Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Concurrent Method

Concurrent Method

Méthode Concurrente : Une Approche Stratégique pour le Contrôle de la Pression du Puits

Dans le monde exigeant de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le contrôle de la pression du puits est un aspect essentiel de la sécurité et de l'efficacité. L'une des méthodes les plus efficaces pour gérer les coups de puits potentiels (afflux soudain de fluides de formation) est la **Méthode Concurrente**. Cette technique implique une combinaison stratégique de la circulation et des ajustements de la densité du fluide de forage, assurant une réponse contrôlée et efficace aux déséquilibres de pression du puits.

**Qu'est-ce que la Méthode Concurrente ?**

La Méthode Concurrente est une opération de contrôle de la pression du puits où la circulation est lancée immédiatement après la détection d'un coup de puits, et la densité du fluide de forage est augmentée progressivement par étapes contrôlées. Cette approche vise à atteindre deux objectifs principaux :

  1. **Éliminer le coup de puits :** La circulation continue évacue les fluides de formation entrant dans le puits, empêchant une nouvelle accumulation de pression.
  2. **Augmenter la pression hydrostatique :** L'augmentation progressive de la densité du fluide de forage crée une pression hydrostatique plus élevée, contrecarrant efficacement la pression de formation et rétablissant la stabilité du puits.

**Fonctionnement :**

  1. **Circulation Immédiate :** Une fois un coup de puits détecté, l'opération de forage est immédiatement arrêtée et le fluide de forage est circulé pour éliminer les fluides de formation envahissants. Cette réponse rapide aide à prévenir une nouvelle accumulation de pression et des problèmes potentiels de contrôle du puits.
  2. **Augmentation Étagique de la Densité du Fluide de Forage :** Alors que la circulation continue, la densité du fluide de forage est augmentée progressivement par incréments contrôlés. Cette augmentation contrôlée de la densité permet une accumulation progressive de la pression hydrostatique, contrecarrant efficacement l'afflux de fluides de formation et stabilisant la pression du puits.
  3. **Circulation jusqu'à la Densité de Tuer :** Le processus se poursuit jusqu'à ce que le puits ait été complètement circulé avec le fluide de densité de tuer. La densité de tuer est la densité du fluide de forage nécessaire pour surmonter la pression de formation et contrôler complètement le coup de puits.

**Avantages de la Méthode Concurrente :**

  • **Sécurité accrue :** La circulation immédiate et l'augmentation contrôlée de la densité préviennent l'accumulation de pression et les problèmes potentiels de contrôle du puits, améliorant la sécurité globale pendant les opérations de forage.
  • **Contrôle efficace :** L'approche concurrente permet une réponse rapide et efficace aux coups de puits, minimisant le risque de surtensions de pression incontrôlées et d'instabilité potentielle du puits.
  • **Réduction des temps d'arrêt :** En contrôlant rapidement le coup de puits et en rétablissant la stabilité du puits, la Méthode Concurrente minimise les temps d'arrêt, maximisant l'efficacité du forage et la production.

**Considérations Clés :**

  • **Détection précise :** Identifier un coup de puits tôt est crucial pour le succès de la Méthode Concurrente.
  • **Augmentation contrôlée du poids du fluide de forage :** Des augmentations graduelles et contrôlées de la densité du fluide de forage sont essentielles pour éviter les problèmes potentiels du puits liés aux différences de pression excessives.
  • **Stabilité du puits :** Il est essentiel de s'assurer que le puits est stable pendant la circulation et les ajustements du poids du fluide de forage pour éviter des complications potentielles.

**Conclusion :**

La Méthode Concurrente est une technique éprouvée et efficace pour gérer le contrôle de la pression du puits. En combinant la circulation immédiate avec une augmentation contrôlée de la densité du fluide de forage, cette approche garantit un contrôle efficace et sûr des coups de puits potentiels pendant les opérations de forage. La Méthode Concurrente permet une réponse rapide et efficace, minimisant les temps d'arrêt et maximisant l'efficacité opérationnelle tout en privilégiant la sécurité dans l'exploration pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Concurrent Method

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of the Concurrent Method?

a) To increase mud density as quickly as possible. b) To stop drilling and wait for the kick to subside. c) To simultaneously circulate mud and increase mud density to control a kick. d) To use a special type of drilling fluid to seal the wellbore.


The correct answer is **c) To simultaneously circulate mud and increase mud density to control a kick.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the Concurrent Method?

a) Increased safety during drilling operations. b) Efficient control of potential kicks. c) Reduced downtime and increased efficiency. d) Elimination of the risk of wellbore instability.


The correct answer is **d) Elimination of the risk of wellbore instability.** While the Concurrent Method significantly reduces the risk, it doesn't eliminate it completely. Wellbore stability still needs careful monitoring during the process.

3. When is circulation initiated in the Concurrent Method?

a) After the mud density has been increased to the kill weight. b) Immediately after a kick is detected. c) Once the wellbore pressure stabilizes. d) Before the mud density is increased.


