrect. This is a simple method for checking hardening.

d) Measuring the concrete's temperature


Correct! While temperature is important for curing, it's not a direct indicator of final set.

3. Which of these activities can typically begin once the concrete reaches its final set?

a) Mixing the concrete


Incorrect. Mixing happens before the concrete sets.

b) Removing the forms supporting the concrete


Correct! Final set allows for form removal without damaging the concrete.

c) Pouring the concrete


Incorrect. Pouring happens before the concrete sets.

d) Adding water to the concrete to accelerate hardening


Incorrect. Adding water after initial setting can weaken the concrete.

4. Why is the curing process crucial after the final set of concrete?

a) Curing determines the final color of the concrete.


Incorrect. Curing doesn't significantly affect the final color.

b) Curing allows the concrete to fully harden and reach its maximum strength and durability.


Correct! Curing is essential for the concrete's long-term performance.

c) Curing prevents cracks from forming in the concrete.


Incorrect. While curing helps minimize cracks, it's not the sole factor.

d) Curing determines how quickly the concrete can be used.


Incorrect. Final set determines when the concrete can be used, while curing focuses on long-term strength.

5. Which of these statements is TRUE about the final set of concrete?

a) Final set means the concrete is completely cured.


Incorrect. Curing continues after the final set.

b) Final set is an important milestone in concrete construction.


Correct! It allows for safe continuation of construction activities.

c) Final set is irrelevant if the concrete is properly cured.


Incorrect. Final set is a prerequisite for proper curing and construction.

d) Final set happens very quickly, usually within minutes after pouring the concrete.


Incorrect. Final set takes longer than initial set, often several hours.


Imagine you are a construction worker on a project where a concrete slab has been poured. You need to determine if the concrete has reached its final set before you can remove the formwork.

Your task:

  • Describe 3 methods you could use to assess if the concrete has reached its final set.
  • Explain why each method is appropriate for this situation.
  • Briefly discuss any safety precautions you would take while performing these checks.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution:

Method 1: Visual Inspection:

  • Description: Carefully observe the surface of the concrete slab. Look for signs like a smooth, hard surface, absence of visible water, and a slightly dull appearance.
  • Reasoning: An experienced worker can often visually assess the concrete's hardening state. The lack of surface moisture and a hardened appearance are good indicators of final set.
  • Safety Precautions: Avoid touching the concrete to avoid leaving fingerprints.

Method 2: Touch Test:

  • Description: Gently touch the concrete surface with the back of your hand. If the concrete feels cool and firm, it has likely reached its final set.
  • Reasoning: This simple test gives a basic idea of the concrete's hardness. A cool, firm feel suggests sufficient hardening.
  • Safety Precautions: Avoid pressing too hard or digging into the concrete, as this could damage the surface.

Method 3: Penetrometer Test (if available):

  • Description: If available, use a penetrometer to measure the resistance of the concrete to penetration. This provides a more precise measure of the concrete's strength.
  • Reasoning: The penetrometer gives a numerical reading of the concrete's strength, helping ensure it has reached the required final set for form removal.
  • Safety Precautions: Use the penetrometer according to its instructions. Ensure the device is calibrated and operated safely.

Note: The choice of method will depend on the specific project, safety regulations, and available tools.


  • Concrete: Materials and Structures by R.K. Dhir (This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of concrete, including setting and curing.)
  • Concrete Technology by M.S. Shetty (Another well-regarded textbook with detailed information on concrete properties and behavior.)
  • ACI 301: Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings (Provides the American Concrete Institute's guidelines for concrete construction, including details about final set.)
  • Concrete Mix Design by W.H. Glanville (Focuses on the practical aspects of concrete mix design, relevant to understanding the setting process.)


  • "Setting Time of Concrete: An Overview" by A.K. Gupta (Published in the International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, this article offers a concise explanation of concrete setting.)
  • "The Influence of Curing on the Strength of Concrete" by S.K. Malhotra (This article from the Journal of the American Concrete Institute explores the connection between curing and concrete strength development.)
  • "Understanding the Final Set of Concrete: A Guide for Construction Professionals" by [Your Name] (Consider writing your own article based on the information in your text, adding to the knowledge base on this topic.)

Online Resources

  • American Concrete Institute (ACI): (Official website of the ACI, offering a wide range of information on concrete technology and standards.)
  • Portland Cement Association (PCA): (Resource for information on cement and concrete, including technical documents and publications.)
  • National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA): (Provides resources for concrete producers and consumers, including information on concrete properties and construction practices.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "final set", use phrases like "concrete final set time", "concrete final set determination", "ASTM C109 final set", etc.
  • Combine keywords: Combine relevant keywords like "final set" with "concrete", "construction", "curing", etc.
  • Specify the type of content: Use "pdf" or "article" after your keywords to find specific types of resources.
  • Use quotation marks: Put the exact phrase you are looking for in quotation marks ("final set of concrete") to find more precise results.


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