Forage et complétion de puits

Fall-Off Test

Dévoiler les Secrets d'un Puits : Le Test de Décroissance de Pression dans le Pétrole et le Gaz

L'industrie pétrolière et gazière s'appuie sur un éventail complexe de tests pour évaluer la viabilité et les performances des puits. Parmi ceux-ci, le test de décroissance de pression se distingue comme un outil multifonctionnel capable de révéler des informations cruciales sur l'état et le potentiel d'un puits. Cet article se penche sur les complexités de ce test puissant, explorant ses applications et les informations qu'il fournit.

Les Bases du Test de Décroissance de Pression :

Essentiellement, un test de décroissance de pression implique de surveiller la baisse de pression à l'intérieur d'un puits après une période d'injection constante. Cette injection peut être d'eau, de proppant ou d'un mélange des deux, en fonction de l'objectif spécifique. La clé réside dans l'enregistrement minutieux des lectures de pression lorsque l'injection cesse et que la pression diminue progressivement.

Dévoiler les Vérités Cachées :

Les données recueillies lors d'un test de décroissance de pression peuvent être analysées pour obtenir des informations précieuses, notamment :

  • Pression de Fracturation : Ce test peut aider à déterminer la pression à laquelle des fractures sont initiées dans la formation rocheuse environnante. Cette information est cruciale pour optimiser les opérations de fracturation hydraulique, garantir une efficacité maximale et minimiser les risques.
  • Conductivité de Fracture : Le taux de baisse de pression peut indiquer la perméabilité ou la conductivité du réseau de fractures créé. Ces données permettent aux ingénieurs d'évaluer l'efficacité du traitement de fracturation et la productivité attendue du puits.
  • Intégrité du Puits : Les lectures de pression pendant la période de décroissance peuvent révéler tout problème d'intégrité du puits, comme des fuites ou des dommages. Cette information est cruciale pour garantir le fonctionnement sûr et efficace du puits.
  • Pression de Fermeture de Fracture : En analysant la baisse de pression, les ingénieurs peuvent estimer la pression requise pour fermer les fractures créées. Cette information est essentielle pour optimiser les opérations de production et garantir les performances du puits à long terme.

Applications du Test de Décroissance de Pression :

Le test de décroissance de pression trouve application dans un large éventail de scénarios au sein de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, notamment :

  • Évaluation de la Fracturation Hydraulique : Lors d'une opération de fracturation hydraulique, un test de décroissance de pression peut être utilisé pour évaluer l'efficacité du traitement et déterminer si le réseau de fractures est optimalement développé.
  • Optimisation de la Complétion du Puits : Le test peut aider à déterminer la stratégie de complétion optimale pour un puits, en fonction des caractéristiques du réservoir et des débits de production souhaités.
  • Diagnostic du Puits : Les tests de décroissance de pression peuvent être utilisés pour identifier les problèmes potentiels au sein d'un puits, tels que des fuites, des dommages au puits ou des changements de pression du réservoir.
  • Caractérisation du Réservoir : Les données recueillies lors d'un test de décroissance de pression peuvent contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des propriétés du réservoir, y compris les gradients de pression, la perméabilité et la dynamique d'écoulement des fluides.

Conclusion :

Le test de décroissance de pression joue un rôle essentiel dans l'exploration et la production de pétrole et de gaz. Il sert d'outil polyvalent pour évaluer les performances du puits, optimiser les stratégies de complétion et identifier les problèmes potentiels. En fournissant des informations précieuses sur les caractéristiques du puits et du réservoir environnant, ce test permet aux ingénieurs de prendre des décisions éclairées qui améliorent l'efficacité de la production, minimisent les risques et optimisent les performances du puits à long terme.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unveiling the Secrets of a Well: The Fall-Off Test

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main purpose of a Fall-Off Test?

a) To measure the volume of oil or gas produced from a well. b) To monitor the pressure decline within a well after injection. c) To determine the depth of a well. d) To evaluate the efficiency of drilling equipment.


b) To monitor the pressure decline within a well after injection.

