Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Circulation Losses

Circulation Losses

Perte de Circulation : Le Voleur Silencieux du Forage de Puits

La perte de circulation, un terme redouté dans l'industrie du forage, fait référence à la perte de fluide de forage depuis le puits pendant le processus de circulation. Ce fluide, essentiel pour maintenir la stabilité du puits, la lubrification et le transport des déblais vers la surface, disparaît dans les formations, laissant derrière lui une trace de frustration et de dommages économiques potentiels.

Comprendre les Causes :

Les pertes de circulation peuvent être causées par divers facteurs:

  • Fractures : Les formations contenant des fractures naturelles, souvent connectées à des zones perméables, peuvent facilement absorber le fluide de forage.
  • Vides : Les cavités existantes, les cavernes ou les puits abandonnés peuvent agir comme de grands réservoirs pour le fluide perdu.
  • Formations Perméables : Les formations hautement perméables comme les sables ou les graviers peuvent facilement permettre au fluide de forage de s'infiltrer, en particulier à des pressions plus élevées.
  • Poids de Boue Excessif : Les fluides de forage trop denses peuvent dépasser la pression de fracture de la formation, forçant le fluide à pénétrer dans la roche environnante.
  • Mauvaises Propriétés de la Boue : Une viscosité de la boue inadéquate ou un contrôle de la filtration insuffisant peuvent contribuer à la perte de fluide, en particulier dans les formations perméables.

Types de Pertes de Circulation :

  • Perte Partielle : Ce type implique une diminution progressive du volume de boue retournée, indiquant une petite fuite ou une infiltration dans la formation.
  • Perte Totale : Une perte complète de boue retournée indique une fuite importante ou une fracture dans la formation, nécessitant une action immédiate.

Conséquences des Pertes de Circulation :

  • Perte de Stabilité du Puits : L'absence de fluide de forage peut entraîner un effondrement du puits, un éboulement et une perte de contrôle potentielle.
  • Coûts de Forage Augmentés : Le fluide perdu doit être remplacé, ce qui alourdit le budget de forage.
  • Retards de Forage : La gestion et l'atténuation des pertes peuvent prolonger considérablement le processus de forage.
  • Préoccupations Environnementales : Les fluides perdus peuvent contaminer les eaux souterraines et les écosystèmes environnants.

Atténuation des Pertes de Circulation :

  • Ajustement du Poids de la Boue : L'ajustement minutieux du poids de la boue peut minimiser le risque d'initiation de fracture.
  • Additifs de Boue : L'utilisation d'additifs spécialisés comme les matériaux de perte de circulation peut sceller les fractures et minimiser la perte de fluide.
  • Techniques de Forage : L'emploi de techniques spécialisées comme le cimentation ou l'utilisation d'une pilule de perte de circulation peut aider à sceller les fuites.
  • Surveillance et Détection Précoce : La surveillance étroite des retours et des propriétés de la boue peut faciliter la détection précoce des pertes, permettant une intervention opportune.

Conclusion :

Les pertes de circulation représentent un défi sérieux dans le forage de puits, pouvant avoir un impact sur les coûts du projet, les délais et l'intégrité environnementale. Comprendre les causes, les types et les conséquences de ces pertes est crucial pour des stratégies d'atténuation efficaces. En utilisant une planification, une surveillance et des mesures de contrôle appropriées, les opérateurs peuvent minimiser ces pertes et assurer des opérations de forage sûres et efficaces.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Circulation Losses - The Silent Thief in Well Drilling

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a cause of circulation losses?

a) Fractures in formations

AnswerThis is a cause of circulation losses.
b) High mud viscosity
AnswerThis is a cause of circulation losses.
c) Low mud weight
AnswerThis is the correct answer. Lower mud weight reduces the risk of fracture initiation.
d) Permeable formations
AnswerThis is a cause of circulation losses.

2. What type of circulation loss involves a gradual decrease in returning mud volume?

a) Total loss

AnswerThis refers to a complete loss of mud return.
b) Partial loss
AnswerThis is the correct answer. Partial loss indicates a leak or seepage.
c) Catastrophic loss
AnswerThis term is not typically used for circulation losses.
d) Gradual loss
AnswerThis is another way of describing partial loss.

3. What is a primary consequence of circulation losses?

a) Increased drilling speed

AnswerCirculation losses lead to delays, not increased speed.
b) Loss of wellbore stability
AnswerThis is a major consequence of circulation losses.
c) Improved mud properties
AnswerCirculation losses worsen mud properties due to fluid loss.
d) Reduced drilling costs
AnswerCirculation losses increase drilling costs.

4. What can be used to seal fractures and minimize fluid loss during circulation losses?

a) Mud weight adjustments

AnswerThis helps prevent fracture initiation, but doesn't seal existing fractures.
b) Lost circulation materials (LCMs)
AnswerThis is the correct answer. LCMs are specifically designed to seal fractures.
c) Improved drilling techniques
AnswerWhile important, drilling techniques alone may not be sufficient to seal fractures.
d) Increased mud viscosity
AnswerIncreased viscosity can worsen circulation losses in some cases.

