Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Crest (flow)

Crest (flow)

Comprendre le Crêt (Débit) dans le Pétrole et le Gaz : Coning dans les puits horizontaux

Crêt (débit) est un terme utilisé dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière pour décrire le sommet du cône d'eau qui se forme dans un puits horizontal lorsque de l'eau est produite avec du pétrole ou du gaz. Ce phénomène est particulièrement important pour comprendre la dynamique de l'écoulement des puits horizontaux et optimiser leur production.

Comment ça fonctionne :

  • Dans les puits horizontaux, le puits est foré horizontalement à travers la formation productrice, intersectant plusieurs couches.
  • Lorsque de l'eau est produite avec du pétrole ou du gaz, elle migre vers le haut en direction du puits, créant un front d'eau en forme de cône.
  • Le crêt fait référence au point le plus élevé de ce cône d'eau, essentiellement l'apex du cône.
  • Le schéma d'écoulement des fluides produits est affecté par la position du crêt, influençant les taux de production et la qualité des fluides.

Comparaison avec le Coning dans les puits verticaux :

Le concept de crêt (débit) dans les puits horizontaux est étroitement lié au coning dans les puits verticaux. Cependant, il existe des différences clés :

Puits verticaux :

  • Coning se produit lorsque de l'eau ou du gaz empiète sur le puits depuis la formation environnante, créant une zone en forme de cône du fluide empiétant.
  • Le coning est un phénomène vertical, où le cône est orienté verticalement, directement au-dessus du puits.

Puits horizontaux :

  • Crêt (débit) est un phénomène horizontal, où le cône d'eau s'étend horizontalement le long du puits.
  • Le crêt est une ligne horizontale représentant le point le plus élevé du cône d'eau, essentiellement l'apex du cône le long du puits.

Impact du crêt (débit) sur la production :

  • Production d'eau : Lorsque le cône d'eau monte, le crêt peut atteindre le puits, ce qui entraîne une augmentation de la production d'eau et une diminution de la production de pétrole ou de gaz.
  • Performance du puits : La position du crêt influence la dynamique de l'écoulement et peut avoir un impact significatif sur le taux de production du puits et la qualité des fluides.
  • Gestion du puits : Comprendre et gérer le crêt est crucial pour optimiser la production et maintenir l'intégrité du puits.

Gestion du crêt (débit) :

  • Contrôle du taux de production : Ajuster le taux de production peut aider à gérer le cône d'eau et à contrôler la position du crêt.
  • Techniques de levage artificiel : Des méthodes comme le gaz lift ou les pompes submersibles électriques peuvent aider à soulever les fluides du puits et à gérer la production d'eau.
  • Techniques d'obturation d'eau : Des méthodes sélectives d'obturation d'eau peuvent être mises en œuvre pour isoler les zones productrices d'eau et empêcher l'empiètement de l'eau.

Conclusion :

Le crêt (débit) est un concept essentiel pour comprendre la dynamique de l'écoulement des fluides des puits horizontaux. Il est étroitement lié au coning dans les puits verticaux, mais diffère par son orientation horizontale et son impact sur la production. En gérant soigneusement le crêt, les exploitants peuvent optimiser la production, minimiser la production d'eau et prolonger la durée de vie des puits horizontaux.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Crest (Flow) in Horizontal Wells

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the "crest" in the context of horizontal wells? a) The highest point of a water cone in a horizontal well. b) The top of the oil or gas reservoir. c) The point where the wellbore intersects the reservoir. d) The total volume of water produced from the well.


a) The highest point of a water cone in a horizontal well.

2. How does the position of the crest impact production in a horizontal well? a) It influences the flow rate of produced fluids. b) It determines the quality of the produced fluids. c) It affects the well's overall productivity. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. What is the primary difference between "crest" in horizontal wells and "coning" in vertical wells? a) Crest is a vertical phenomenon, while coning is horizontal. b) Crest is a horizontal phenomenon, while coning is vertical. c) Crest refers to water production, while coning refers to gas production. d) Crest is more significant for well performance than coning.


b) Crest is a horizontal phenomenon, while coning is vertical.

