Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Cherry Picker (fishing)

Cherry Picker (fishing)

Le "Cherry Picker" : L'outil qui débloque votre packer

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, un "Cherry Picker" désigne un outil de pêche spécialisé conçu pour la tâche difficile de récupérer les packers coincés dans le puits. Cet outil, un overshot avec une surface de coupe inférieure, agit comme un chirurgien chevronné, éliminant soigneusement les obstructions avant de retirer le packer en toute sécurité.

Le rôle du "Cherry Picker" :

Les packers sont des composants essentiels dans les puits de pétrole et de gaz, scellant différentes zones pour contrôler le flux de fluide. Cependant, ils peuvent parfois se coincer en raison de divers facteurs tels que le pontage du ciment, une défaillance mécanique ou la corrosion. Lorsque cela arrive, le "Cherry Picker" devient le héros.

Fonctionnement :

  1. Engagement de l'Overshot : Le "Cherry Picker" est d'abord descendu dans le puits, ses mâchoires d'overshot conçues pour saisir solidement les patins supérieurs du packer.
  2. Action de fraisage : La surface de coupe inférieure de l'outil commence son travail, fraisant méticuleusement les patins supérieurs, voire tous les patins. Ce processus garantit un chemin propre et dégagé pour la récupération du packer.
  3. Extraction sécurisée : Une fois les patins retirés, le "Cherry Picker" permet de sortir le packer du puits, libérant le puits et restaurant la production.

Pourquoi les "Cherry Pickers" sont essentiels :

  • Efficaces et efficaces : L'action de fraisage du "Cherry Picker" minimise le risque d'endommager le packer pendant la récupération, assurant un processus d'extraction plus fluide et plus efficace.
  • Solution rentable : L'utilisation d'un "Cherry Picker" peut souvent être plus économique que de recourir à des mesures plus drastiques comme le déviationnement ou le redrilling, ce qui permet de gagner du temps et des ressources.
  • Minimiser les dommages au puits : En retirant soigneusement les patins, le "Cherry Picker" minimise le risque de dommages au puits qui peuvent survenir avec d'autres techniques de pêche.

L'importance de la précision :

L'efficacité du "Cherry Picker" repose fortement sur la précision et le contrôle de son action de fraisage. Des opérateurs qualifiés sont nécessaires pour manipuler cet outil puissant, en veillant à ce que le processus de fraisage n'enlève que suffisamment de matière pour libérer le packer sans endommager le puits.

Conclusion :

Le "Cherry Picker" est un atout précieux dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, offrant une solution fiable et rentable pour récupérer les packers coincés. Son action de fraisage précise et son processus d'extraction efficace contribuent de manière significative à l'optimisation des performances du puits et à la réduction des temps d'arrêt, maximisant ainsi la productivité des opérations pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Cherry Picker Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Cherry Picker in the oil and gas industry?

a) To transport workers to high locations in the rig. b) To retrieve stuck packers from the wellbore. c) To inject chemicals into the well. d) To monitor pressure and flow rates.


b) To retrieve stuck packers from the wellbore.

2. What is the unique feature of a Cherry Picker that makes it effective?

a) Its ability to rotate 360 degrees. b) Its powerful hydraulic lifting system. c) Its bottom cutter surface for milling. d) Its ability to connect to a variety of tubing sizes.


c) Its bottom cutter surface for milling.

3. Why is the Cherry Picker considered a cost-effective solution for retrieving stuck packers?

a) It requires minimal specialized equipment. b) It can be operated by a single person. c) It reduces the need for costly sidetracking or re-drilling. d) It uses a minimal amount of energy.


c) It reduces the need for costly sidetracking or re-drilling.

4. What is the most important aspect of using a Cherry Picker effectively?

a) Using the correct size of overshot. b) Applying sufficient torque to the milling action. c) Maintaining a constant speed during the retrieval process. d) Precise control and skillful operation.


d) Precise control and skillful operation.

5. What is the primary benefit of using a Cherry Picker over other fishing techniques?

a) It can retrieve packers from greater depths. b) It is the fastest method of retrieving stuck packers. c) It minimizes damage to the wellbore during the retrieval process. d) It requires the least amount of specialized equipment.


c) It minimizes damage to the wellbore during the retrieval process.

Cherry Picker Exercise


A packer has become stuck in a wellbore due to cement bridging. The operator decides to use a Cherry Picker to retrieve the packer.


  1. Describe the steps involved in using a Cherry Picker to retrieve the stuck packer. Be specific about the process of milling and extraction.
  2. Explain how the Cherry Picker's milling action helps to prevent damage to the wellbore.
  3. What factors should the operator consider when deciding whether to use a Cherry Picker for retrieving a stuck packer?

Exercise Correction

**1. Steps involved in using a Cherry Picker:** * **Lowering the Cherry Picker:** The Cherry Picker is lowered into the wellbore, using a wireline or tubing string. * **Overshot Engagement:** The overshot jaws are designed to securely grasp the packer's upper slips. * **Milling Action:** The bottom cutter surface of the tool begins milling away the top slips or even all of the slips. This action creates a clear path for the packer retrieval. * **Extraction:** Once the slips are removed, the Cherry Picker allows the packer to be lifted out of the wellbore, freeing the well. **2. Preventing Damage to the Wellbore:** The milling action of the Cherry Picker is carefully controlled to remove only the necessary amount of material. This precision minimizes the risk of damaging the wellbore, unlike other fishing techniques that can cause significant damage. **3. Factors to Consider:** * **Nature of the Stuck Packer:** If the packer is heavily cemented in or there is a severe risk of wellbore damage, other fishing techniques might be more appropriate. * **Wellbore Conditions:** The wellbore's size and condition should be considered to ensure the Cherry Picker can operate safely and effectively. * **Cost and Time:** The cost and time required to use a Cherry Picker should be weighed against alternative solutions. * **Availability of Equipment and Skilled Operators:** Access to a suitable Cherry Picker and skilled operators is crucial for successful retrieval.


  • "Well Intervention: A Practical Guide to Well Intervention Techniques" by A.J. Smith - This book covers a wide range of well intervention techniques, including packer retrieval, and might contain information about Cherry Pickers.
  • "Fishing Tools and Techniques" by William C. Lyons - This book focuses on various fishing tools and techniques used in the oil and gas industry, which could include details about packer milling overshots.


  • Search for articles using keywords like:
    • "Packer milling overshot"
    • "Packer retrieval tool"
    • "Fishing packers"
    • "Well intervention"
    • "Downhole tools"
    • "Oilfield equipment"

Online Resources

  • Oilfield Equipment Suppliers: Websites of major oilfield equipment suppliers like Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, etc., might contain information about packer milling overshots and their applications.
  • Industry Forums and Communities: Online forums and communities dedicated to oil and gas professionals, such as, Rigzone, or Petroleum Engineering Online, can be a valuable resource for technical information and discussions about specific equipment like Cherry Pickers.
  • Technical Papers: Search online databases like OnePetro or SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) for technical papers related to well intervention and fishing techniques.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific combinations of keywords like "packer milling overshot" + "retrieval" + "oil and gas" to refine your search.
  • Include company names: Search for "[company name] packer milling overshot" to find information from specific suppliers.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific terms in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Filter by file type: Use "filetype:pdf" or "filetype:doc" to limit your search to specific document types.
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