Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Incident Investigation & Reporting: Discovered (reserves)

Discovered (reserves)

"Réserves Découvertes" dans le Pétrole et le Gaz : Un Aperçu de la Signification et de l'Importance

Dans le monde du pétrole et du gaz, les "réserves découvertes" désignent un type spécifique de ressource qui a été identifiée et prouvée comme étant commercialement viable. Cet article se penche sur la définition, la signification et les implications des "réserves découvertes" dans l'industrie du pétrole et du gaz.

Définition :

Les réserves découvertes représentent une accumulation de pétrole prouvée, ce qui signifie que l'existence d'un réservoir de pétrole ou de gaz a été confirmée par contact direct par un puits. Ce puits doit démontrer la présence de pétrole mobile, qui peut être observé à travers :

  • Écoulement à la surface : Le puits produit du pétrole ou du gaz.
  • Récupération d'un échantillon : Le puits extrait un échantillon du produit pétrolier.

De plus, même sans production réelle, les données de diagraphie et/ou de carottage provenant du puits peuvent être utilisées pour confirmer la présence de pétrole mobile, en particulier si des données comparables existent à partir d'un réservoir analogue.

Points clés :

  • Confirmation par pénétration du puits : Le contact direct avec le réservoir par forage est crucial.
  • Mobilité démontrée : Le réservoir doit contenir du pétrole qui peut être extrait.
  • Données de diagraphie et de carottage : Celles-ci peuvent servir de preuve de pétrole mobile lorsqu'elles sont comparées à des réservoirs similaires.
  • Accumulations/Réservoirs connus : Les réserves découvertes sont classées comme "accumulations connues" ou "réservoirs connus", ce qui signifie que leur existence et leur potentiel sont établis.

Signification et implications :

La classification des réserves comme "découvertes" a des implications importantes pour :

  • Évaluation des ressources : Elle permet aux entreprises d'estimer avec précision le volume de pétrole et de gaz récupérables, ce qui permet de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant les investissements et la planification de la production.
  • Décisions d'investissement : Les investisseurs se fient aux données sur les réserves découvertes pour évaluer la rentabilité et le risque associés aux projets pétroliers et gaziers.
  • Rapports réglementaires : Les entreprises sont tenues de déclarer leurs réserves découvertes aux organismes de réglementation, assurant la transparence et la responsabilisation dans l'industrie.
  • Dynamique du marché : Le volume des réserves découvertes influence l'offre et la demande sur le marché, impactant les prix et les tendances d'investissement.

Aller de l'avant :

Le concept de "réserves découvertes" est un élément essentiel de l'industrie du pétrole et du gaz, fournissant une base pour l'évaluation des ressources, les décisions d'investissement et la supervision réglementaire. Alors que les technologies d'exploration et de production évoluent, la définition et l'évaluation des réserves découvertes continueront probablement à se préciser, améliorant encore la transparence et l'efficacité dans l'industrie.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Discovered Reserves in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic that distinguishes "discovered reserves" from other types of oil and gas resources? (a) They are located in deepwater environments. (b) They are estimated based on geological models. (c) They have been confirmed by direct contact through a well. (d) They are considered highly profitable.


The correct answer is **(c) They have been confirmed by direct contact through a well.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a key point regarding discovered reserves? (a) They are known accumulations or reservoirs. (b) They require confirmation through drilling and well penetration. (c) They are estimated based on the potential for future discoveries. (d) They must demonstrate movable petroleum.


The correct answer is **(c) They are estimated based on the potential for future discoveries.** Discovered reserves are based on proven, confirmed resources, not potential future discoveries.

3. How do "log and core data" contribute to the confirmation of discovered reserves? (a) They are used to estimate the size of the reservoir. (b) They provide evidence of movable petroleum even without production. (c) They help predict the quality of the oil or gas. (d) They are used to determine the age of the reservoir.


The correct answer is **(b) They provide evidence of movable petroleum even without production.** Log and core data, when compared to similar reservoirs, can confirm the presence of movable petroleum even if no production has occurred.