4. Which of the following techniques can be used to manage the crest in a horizontal well? a) Increasing production rate. b) Implementing water shut-off methods. c) Using artificial lift techniques. d) Both b) and c).


d) Both b) and c).

5. Why is it essential to understand and manage the crest in horizontal wells? a) To prevent water coning. b) To optimize production and maintain well integrity. c) To improve the efficiency of artificial lift techniques. d) To determine the exact location of the wellbore.


b) To optimize production and maintain well integrity.

Exercise: Managing Crest (Flow)


You are an engineer working on a horizontal well that is experiencing increased water production. The well has been producing oil and gas for several years, but the water cone has been steadily rising. The production rate is currently set at 100 barrels per day (bbl/day).


  1. Explain how the rising water cone and the crest are affecting the well's performance.
  2. Suggest two possible solutions to manage the crest and minimize water production, considering the available technologies.
  3. Explain the potential benefits and drawbacks of each solution.

Exercice Correction

1. Impact of Rising Water Cone and Crest:
The rising water cone indicates that water is encroaching on the wellbore, pushing the crest closer to the production zone. This leads to:

  • Increased Water Production: As the crest moves closer to the wellbore, more water is being produced alongside oil and gas, reducing the overall oil and gas production rate.
  • Decreased Oil and Gas Production: The water production reduces the flow of oil and gas, impacting the well's overall productivity.
  • Potential for Well Damage: If the water cone reaches the wellbore, it can cause damage to the well equipment and infrastructure, affecting the well's longevity.

2. Possible Solutions:
a) Production Rate Reduction:
  • Description: Lowering the production rate can slow down the rate at which fluids are extracted, reducing the upward flow of water and slowing down the rise of the water cone.
  • Benefits: Reduces water production, slows down crest movement, and may allow for better separation of oil and water.
  • Drawbacks: Decreases overall oil and gas production, might not be enough to completely stop the water cone's rise, and could be economically unviable if the production rate is too low.

b) Water Shut-Off Technique:
  • Description: Selective water shut-off methods can be implemented to isolate water-producing zones within the well. This could involve techniques like using packers or injection of chemicals to block the water flow.
  • Benefits: Can effectively isolate water-producing zones, minimizing water production and allowing for continued production of oil and gas from other zones.
  • Drawbacks: Can be a complex and expensive operation, may not be suitable for all wells, and the effectiveness of the shut-off might be limited over time.


  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of reservoir engineering, including water coning and production optimization.
  • Horizontal Well Technology by John Lee: Dedicated to the technology and applications of horizontal wells, with chapters on wellbore flow patterns and water coning.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Boyun Guo: Offers a detailed exploration of production engineering principles, including fluid flow behavior in horizontal wells.


  • "Water Coning in Horizontal Wells: An Analytical and Numerical Study" by J.S. Yortsos and M.J. King: A scientific paper exploring analytical models and numerical simulations of water coning in horizontal wells.
  • "Water Coning Control in Horizontal Wells: A Review" by S.M. Ghaderi and M.R. Islam: This article provides a comprehensive review of methods and technologies for managing water coning in horizontal wells.
  • "Optimization of Horizontal Well Production by Managing Water Coning" by A.M. Al-Hussainy and S.A. Al-Ghamdi: Focuses on practical strategies for optimizing production from horizontal wells by controlling water coning.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers and presentations on various topics, including horizontal well production and water coning.
  • *Schlumberger: * Schlumberger's website contains extensive information on oil and gas technology, including sections on reservoir engineering, production optimization, and wellbore flow patterns.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication provides news and technical articles covering the latest advancements in oil and gas production, including topics related to water coning and horizontal wells.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: For example, "water coning horizontal wells," "crest flow," "horizontal well production optimization," or "water shut-off techniques."
  • Combine keywords: Try searching for "water coning AND horizontal wells AND production," or "crest flow AND simulation."
  • Filter results by source: Filter your search results by specifying "articles," "books," or "websites" to find the most relevant resources.
  • Include industry-specific terms: Incorporate terms like "SPE," "Schlumberger," or "Oil and Gas Journal" to narrow down your search to specific industry resources.
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