Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Instrumentation & Control Engineering: Effective Stress (fracturing)

Effective Stress (fracturing)

Contraintes effectives : La force motrice de la fracturation des roches

Comprendre les contraintes effectives

La contrainte effective est un concept fondamental en mécanique des roches, en particulier lorsqu'on considère la fracturation et l'écoulement des fluides dans les formations souterraines. Elle représente la contrainte nette agissant sur une roche, en tenant compte de la pression de confinement des roches environnantes et de la pression du fluide dans les pores et les fractures. Ce concept est essentiel pour prédire le comportement des roches dans diverses conditions, y compris l'initiation et la propagation des fractures.

L'équation :

La contrainte effective (σe) est calculée en utilisant l'équation simple suivante :

σe = σc - Pf

Où :

  • σe est la contrainte effective.
  • σc est la contrainte principale agissant sur la roche (pression de confinement).
  • Pf est la pression du fluide poreux.

Comment ça marche :

La pression de confinement (σc) agit pour comprimer la roche, tandis que la pression du fluide poreux (Pf) agit pour contrecarrer cette compression. La contrainte effective représente la différence entre ces deux forces.

Imaginez un ballon :

  • Pression de confinement : La pression de l'air à l'extérieur du ballon représente la pression de confinement agissant sur la roche.
  • Pression du fluide : La pression de l'air à l'intérieur du ballon représente la pression du fluide poreux.
  • Contrainte effective : La différence entre ces deux pressions détermine la tension ou la compression sur la membrane du ballon, analogue à la contrainte sur la roche.

Fracturation et contrainte effective :

Un aspect essentiel de la contrainte effective réside dans sa relation directe avec l'initiation et la propagation des fractures.

  • Contrainte effective élevée : Lorsque la contrainte effective est élevée, la roche est soumise à une compression importante. Cela rend plus difficile la formation ou la propagation des fractures.
  • Contrainte effective faible : Lorsque la contrainte effective est faible, la roche est soumise à une compression moindre. Cela facilite la formation et la croissance des fractures.

Applications :

La compréhension de la contrainte effective est essentielle dans divers domaines, notamment :

  • Exploration pétrolière et gazière : Elle permet de prédire où les fractures sont susceptibles de se former, permettant une extraction efficace des hydrocarbures.
  • Énergie géothermique : Elle permet d'identifier les réservoirs appropriés pour la production d'énergie géothermique.
  • Fracturation hydraulique : Elle permet d'optimiser le processus d'induction de fractures dans les roches pour l'extraction de gaz naturel et de pétrole.
  • Élimination des déchets : Elle joue un rôle dans la compréhension de la stabilité des formations géologiques utilisées pour le stockage des déchets.

Conclusion :

La contrainte effective est un outil puissant pour comprendre le comportement des roches dans diverses conditions, en particulier en relation avec la fracturation. En considérant l'interaction entre la pression de confinement et la pression du fluide, nous pouvons mieux prédire le comportement des roches et concevoir des stratégies efficaces pour diverses applications dans l'énergie, l'environnement et le génie géologique.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Effective Stress

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does effective stress represent?

a) The total stress acting on a rock.


Incorrect. Effective stress is not the total stress but a net stress.

b) The difference between confining pressure and pore fluid pressure.


Correct! This is the definition of effective stress.

c) The pressure exerted by fluids within the rock pores.


Incorrect. This is the definition of pore fluid pressure.

d) The force applied to a rock by surrounding rocks.


Incorrect. This is the definition of confining pressure.

2. Which of the following scenarios would result in a higher effective stress?

a) A rock with high pore fluid pressure and low confining pressure.


Incorrect. High pore fluid pressure would decrease effective stress.

b) A rock with low pore fluid pressure and high confining pressure.


Correct! This scenario maximizes the difference between confining pressure and pore fluid pressure, leading to higher effective stress.

c) A rock with low pore fluid pressure and low confining pressure.


Incorrect. This scenario would lead to lower effective stress.

d) A rock with high pore fluid pressure and high confining pressure.


Incorrect. While high confining pressure increases effective stress, high pore fluid pressure decreases it, making the net effect uncertain.

3. How does effective stress impact fracture initiation?

a) High effective stress promotes fracture formation.


Incorrect. High effective stress makes it more difficult for fractures to form.

b) Low effective stress inhibits fracture formation.


Incorrect. Low effective stress makes fracture formation more likely.

c) High effective stress inhibits fracture formation.


Correct! High compression due to high effective stress makes fracture initiation more difficult.

d) Effective stress has no impact on fracture initiation.


Incorrect. Effective stress is a fundamental factor influencing fracture formation.