The correct answer is **b) Immediately after a kick is detected.**

4. What is the "kill weight" in the context of the Concurrent Method?

a) The weight of the drilling equipment. b) The maximum mud density allowed in the wellbore. c) The mud density required to overcome the formation pressure and control the kick. d) The weight of the drilling fluid used to circulate the wellbore.


The correct answer is **c) The mud density required to overcome the formation pressure and control the kick.**

5. Which of the following is a key consideration for successful implementation of the Concurrent Method?

a) Using a specialized drilling rig. b) Ensuring the wellbore is completely sealed before starting the process. c) Accurate detection of a kick and controlled mud weight increase. d) Employing a specific type of drilling fluid.


The correct answer is **c) Accurate detection of a kick and controlled mud weight increase.** Early detection and a gradual increase in mud density are crucial for the safety and effectiveness of the Concurrent Method.


Scenario: You are the drilling engineer on a rig and have just detected a kick in the well. The current mud weight is 12.5 ppg, and the estimated formation pressure is 13.5 ppg.


  1. Briefly explain the steps you would take to implement the Concurrent Method in this situation.
  2. Describe the factors you would consider when deciding how quickly to increase the mud weight.
  3. What are the potential risks associated with increasing mud weight too quickly?

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

**1. Implementing the Concurrent Method:**

  1. **Stop Drilling:** Immediately cease drilling operations and confirm the kick detection.
  2. **Initiate Circulation:** Begin circulating the drilling fluid to remove the formation fluids entering the wellbore.
  3. **Increase Mud Density:** Start gradually increasing the mud weight in controlled increments, likely by 0.5 ppg or 1 ppg at a time. This gradual increase allows for the hydrostatic pressure to build up and counteract the formation pressure while ensuring wellbore stability.
  4. **Monitor and Adjust:** Carefully monitor the wellbore pressure, flow rate, and mud density. Adjust the mud weight increase based on these readings to ensure effective control of the kick and prevent potential problems.
  5. **Circulate to Kill Weight:** Continue circulating the well until the mud weight reaches the kill weight (in this case, at least 13.5 ppg to overcome the formation pressure and effectively control the kick).

**2. Factors for Mud Weight Increase:**

  • **Wellbore Stability:** Consider the strength of the wellbore and the potential for formation fracturing. A more unstable wellbore may require slower mud weight increases to avoid damaging the formation.
  • **Kick Severity:** The intensity of the kick will influence the speed of the mud weight increase. A more severe kick might require a faster increase to control the pressure buildup.
  • **Drilling Parameters:** Factors like the drilling depth, hole size, and the type of formation being drilled will affect the rate at which mud weight can be increased safely.

**3. Risks of Rapid Mud Weight Increase:**

  • **Formation Fracturing:** Increasing mud weight too quickly can cause the formation to fracture, creating a pathway for uncontrolled fluid flow and potentially damaging the wellbore.
  • **Wellbore Instability:** Rapid pressure changes can lead to wellbore collapse or instability, potentially causing stuck pipe or other complications.
  • **Lost Circulation:** A rapid increase in mud weight can create a pressure differential that could force the mud to leak into the formation, resulting in lost circulation and potentially compromising the wellbore integrity.


  • "Well Control: A Practical Approach" by Larry W. Lake: This book provides an in-depth overview of well control principles, including the Concurrent Method.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert F. Stewart: This comprehensive drilling engineering textbook covers well pressure control strategies, including the Concurrent Method.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by John C. Frick: This textbook offers a detailed explanation of well control operations, including the Concurrent Method.


  • "Concurrent Method for Well Pressure Control: A Case Study" by [Author Name]: Search online databases like OnePetro or SPE publications for case studies on the successful implementation of the Concurrent Method.
  • "A Comparison of Well Control Methods: Concurrent vs. Traditional" by [Author Name]: Search online databases for comparative analyses of different well control methods, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of the Concurrent Method.
  • "Improving Well Control Safety and Efficiency with the Concurrent Method" by [Author Name]: Look for articles that discuss the safety and operational benefits of the Concurrent Method.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website has numerous publications, articles, and resources related to well control, including the Concurrent Method. Search their database for relevant keywords.
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a vast collection of technical papers and publications, including those related to drilling and well control. Search for "Concurrent Method" on OnePetro.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): The IADC website offers resources and guidelines on drilling operations, including well control. Search for "Concurrent Method" on their website.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use multiple keywords to refine your search, such as "Concurrent Method," "Well Control," "Drilling," "Kick," "Pressure Control."
  • Include specific terms: Refine your search further by using specific terms, such as "Concurrent Method Case Study" or "Concurrent Method Advantages."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose your keywords in quotation marks to search for the exact phrase. For example, "Concurrent Method for Well Pressure Control."
  • Filter results: Use the search engine's filtering options to narrow down your results by date, publication type, or source.
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