5. Which of the following is NOT a crucial aspect of mitigating circulation losses?

a) Early detection of losses

AnswerEarly detection is essential for effective mitigation.
b) Thorough planning and preparation
AnswerPlanning and preparation are crucial to minimize the risk of losses.
c) Utilizing the least expensive drilling fluids
AnswerThis is the correct answer. The focus should be on effective fluids, not the cheapest ones.
d) Monitoring mud properties and returns
AnswerMonitoring is essential to identify and address potential losses.

Exercise: Circulation Loss Scenario


You are the drilling engineer on a well drilling project. While drilling through a shale formation, you notice a gradual decrease in the volume of mud returning to the surface. You suspect a partial circulation loss.


Outline a series of steps you would take to investigate and address this suspected circulation loss. Be sure to consider the following:

  • Identifying the Cause: What steps could you take to determine the likely cause of the loss?
  • Mitigating the Loss: What actions could you take to minimize or stop the loss of mud?
  • Monitoring and Assessment: How would you continuously monitor the situation and assess the effectiveness of your actions?


Exercice Correction

Investigating the Cause:

  1. Monitor Mud Properties: Check mud weight, viscosity, and filtration properties. Changes in these parameters can indicate fluid loss.
  2. Analyze Drill Cuttings: Examine drill cuttings for signs of formation changes, including fractures or permeable zones.
  3. Review Well Logs: Examine previous well logs from the area to identify potential zones of weakness or fractured formations.
  4. Increase Mud Weight: Gradually increase mud weight to determine if the loss is related to fracture pressure.
  5. Pressure Tests: Conduct pressure tests to assess the formation's fracture gradient.

Mitigating the Loss:

  1. Add Lost Circulation Materials (LCMs): Introduce LCMs to the mud system to help seal fractures and reduce fluid loss.
  2. Use a Circulation Pill: Inject a dense, weighted pill of mud to attempt to seal the leak.
  3. Change Mud Type: Consider switching to a mud type specifically designed to handle lost circulation zones.
  4. Reduce Drilling Rate: Slow down drilling operations to minimize the amount of mud flowing into the formation.
  5. Consider Cementing: If necessary, cement the lost circulation zone to permanently seal the leak.

Monitoring and Assessment:

  1. Continuously Monitor Mud Returns: Track the volume of mud returning to the surface to assess the effectiveness of mitigation efforts.
  2. Analyze Mud Properties: Monitor mud weight, viscosity, and filtration properties for changes indicating further loss.
  3. Analyze Drill Cuttings: Continue examining drill cuttings for changes in formation characteristics.
  4. Pressure Monitoring: Monitor wellhead pressure for fluctuations indicating continued losses.
  5. Review Logs: Analyze downhole logs to identify and map the location of the lost circulation zone.


By taking these proactive steps, the drilling engineer can address circulation losses effectively, minimizing delays, costs, and environmental impacts.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by Robert E. Krueger: This comprehensive text covers various aspects of drilling, including circulation losses, their causes, and mitigation strategies.
  • Drilling Fluids: Fundamentals and Applications by Robert F. Mitchell: This book offers in-depth knowledge about drilling fluids, their properties, and their role in preventing and managing circulation losses.
  • Well Control: Fundamentals and Applications by John A. Nicholson: A detailed resource on well control techniques, including strategies for handling circulation losses.


  • "Lost Circulation Control in Oil and Gas Wells" by W.H. Fertl: This article provides a detailed analysis of the causes, types, and control methods for circulation losses.
  • "Circulation Loss Mitigation: A Practical Guide" by SPE: A comprehensive guide covering various techniques and strategies for mitigating circulation losses in drilling operations.
  • "Lost Circulation Control in Horizontal Wells: Challenges and Solutions" by J.P. Azar: This article focuses on specific challenges and solutions related to circulation losses in horizontal drilling.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers numerous technical papers, presentations, and online resources related to circulation losses. Search using keywords like "circulation losses," "lost circulation control," or "mud losses."
  • Oilfield Wiki: This online encyclopedia provides comprehensive information on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including a detailed section on circulation losses.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary offers definitions and explanations of key terms related to drilling, including circulation losses, lost circulation material, and other relevant concepts.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include "circulation losses," "lost circulation control," "mud losses," and related terms in your search queries.
  • Specify drilling context: Use phrases like "drilling operations," "well drilling," "oil and gas drilling," to narrow down your search results.
  • Look for specific types: Use keywords like "partial loss," "total loss," "fractured formations," or "permeable formations" for targeted information.
  • Include "PDF" in your search: This will show you only PDF files, which often contain technical papers and reports.
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