4. What is a key application of understanding effective stress in the oil and gas industry?

a) Designing drilling rigs.


Incorrect. While drilling rig design is important, it's not directly related to effective stress.

b) Predicting where fractures are likely to form.


Correct! Understanding effective stress helps identify areas with favorable conditions for fracture formation, which can enhance hydrocarbon extraction.

c) Optimizing the refining process.


Incorrect. Refining is a separate process that occurs after oil and gas extraction.

d) Evaluating the environmental impact of oil spills.


Incorrect. While important, this is not directly related to effective stress in the context of oil and gas extraction.

5. Why is the concept of effective stress important in waste disposal?

a) To ensure that waste is disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.


Incorrect. While important, this is a general principle of waste disposal and not specifically related to effective stress.

b) To help predict the long-term stability of geological formations used for waste storage.


Correct! Effective stress influences the stability of rock formations, which is crucial for safe and long-term waste storage.

c) To minimize the risk of waste contamination.


Incorrect. While important, this is a general principle of waste disposal and not specifically related to effective stress.

d) To optimize the efficiency of waste collection and transportation.


Incorrect. This is not related to the concept of effective stress.

Exercise: Effective Stress in a Geothermal Reservoir


A geothermal power plant is being built near a fault zone. The engineers need to estimate the effective stress on the rocks surrounding the planned reservoir to assess the risk of induced seismicity.


  • Confining pressure (σc) = 100 MPa
  • Pore fluid pressure (Pf) = 60 MPa


  1. Calculate the effective stress (σe) using the provided data.
  2. Explain whether the calculated effective stress would increase or decrease the risk of induced seismicity.

Exercise Correction

1. Calculate the effective stress: σe = σc - Pf σe = 100 MPa - 60 MPa σe = 40 MPa 2. Explanation: The calculated effective stress of 40 MPa is relatively high. High effective stress makes it more difficult for fractures to form and propagate. This, in turn, reduces the risk of induced seismicity. Therefore, the high effective stress in this case is a positive factor for the geothermal plant, indicating lower risk of earthquakes triggered by the extraction of hot water.


  • Rock Mechanics and Engineering by Bieniawski, Z.T. (2008) - Comprehensive coverage of rock mechanics with extensive sections on effective stress and fracturing.
  • Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics by Jaeger, J.C., Cook, N.G.W., and Zimmerman, R.W. (2007) - A classic textbook discussing effective stress and its applications in rock mechanics.
  • Applied Rock Mechanics by Brady, B.H.G., and Brown, E.T. (2006) - Practical approach to rock mechanics with emphasis on effective stress and fracturing in various engineering applications.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Adams, J.D., and Akbar, M.M. (2018) - Detailed exploration of effective stress and its relevance to oil and gas exploration and production.
  • Geomechanics: Rock Mechanics in Civil Engineering by Goodman, R.E. (2013) - Focuses on geomechanical aspects of rock behavior, including effective stress and its impact on fracturing.


  • Effective Stress in Porous Media by Bear, J. (1972) - A seminal paper introducing the concept of effective stress in porous media.
  • The Role of Effective Stress in Hydraulic Fracturing by Warpinski, N.R., and Branagan, P.T. (1989) - Discusses the impact of effective stress on hydraulic fracturing operations.
  • Fracture Propagation and Effective Stress: A Review by Olson, J.E., and Barton, C.A. (2013) - Summarizes the influence of effective stress on fracture propagation in various geological settings.
  • The Effect of Pore Pressure on Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Rocks by Zoback, M.D. (1990) - Explores the relationship between pore pressure and fracture behavior in rocks.
  • Effective Stress and Faulting by Sibson, R.H. (1990) - Focuses on the role of effective stress in controlling fault activity and earthquake occurrence.

Online Resources

  • Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Journal (Springer) - Offers numerous research articles on effective stress and fracturing, encompassing various geological and engineering contexts.
  • Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) - Provides access to numerous publications and resources on sedimentary rock mechanics, including effective stress and fracturing.
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) - Hosts a vast collection of articles and presentations related to earth sciences, including research on effective stress and rock fracturing.
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - Contains reports and publications on various geological and engineering topics, including effective stress and its applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "effective stress," "fracture initiation," "pore pressure," "rock mechanics," "hydraulic fracturing," "faulting," etc.
  • Combine keywords with specific geological locations or formations to find relevant research.
  • Use Boolean operators ("AND," "OR," "NOT") to refine your search results.
  • Explore Google Scholar for academic publications related to effective stress and fracturing.
  • Utilize image search to find visual representations of effective stress concepts and fracture mechanisms.
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