2. Which of the following can be injected into a well during a Fall-Off Test?

a) Only water b) Only proppant c) Water, proppant, or a mixture of both d) None of the above


c) Water, proppant, or a mixture of both

3. What information can be obtained from the pressure decline rate during a Fall-Off Test?

a) Fracture conductivity b) Wellbore temperature c) Reservoir depth d) Drilling fluid density


a) Fracture conductivity

4. Which of the following scenarios is NOT a common application of a Fall-Off Test?

a) Evaluating the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing b) Optimizing well completion strategies c) Determining the type of drilling fluid used d) Identifying potential problems within a well


c) Determining the type of drilling fluid used

5. What is the significance of the "Fracture Closure Pressure" determined from a Fall-Off Test?

a) It indicates the pressure required to open new fractures. b) It helps predict the well's future production rate. c) It determines the optimal drilling depth. d) It measures the amount of proppant used in fracturing.


b) It helps predict the well's future production rate.

Exercise: Fall-Off Test Interpretation


An oil well was subjected to a hydraulic fracturing treatment. During the Fall-Off Test, the following pressure readings were recorded:

| Time (minutes) | Pressure (psi) | |---|---| | 0 | 5000 | | 1 | 4900 | | 2 | 4800 | | 3 | 4700 | | 4 | 4650 | | 5 | 4600 | | 10 | 4400 | | 15 | 4200 | | 20 | 4000 |


Based on the pressure data, estimate the following:

  1. Fracture conductivity: Describe the relationship between pressure and time, and what it indicates about the fracture network.
  2. Fracture closure pressure: Approximate the pressure at which the fractures start to close.

Exercice Correction

**1. Fracture conductivity:** The pressure decline is relatively rapid initially, indicating a good connection between the wellbore and the fracture network. However, the decline slows down over time, suggesting that the fracture network is not as permeable as initially thought. This could be due to factors like proppant settling or the presence of natural fractures with lower conductivity. **2. Fracture closure pressure:** Based on the data, the fracture closure pressure can be estimated to be around 4000 psi. This is the pressure at which the pressure decline rate starts to significantly slow down, indicating that the fractures are starting to close and the fluid flow is being restricted.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed: A comprehensive handbook covering various aspects of petroleum engineering, including well testing and analysis.
  • "Production Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry" by John M. Campbell: This book explores the operational aspects of oil and gas production, including well testing and evaluation techniques.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by John Lee: This book focuses on reservoir engineering principles and practices, including well testing and analysis.


  • "Interpretation of Fall-Off Tests in Shale Gas Wells" by Z. Wang, et al. (SPE Journal): This article explores the interpretation of Fall-Off Test data in shale gas wells and its relevance in characterizing fracture networks.
  • "A Comprehensive Analysis of Fall-Off Test Data for Fractured Wells" by K.A. Aziz, et al. (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article provides a comprehensive analysis of Fall-Off Test data and its applications in various well scenarios.
  • "Fall-Off Testing for Hydraulic Fracture Characterization" by G.W. King, et al. (SPE Production & Operations): This article focuses on using Fall-Off Test data to characterize hydraulic fractures and optimize fracturing operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including publications, presentations, and technical papers related to well testing and analysis. Search keywords like "fall-off test," "well testing," and "hydraulic fracturing."
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a vast library of technical publications from various industry organizations, including SPE, AAPG, and others. Search for relevant articles on Fall-Off Test applications.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly features articles on well testing and other related topics. Search their website for articles on Fall-Off Tests or related technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "fall-off test" with "hydraulic fracturing," "well testing," "reservoir characterization," and other relevant terms.
  • Include industry terms: Use keywords like "SPE," "AAPG," "reservoir engineering," "production operations," and "completion strategies" to refine your search.
  • Focus on specific applications: Specify the type of well or reservoir you are interested in, e.g., "fall-off test shale gas wells" or "fall-off test tight oil wells."


Unveiling the Secrets of a Well: The Fall-Off Test in Oil & Gas

This expanded document breaks down the Fall-Off Test into separate chapters for clarity.

Chapter 1: Techniques

The Fall-Off Test is a pressure transient analysis technique performed after a period of constant wellbore pressure increase (injection). The fundamental principle relies on observing the pressure decline in the wellbore after injection ceases. Several variations exist, primarily differentiated by the type of injection fluid and the data acquisition methods.

1.1 Injection Fluid: The choice of injection fluid influences the test's sensitivity to different reservoir properties. Common fluids include:

  • Water: Often used for its readily available nature and relatively low cost. Suitable for assessing near-wellbore properties.
  • Proppant Slurry: Used in conjunction with hydraulic fracturing, this allows assessment of fracture conductivity and propped-fracture geometry. This yields more information about the larger scale fracture network.
  • Gas: Less common, but can provide valuable insights in specific reservoir conditions, like those with high gas permeability.