4. What is the significance of "discovered reserves" in relation to investment decisions? (a) They determine the environmental impact of oil and gas extraction. (b) They are used to calculate the cost of production. (c) They provide investors with a basis for assessing profitability and risk. (d) They are used to forecast future oil and gas prices.


The correct answer is **(c) They provide investors with a basis for assessing profitability and risk.** Investors rely on discovered reserves data to understand the potential return and risk associated with oil and gas projects.

5. Which of the following is NOT a direct implication of "discovered reserves" for the oil and gas industry? (a) Resource assessment and production planning (b) Development of new exploration technologies (c) Regulatory reporting and transparency (d) Market supply and demand dynamics


The correct answer is **(b) Development of new exploration technologies.** While new technologies influence exploration, the concept of discovered reserves is primarily focused on the assessment and confirmation of existing resources, not the development of new exploration methods.



A company has drilled a well in a new exploration area. The well encountered a layer of porous rock, and a sample of oil was recovered. The well logs indicate similar rock properties and geological formations to a known producing reservoir in a neighboring area.


Based on the information above, explain whether the company can classify the discovered oil as "discovered reserves" and why.

Exercice Correction

Yes, the company can likely classify the discovered oil as "discovered reserves." Here's why:

  • **Direct Contact:** The company has confirmed the presence of oil through well penetration.
  • **Movable Petroleum:** The recovery of a sample demonstrates the oil is movable and potentially recoverable.
  • **Log and Core Data:** The similarity to a known producing reservoir in the neighboring area, as indicated by well logs, provides further evidence supporting the presence of movable petroleum.

However, further investigation and analysis are necessary. The company will need to:

  • **Evaluate the reservoir characteristics:** Assess the size, thickness, and quality of the reservoir to determine the volume of recoverable oil.
  • **Conduct further testing:** Perform production tests to confirm the flow rates and estimate the potential production capacity of the reservoir.
  • **Analyze the economic feasibility:** Evaluate the costs associated with developing the reservoir and ensure the project is economically viable.


  • Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS): This publication from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a comprehensive guide to reserve definitions, classification, and estimation practices. It provides in-depth insights into the various reserve categories, including discovered reserves.
  • Oil and Gas Economics: A Guide to Valuation and Management: This book by Edward S. Kalil provides a thorough analysis of the economics of the oil and gas industry, including discussions on reserve assessment and their impact on investment decisions.
  • The Petroleum Exploration Handbook: This book by G.V. Chilingar, et al., offers a detailed overview of exploration methods and reservoir characterization, including sections on reserve estimation and the importance of discovered reserves.


  • "Reserves: An Overview of Definitions and Estimation Methods" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - This article provides a clear explanation of various reserve categories, including discovered reserves, and outlines the methods used for their estimation.
  • "The Significance of Proven Reserves in the Oil and Gas Industry" by Energy Institute - This article emphasizes the importance of proven reserves for investors, companies, and governments, highlighting their role in financial planning, resource management, and regulatory compliance.
  • "Unconventional Resources: Impact on Reserves Definitions" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - This article examines the challenges of defining reserves for unconventional resources and how the concept of discovered reserves needs to be adapted for these resources.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a vast repository of resources on petroleum engineering, including information on reserve definitions, estimation methods, and industry best practices.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website provides information on reserve reporting guidelines, standards, and industry practices, including definitions and classifications of discovered reserves.
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA): The EIA website offers data on oil and gas reserves, production, and consumption, including statistics on discovered reserves in various regions.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on discovered reserves, use keywords like "discovered reserves definition," "proven reserves," "reserves classification," "reserves estimation," and "oil and gas reserves reporting."
  • Combine keywords with "oil and gas": Add "oil and gas" to your search terms to focus on resources relevant to the industry.
  • Include relevant organizations: Use the names of organizations like SPE, API, and EIA in your searches to find their specific publications and resources.
  • Search for specific types of resources: Specify your search by adding "books," "articles," "reports," or "videos" to narrow down your results.
  • Use advanced search operators: Use operators like "site:" or "filetype:" to further refine your search, for example, " discovered reserves."
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