Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Contingency String (casing design)

Contingency String (casing design)

Chaîne de Contingence : Un filet de sécurité dans la conception du tubage pétrolier et gazier

Dans le monde à enjeux élevés de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, une planification et une exécution méticuleuses sont essentielles. Le processus de forage et de complétion d'un puits implique de nombreuses étapes complexes, la conception du tubage jouant un rôle crucial pour assurer l'intégrité et la sécurité du puits. Au sein de cette conception complexe, un élément crucial souvent utilisé est la **chaîne de contingence**.

**Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne de contingence ?**

Une chaîne de contingence est une "chaîne supplémentaire" de tubage intégrée à la conception du puits en tant que plan de secours. Elle agit comme un filet de sécurité en cas de circonstances imprévues pendant le processus de forage et de complétion, en particulier si une chaîne supérieure ne parvient pas à atteindre la profondeur prévue.

**Pourquoi est-elle nécessaire ?**

Plusieurs facteurs peuvent nécessiter l'utilisation d'une chaîne de contingence :

  • Perte de circulation : Pendant le forage, le fluide peut être perdu dans des formations poreuses ou fracturées, ce qui rend difficile le maintien de la pression et le contrôle du puits. Cela peut entraver l'avancement de la chaîne de tubage supérieure.
  • Tuyau bloqué : Le tuyau de forage peut se bloquer dans le puits pour diverses raisons, telles que des endroits serrés ou des formations inattendues.
  • Formations inattendues : La rencontre de formations dures, abrasives ou instables peut entraîner des difficultés inattendues pour la pose de la chaîne de tubage supérieure.

**Comment fonctionne-t-elle ?**

La chaîne de contingence est généralement posée à une profondeur moins profonde que la profondeur prévue pour la chaîne supérieure. Si la chaîne supérieure rencontre des difficultés et ne peut pas être posée à la profondeur prévue, la chaîne de contingence peut être utilisée pour sceller le puits à une profondeur moins profonde.

**Avantages de l'utilisation d'une chaîne de contingence :**

  • Sécurité : La chaîne de contingence fournit un plan de secours en cas de complications imprévues, atténuant le risque d'instabilité du puits et de possibles éruptions.
  • Rentabilité : Elle peut faire gagner un temps et de l'argent considérables en évitant de devoir entièrement re-forer le puits si la chaîne supérieure échoue.
  • Flexibilité : Elle offre de la flexibilité pour faire face à des conditions imprévues, permettant des ajustements du plan de forage et de complétion.

Exemple :

Imaginez le forage d'un puits où la profondeur cible pour le tubage de production est de 10 000 pieds. Si l'équipe de forage rencontre une formation difficile à 8 000 pieds, empêchant le tubage d'être posé à la profondeur souhaitée, la chaîne de contingence peut être utilisée. Elle peut être posée à 7 500 pieds, offrant une barrière sécurisée pour les opérations futures.

Conclusion :

La chaîne de contingence est un élément essentiel dans la conception du puits, offrant une protection cruciale contre les complications imprévues. En fournissant un plan de secours, elle améliore la sécurité, augmente la rentabilité et permet une plus grande flexibilité pour obtenir une complétion réussie du puits. Dans l'environnement imprévisible du forage pétrolier et gazier, la chaîne de contingence assure une couche de sécurité et de résilience cruciale, permettant des opérations sûres et efficaces.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Contingency String in Oil & Gas Casing Design

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Contingency String?

(a) To provide a safety net in case of unexpected complications during drilling and completion. (b) To enhance the well's productivity by increasing its flow rate. (c) To act as a temporary seal during drilling operations. (d) To strengthen the wellbore and prevent casing collapse.


(a) To provide a safety net in case of unexpected complications during drilling and completion.

2. Which of the following situations might necessitate the use of a Contingency String?

(a) Reaching the target depth without encountering any obstacles. (b) Losing circulation during drilling operations. (c) Successfully setting the upper casing string at its intended depth. (d) Drilling a well with a simple and predictable geology.


(b) Losing circulation during drilling operations.

3. How does the depth of the Contingency String typically compare to the planned depth of the upper casing string?

(a) The Contingency String is set at a greater depth than the upper casing string. (b) The Contingency String is set at a shallower depth than the upper casing string. (c) The Contingency String and the upper casing string are set at the same depth. (d) The depth of the Contingency String is not relevant to the upper casing string.


