Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: Counterbalance Weights

Counterbalance Weights

Contrepoids : Équilibrer la charge dans les pompes à balancier

Les pompes à balancier sont des composants essentiels dans l'extraction pétrolière et gazière, facilitant le levage et l'abaissement efficaces de la tige de pompage - la longue tige articulée reliant la pompe en fond de trou aux équipements de surface. Cependant, ce processus présente des défis inhérents, principalement le poids considérable de la tige de pompage. Pour y remédier, les **contrepoids** jouent un rôle crucial.

Comprendre le concept

Les contrepoids sont des **masses rotatives** stratégiquement positionnées sur le balancier de la pompe à balancier. Leur objectif est de **compenser le poids de la tige de pompage**, réduisant ainsi efficacement la charge sur le moteur et les paliers, et assurant un fonctionnement fluide et efficace.

Fonctionnement des contrepoids

  1. Répartition du poids : Les contrepoids sont conçus pour créer un moment (une force de rotation) qui s'oppose au poids de la tige de pompage. Ce moment est généré par la distance des poids par rapport au point d'articulation du balancier et par leur masse individuelle.
  2. Rotation équilibrée : Lorsque le balancier oscille de haut en bas, les contrepoids tournent dans la direction opposée. Cette rotation équilibrée crée une force quasi constante qui neutralise le poids de la tige de pompage.
  3. Réduction de la charge : En compensant le poids, les contrepoids réduisent considérablement la charge sur le moteur, les paliers et les autres composants de la pompe à balancier. Cela minimise l'usure, augmente la durée de vie et réduit la consommation d'énergie.

Importance des contrepoids

  • Efficacité : La réduction de la charge conduit à un fonctionnement plus efficace, permettant au moteur de fonctionner à une puissance inférieure et réduisant la consommation d'énergie.
  • Réduction de la maintenance : La minimisation de l'usure de la pompe à balancier se traduit par moins de pannes et des coûts de maintenance réduits.
  • Durée de vie accrue : En réduisant le stress sur les composants critiques, les contrepoids prolongent la durée de vie de la pompe à balancier.
  • Sécurité : Une pompe à balancier correctement équilibrée est plus sûre à utiliser, réduisant le risque d'accidents et d'arrêts de production.

Sélection et entretien des contrepoids

  • Choix du poids : Le poids des contrepoids est crucial et doit être soigneusement calculé en fonction du poids spécifique de la tige de pompage, de la longueur du balancier et d'autres facteurs.
  • Inspection régulière : Les contrepoids doivent être inspectés régulièrement pour détecter tout dommage, toute usure et tout mauvais alignement.
  • Réglage périodique : Avec le temps, le poids de la tige de pompage peut changer en raison de facteurs tels que la corrosion ou l'accumulation de tartre. Il est essentiel d'ajuster les contrepoids pour maintenir des performances optimales.

En neutralisant efficacement le poids de la tige de pompage, les contrepoids sont essentiels au bon fonctionnement et à l'efficacité des pompes à balancier. Ils jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'optimisation des performances, la minimisation de l'usure, la prolongation de la durée de vie et la garantie de la sécurité des opérations d'extraction pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Counterbalance Weights Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of counterbalance weights in beam lift pump jacks? a) To increase the lifting capacity of the pump jack. b) To reduce the load on the motor and bearings. c) To prevent the rod string from swaying. d) To lubricate the moving parts of the pump jack.


The correct answer is **b) To reduce the load on the motor and bearings.** Counterbalance weights are designed to offset the weight of the rod string, thereby reducing the load on the pump jack's components.

2. How do counterbalance weights achieve their purpose? a) By adding extra weight to the pump jack. b) By generating a moment that opposes the weight of the rod string. c) By creating friction to slow down the rod string's movement. d) By absorbing the energy generated by the rod string's movement.


The correct answer is **b) By generating a moment that opposes the weight of the rod string.** The strategically positioned counterbalance weights create a turning force that balances the weight of the rod string.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using counterbalance weights? a) Increased efficiency. b) Reduced maintenance costs. c) Improved safety. d) Increased lifting capacity.


