Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Dry Tree Well

Dry Tree Well

Puits Sec: Une Porte d'Entrée vers le Pétrole et le Gaz Offshore

Dans le monde effervescent de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière offshore, le terme "puits sec" peut sembler un peu déroutant. Cependant, il s'agit d'un élément crucial pour l'extraction sûre et efficace des hydrocarbures sous le fond marin.

Définition du Puits Sec :

Un puits sec désigne un puits offshore où le tête de puits, le point d'accès au puits, est situé sur le fond marin, mais la plate-forme, les installations de traitement et les équipements sont situés sur une structure séparée, généralement une plate-forme ou une unité de production flottante (FPU). Cela contraste avec un "puits mouillé" où le tête de puits est directement relié à la plate-forme et tous les équipements sont centralisés sur la même structure.

Avantages des Puits Secs :

  • Flexibilité et évolutivité : Les puits secs offrent une flexibilité considérable dans le développement d'un champ offshore. Ils permettent de relier plusieurs puits à une seule plate-forme, permettant une production efficace sur une zone plus large.
  • Rentabilité : La structure séparée permet d'utiliser des plates-formes plus petites et moins chères, voire des systèmes de production sous-marins, ce qui peut réduire les dépenses d'investissement.
  • Impact environnemental réduit : Les puits secs minimisent l'empreinte de l'installation de production sur le fond marin, réduisant l'impact environnemental potentiel.
  • Sécurité accrue : La séparation du tête de puits et de la plate-forme augmente la sécurité, car les risques liés au forage et à la production sont isolés du personnel et des équipements sur la plate-forme.

Composants d'un Puits Sec :

  • Tête de puits : Situé sur le fond marin, il constitue le point d'accès principal au puits.
  • Conduites sous-marines : Ces pipelines relient le tête de puits aux installations de traitement sur la plate-forme.
  • Collecteur sous-marin : Un point de jonction sur le fond marin où convergent plusieurs conduites provenant de différents puits.
  • Arbre de Noël : Un ensemble de vannes et d'équipements situé au tête de puits, contrôlant le débit du pétrole et du gaz.
  • Plate-forme ou FPU : La structure abritant les installations de traitement et les équipements.

Résumé :

Les puits secs constituent une approche polyvalente et efficace pour développer les réserves de pétrole et de gaz offshore. Ils offrent de nombreux avantages, notamment la flexibilité, la rentabilité, un impact environnemental réduit et une sécurité accrue. En comprenant le concept des puits secs, on peut mieux apprécier les complexités et les innovations impliquées dans la production d'hydrocarbures offshore.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Dry Tree Wells

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the defining characteristic of a dry tree well? a) The wellhead is located on the seabed, separate from the platform. b) The wellhead is directly attached to the platform. c) The wellbore is drilled horizontally. d) The well is used for injecting water or gas.


a) The wellhead is located on the seabed, separate from the platform.

2. Which of these is NOT an advantage of using dry tree wells? a) Increased flexibility in developing a field. b) Reduced cost compared to wet tree wells. c) Increased environmental impact due to multiple platforms. d) Improved safety by separating wellhead from the platform.


c) Increased environmental impact due to multiple platforms.

3. What connects the wellhead to the processing facilities on the platform? a) Subsea flowlines b) Subsea manifold c) Christmas tree d) Platform legs


a) Subsea flowlines

4. Where is the Christmas tree located in a dry tree well? a) On the seabed, at the wellhead. b) On the platform, connected to the processing facilities. c) Inside the wellbore. d) On the subsea manifold.


a) On the seabed, at the wellhead.

5. What is a key difference between a dry tree well and a wet tree well? a) The type of fluids produced. b) The depth of the wellbore. c) The location of the wellhead relative to the platform. d) The technology used for drilling.


c) The location of the wellhead relative to the platform.

Exercise: Dry Tree Well Design

Task: Imagine you are designing a dry tree well system for an offshore oil field.

Consider the following factors:

  • Number of wells: 10
  • Water depth: 1000 meters
  • Oil production rate: 50,000 barrels per day
  • Distance from the platform: 5 kilometers

Research and outline the following:

  1. Subsea flowline specifications: Diameter, material, and required pressure rating.
  2. Subsea manifold configuration: Number of inlets, type of valves, and materials.
  3. Platform type: Suitable options considering production capacity and water depth.

Explain your choices and justify them based on your research and the given information.

Exercise Correction

This exercise is designed to encourage research and critical thinking. There is no single "correct" answer, but here's a possible approach:

1. Subsea Flowline Specifications

  • Diameter: The flowline diameter should be large enough to accommodate the oil production rate of 50,000 barrels per day while maintaining acceptable flow velocity to avoid excessive pressure drop.
  • Material: High-grade steel with corrosion-resistant coating is preferred for deepwater applications.
  • Pressure rating: The pressure rating should be high enough to handle the hydrostatic pressure at 1000 meters depth, plus the pressure required for oil flow.

2. Subsea Manifold Configuration

  • Number of inlets: This should match the number of wells, which is 10 in this case.
  • Type of valves: Typically, remotely operated valves (ROV) are used to control flow from each well.
  • Materials: High-grade steel with corrosion-resistant coating.

3. Platform Type

  • Considerations: The production capacity (50,000 barrels per day) and water depth (1000 meters) suggest a large, stable platform is needed.
  • Suitable Options:
    • Semi-submersible platform: A common choice for deepwater applications due to its stability and large deck space.
    • Tension leg platform (TLP): Another suitable option for deepwater, offering good stability.


  • Choosing the correct flowline diameter, material, and pressure rating ensures efficient oil transportation without excessive pressure loss.
  • The manifold design facilitates easy flow control from each well.
  • The platform type must be suitable for the water depth and the production volume, ensuring safe and efficient operations.

Note: This is a simplified outline. Actual design would involve detailed engineering calculations and consideration of many other factors like environmental regulations, potential hazards, and cost optimization.


  • Offshore Oil & Gas Engineering: Exploration, Development & Production: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of offshore oil and gas operations, including the design and implementation of dry tree wells.
  • Subsea Engineering Handbook: This book specifically focuses on subsea engineering, which is a crucial component of dry tree well systems.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This widely used handbook offers a broad overview of petroleum engineering principles, including sections related to offshore production and dry tree well technology.


  • "Dry Tree Well Technology: A Review" - Search for this title in online academic databases like ScienceDirect, JSTOR, or Google Scholar. It would likely provide a detailed overview of the technology, including its advantages, disadvantages, and case studies.
  • "Subsea Production Systems: An Overview" - This article would provide insights into the broader subsea production systems, which are essential for dry tree well operations.
  • "The Future of Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration" - While not specifically focused on dry tree wells, this article would likely discuss the role of subsea technology and dry tree wells in the future of offshore production.

Online Resources

  • Offshore Technology Website: This website provides a wealth of information about the offshore oil and gas industry, including articles, case studies, and news related to dry tree wells and other subsea technologies.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: SPE is a professional organization for petroleum engineers, and their website offers numerous resources, including technical papers and presentations, relevant to dry tree well technology.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This trade publication provides regular updates and insights into the offshore oil and gas industry, including articles on dry tree well installations and developments.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "dry tree well," "subsea production system," "offshore oil and gas," "subsea flowlines," and "Christmas tree."
  • Include relevant location names, such as "North Sea" or "Gulf of Mexico," as these regions are heavily involved in offshore oil and gas production.
  • Try advanced search operators like "filetype:pdf" to find PDF documents, or "" to limit your search to the SPE website.
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