1.2 Data Acquisition: Accurate pressure data is crucial. High-quality pressure gauges, typically bottomhole pressure gauges (BHPT), are essential. Data acquisition frequency depends on the expected pressure decline rate and the specific objectives of the test. Higher frequency is crucial in the early stages of the pressure decline.

1.3 Test Procedure: A typical Fall-Off Test procedure involves:

  1. Pre-Test Preparation: Verify equipment functionality, ensure proper gauge calibration, and establish baseline pressure conditions.
  2. Injection Phase: Inject fluid at a constant rate for a predetermined period.
  3. Shut-In Phase: Cease injection and begin recording pressure data at a pre-defined frequency. This phase typically lasts several hours, depending on reservoir properties and test objectives.
  4. Data Analysis: Analyze pressure data using appropriate techniques (discussed in Chapter 2).

1.4 Limitations: Fall-Off Tests aren't without limitations:

  • Wellbore Storage Effects: The wellbore itself can store and release fluid, affecting the early-time pressure data. Proper interpretation techniques are required to account for this.
  • Skin Effect: The near-wellbore region can have permeability different from the surrounding formation, influencing pressure response.
  • Non-Darcy Flow: In high-velocity flow conditions, non-linear flow behavior can complicate interpretation.

Chapter 2: Models

Accurate interpretation of Fall-Off Test data requires appropriate mathematical models. These models describe the pressure diffusion in the reservoir as a function of time.

2.1 Single-Porosity Models: These assume a homogenous reservoir with a single pore system. Common models include:

  • Exponential Decline Model: A simplified model suitable for initial analysis and quick estimation of key parameters.
  • Type Curve Matching: A graphical technique used to match the observed pressure decline with theoretical curves to estimate reservoir parameters.

2.2 Dual-Porosity Models: For fractured reservoirs, these account for the separate flow behavior in the matrix and fractures. These provide more detailed understanding of the contribution from matrix and fractures. Examples include:

  • Warren and Root Model: A classic dual-porosity model.
  • More complex numerical models: These can accommodate complex fracture geometries and flow behavior and require numerical solutions

2.3 Model Selection: The choice of model depends on the reservoir characteristics and the specific objectives of the test. Geological understanding and prior knowledge about the reservoir are important. Multiple models are often used and compared.

Chapter 3: Software

Specialized software is crucial for data processing, analysis, and interpretation of Fall-Off Tests. These packages usually include:

  • Data Acquisition and Visualization Tools: For importing, reviewing, and visualizing pressure data.
  • Model Fitting and Parameter Estimation Capabilities: For fitting various models to the data and estimating key parameters such as permeability, fracture conductivity, and wellbore storage.
  • Type Curve Matching Tools: For graphical interpretation of data using type curves.
  • Reservoir Simulation Modules: Integrated with reservoir simulators to help with larger scale reservoir characterization.

Examples include specialized petroleum engineering software packages (e.g., Kappa, Eclipse, Petrel) as well as custom-built applications.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

To ensure accurate and reliable results, several best practices must be followed:

  • Pre-Test Planning: Careful planning is crucial, including defining test objectives, selecting appropriate tools and models, and ensuring proper well preparation.
  • Data Quality Control: Maintaining high data quality is paramount. This includes regular gauge calibration, minimizing noise in the data, and careful quality assurance checks.
  • Appropriate Model Selection: Using a model that accurately reflects the reservoir properties is critical for accurate interpretation.
  • Sensitivity Analysis: Conducting sensitivity analysis helps assess the influence of uncertainties in input parameters on the interpreted results.
  • Expert Interpretation: Interpretation of Fall-Off Tests often requires the expertise of experienced petroleum engineers.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Several case studies can illustrate the application and interpretation of Fall-Off Test data in various scenarios. Specific examples would be provided here, detailing:

  • Case Study 1: A Fall-Off Test in a conventional reservoir, focusing on permeability determination.
  • Case Study 2: A Fall-Off Test in a fractured shale reservoir, illustrating fracture conductivity estimation after a hydraulic fracturing treatment.
  • Case Study 3: A Fall-Off Test used for well integrity assessment. (Example - detecting leaks).

Each case study would include the test setup, data analysis, interpretation, and the outcomes/conclusions. Specific data and graphs would typically be presented to illustrate the key findings. Note: confidential data would not be included, replaced by representative examples.

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