The correct answer is **d) Increased lifting capacity.** Counterbalance weights do not increase the lifting capacity of the pump jack. They help in efficient operation and reduced load, not in increasing the lifting capacity.

4. What factor(s) need to be considered when selecting the weight of the counterbalance weights? a) Only the weight of the rod string. b) Only the length of the beam. c) The weight of the rod string, beam length, and other factors. d) Only the weight of the motor.


The correct answer is **c) The weight of the rod string, beam length, and other factors.** Selecting the correct weight depends on a combination of factors, including the rod string weight, beam length, and other operational parameters.

5. What is the importance of regularly inspecting and adjusting counterbalance weights? a) To ensure the pump jack remains aesthetically pleasing. b) To maintain optimal performance and prevent damage. c) To increase the lifespan of the rod string. d) To reduce noise levels during operation.


The correct answer is **b) To maintain optimal performance and prevent damage.** Regular inspections and adjustments are crucial for ensuring proper balance and preventing wear and tear on the pump jack and its components.

Counterbalance Weights Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a beam lift pump jack with a rod string weighing 10,000 lbs. The beam is 20 feet long. You need to calculate the ideal weight of the counterbalance weights to ensure proper balance.


  1. Identify the key factors influencing the counterbalance weight calculation (e.g., rod string weight, beam length).
  2. Research and apply a formula or method to calculate the necessary weight of the counterbalance weights.
  3. Explain your calculation and the rationale behind it.
  4. Discuss any additional factors that could affect the counterbalance weight selection in a real-world scenario.

Exercice Correction

To calculate the ideal weight of the counterbalance weights, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Rod String Weight: 10,000 lbs
  • Beam Length: 20 feet
  • Moment Arm: The distance between the pivot point of the beam and the point where the counterbalance weights are mounted. (Let's assume the moment arm is 10 feet for this example.)

The principle of moments can be applied to determine the necessary counterbalance weight:

Moment of Rod String = Moment of Counterbalance Weights

Rod String Weight x Distance from Pivot Point = Counterbalance Weight x Moment Arm

10,000 lbs x 10 feet = Counterbalance Weight x 10 feet

Therefore, the ideal weight of the counterbalance weights is 10,000 lbs.

Additional factors in a real-world scenario:

  • Beam geometry and pivot point location: The specific shape and pivot point position of the beam can influence the moment arm and required counterbalance weight.
  • Installation method and location of counterbalance weights: The design and placement of the counterbalance weights on the beam affect their efficiency and impact on the system's balance.
  • Dynamic loads: The movement of the rod string can create dynamic forces that need to be considered during the counterbalance weight selection process.

By considering all these factors and conducting thorough calculations, you can ensure the proper selection of counterbalance weights for optimal performance and safety of the beam lift pump jack.


  • Oil Well Drilling Engineering: This comprehensive textbook covers the entire oil well drilling process, including pump jack design and operation. It provides in-depth information on the role of counterbalance weights. (Multiple authors and editions available)
  • Petroleum Production Engineering: This book focuses on the production aspects of oil and gas operations, including pumping systems and the application of counterbalance weights. (Multiple authors and editions available)


  • "Counterbalance Weights for Beam Pumping Units" - Journal of Petroleum Technology: Search for articles published in industry-specific journals like this one, focusing on the technical aspects of counterbalance weight design and application.
  • "Optimization of Counterbalance Weights in Beam Lift Pump Jacks" - Oil & Gas Journal: Articles in trade journals often discuss real-world applications and case studies involving counterbalance weights.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute): API standards and specifications for wellhead equipment and pumping units may include sections relevant to counterbalance weights.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website and online library contain articles, technical papers, and presentations on various aspects of oil and gas production, including pump jack design and operation.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Companies specializing in pump jacks, beam lift equipment, or counterbalance weights often provide technical documentation, user manuals, and product specifications on their websites.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "counterbalance weights," "beam lift pump jack," "pump jack design," "rod string weight," "oil well pumping," "API specifications."
  • Combine keywords with "PDF" or "download": This can help you find technical documents and manuals.
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases: For example, "counterbalance weight calculation."
  • Use the "site:" operator to restrict searches to specific websites: For example, " counterbalance weights."
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