(b) The Contingency String is set at a shallower depth than the upper casing string.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a Contingency String?

(a) Improved safety during drilling operations. (b) Reduced cost in case of unexpected complications. (c) Eliminating the need for any wellbore re-drilling. (d) Increased flexibility in dealing with unforeseen circumstances.


(c) Eliminating the need for any wellbore re-drilling.

5. In a scenario where the upper casing string cannot be set at its intended depth of 12,000 feet due to unforeseen geological challenges, what is the purpose of the Contingency String?

(a) To replace the upper casing string completely. (b) To provide a secure seal at a shallower depth, potentially at 10,000 feet. (c) To strengthen the wellbore and allow drilling to continue to the target depth. (d) To abandon the well entirely due to the inability to set the upper casing string.


(b) To provide a secure seal at a shallower depth, potentially at 10,000 feet.



You are designing a well for an oil and gas exploration project. The planned depth for the production casing is 15,000 feet. Based on geological data, there is a risk of encountering unstable formations between 12,000 and 14,000 feet, which could potentially hinder the setting of the upper casing string.


1. Identify the potential risks associated with the unstable formations.

2. Based on the provided information, recommend the depth for the Contingency String in this well design.

3. Explain why your chosen depth for the Contingency String is appropriate, considering the risks and the benefits of using a Contingency String.

Exercise Correction

1. Potential Risks: * **Lost Circulation:** Unstable formations can have high porosity and permeability, leading to fluid loss during drilling, making it difficult to maintain pressure and control the wellbore. * **Stuck Pipe:** The unstable formations can be prone to collapsing or caving, increasing the risk of the drill pipe becoming stuck. * **Wellbore Instability:** The unstable formations can cause the wellbore to deform or collapse, jeopardizing the integrity of the well and potentially leading to blowouts. 2. Recommended Depth for Contingency String: Considering the risk zone between 12,000 and 14,000 feet, the Contingency String should be set at a depth slightly shallower than this zone. A recommended depth for the Contingency String would be 11,500 feet. 3. Justification: Setting the Contingency String at 11,500 feet provides a safety net in case of complications encountered between 12,000 and 14,000 feet. If the upper casing string cannot be set at the intended depth due to unstable formations, the Contingency String will: * **Provide a secure seal:** Preventing wellbore instability and potential blowouts. * **Allow for adjustments to the drilling plan:** Enabling the possibility of re-drilling or employing other strategies to reach the target depth. * **Save time and money:** Avoiding the need to completely re-drill the well. This depth ensures that the Contingency String is deep enough to be effective in the event of a problem, but also allows for flexibility in addressing the issue without significantly impacting the overall well design and cost.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by J.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: This widely used textbook covers various aspects of well design, including casing design and contingency planning.
  • "Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Approach" by M.E. Zonal: Another comprehensive reference that delves into the principles of drilling and well completion, including contingency string considerations.
  • "Wellbore Stability: Fundamentals and Applications" by S.M. Miska: This book provides a thorough understanding of wellbore stability issues, which are often a key factor in determining the need for contingency strings.


  • "Contingency Planning in Well Design" by J.R. Williams: A technical paper discussing the importance of contingency planning in well design, particularly the role of contingency strings.
  • "The Use of Contingency Strings in Deepwater Drilling" by T.J. Smith: This article explores the application of contingency strings in challenging deepwater environments.
  • "Case Study: Successful Use of Contingency String in Challenging Wellbore" by [Author Name]: Look for case studies in industry journals and conference proceedings that showcase how contingency strings have been used effectively in specific drilling projects.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website contains a vast library of technical papers and presentations related to drilling, completion, and well design, including articles on contingency strings.
  • OnePetro (formerly IHS Markit): This platform offers access to a wide range of technical information, including journal articles, conference papers, and industry reports related to casing design and contingency planning.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly publishes articles and technical reports on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including well design and casing.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Contingency string", "casing design", "well design", "drilling", "completion", "safety", "backup", "emergency".
  • Combine keywords: "Contingency string casing design", "Contingency string drilling", "Use of contingency string in [specific location/formation]".
  • Include relevant terms: "Wellbore stability", "lost circulation", "stuck pipe", "deepwater drilling", "unconventional reservoirs".
  • Use quotation marks: Put specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "Contingency string design criteria".
  • Filter results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by date, file type, region, and other parameters.
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