Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Cementing Head

Cementing Head

Tête de cimentation : Le héros méconnu de la construction de puits

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le succès d'un puits dépend d'un processus minutieux de forage, de tubage et de cimentation. Si les opérations de forage et de tubage sont souvent sous les feux de la rampe, la tâche cruciale de la cimentation du tubage en place repose fortement sur un équipement spécialisé : la tête de cimentation. Ce dispositif discret, perché au sommet du tubage, joue un rôle essentiel pour garantir l'intégrité et la sécurité du puits.

Qu'est-ce qu'une tête de cimentation ?

Une tête de cimentation, comme son nom l'indique, est un dispositif fixé au sommet du train de tubage. Elle sert de point de connexion crucial pour diverses opérations pendant le processus de cimentation. Voici ce qu'elle fait :

  • Connecte les lignes de rinçage et de ciment : La tête de cimentation fournit une connexion sécurisée pour les lignes de rinçage, qui transportent le fluide de forage utilisé pour déplacer la boue de forage à l'intérieur du tubage, et les lignes de ciment, qui transportent la suspension de ciment vers le bas du tubage.
  • Permet la chute des bouchons : Elle est dotée d'un mécanisme qui permet la chute des bouchons, qui sont essentiels pour isoler des sections du tubage et empêcher le ciment de remonter l'annulaire (l'espace entre le tubage et la paroi du trou de forage).
  • Facilite la rotation (facultatif) : Certaines têtes de cimentation offrent une possibilité de rotation, ce qui permet de faire tourner le ciment pendant le processus de mise en place. Cela contribue à garantir une distribution uniforme de la suspension de ciment et à prévenir des problèmes potentiels tels que le canalisation ou le pontage.

Pourquoi est-elle si importante ?

La tête de cimentation est essentielle pour plusieurs raisons :

  • Intégrité du puits : Un tubage bien cimenté constitue une barrière sûre entre les différentes formations, empêchant le flux de fluides entre elles et garantissant l'intégrité structurelle du puits.
  • Sécurité : Le ciment correctement mis en place protège contre les risques d'éruptions et autres problèmes de contrôle du puits, qui peuvent être dangereux pour le personnel et l'environnement.
  • Efficacité de la production : Un tubage bien cimenté permet une production efficace d'hydrocarbures, empêchant les fuites et assurant des débits optimaux.

Types de têtes de cimentation :

Les têtes de cimentation sont disponibles dans différentes conceptions, chacune étant adaptée à des conditions de puits et des exigences opérationnelles spécifiques. Voici quelques types courants :

  • Têtes de cimentation à un étage : Utilisées pour les opérations de cimentation standard où un seul étage de cimentation est nécessaire.
  • Têtes de cimentation à plusieurs étages : Permettent plusieurs étages de cimentation, chacun avec son propre bouchon et système de distribution de ciment.
  • Têtes de cimentation rotatives : Conçues pour faire tourner la suspension de ciment pendant la mise en place, assurant une distribution uniforme.

Conclusion :

La tête de cimentation est un élément essentiel à la construction et à l'exploitation réussies des puits de pétrole et de gaz. Son rôle dans la connexion des lignes de rinçage et de ciment, la facilitation de la chute des bouchons et la rotation potentielle du ciment pendant la mise en place en fait un outil indispensable pour garantir l'intégrité, la sécurité et l'efficacité de la production du puits. Bien qu'elle soit souvent négligée, la tête de cimentation est un véritable héros méconnu dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Cementing Head Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a cementing head? a) To drill into the earth. b) To hold the casing in place. c) To connect flush and cement lines. d) To pump drilling mud.


c) To connect flush and cement lines.

2. Which of these is NOT a feature of a cementing head? a) Plug dropping mechanism b) Rotating capability c) Casing string connection d) Drilling mud circulation


d) Drilling mud circulation

3. Why is a well-cemented casing important for well integrity? a) It prevents the flow of fluids between different formations. b) It strengthens the drilling rig. c) It increases the production rate. d) It allows for easier drilling.


a) It prevents the flow of fluids between different formations.

4. What is the main advantage of a multi-stage cementing head? a) It allows for a single cementing operation. b) It reduces the risk of cement channeling. c) It allows for multiple stages of cementing with different plugs and delivery systems. d) It is more compact and lightweight.


c) It allows for multiple stages of cementing with different plugs and delivery systems.

5. Which statement best describes the role of a cementing head in well construction? a) It is a secondary component with a minor impact on well safety. b) It is an essential tool that ensures well integrity and production efficiency. c) It is only used in specific well conditions. d) It is a replacement for the casing string.


b) It is an essential tool that ensures well integrity and production efficiency.

Cementing Head Exercise


You are working on a well construction project that requires cementing a 12-inch casing string to a depth of 5,000 feet. The cementing head you are using has a rotating capability and is designed for a single-stage operation.


  1. Describe the steps involved in preparing and operating the cementing head for this specific cementing job.
  2. Explain why the rotating capability of the cementing head is important in this case.
  3. List three potential problems that could arise during the cementing operation and how they might be addressed.

Exercise Correction

**Preparation and Operation Steps:** 1. **Install and Secure the Cementing Head:** Attach the cementing head to the top of the 12-inch casing string, ensuring a secure and leak-free connection. 2. **Connect Flush and Cement Lines:** Connect the flush lines and cement lines to the appropriate ports on the cementing head. 3. **Position and Secure Plugs:** Insert the cement plugs (possibly a bottom plug and a top plug) into the designated locations in the cementing head. 4. **Perform a Leak Test:** Conduct a thorough leak test of all connections and ensure no leakage is present. 5. **Prepare Cement Slurry:** Prepare the required amount of cement slurry according to the specific job requirements and pump it into the cementing head. 6. **Initiate Cementing Process:** Start the cementing process by pumping the cement slurry down the casing. Ensure the proper pressure and flow rate are maintained. 7. **Rotate Cementing Head:** Engage the rotating mechanism of the cementing head to ensure uniform distribution of the cement slurry throughout the casing annulus. 8. **Drop Cement Plugs:** Once the cement slurry has reached the desired depth, drop the cement plugs to isolate the cemented section. 9. **Cleanup and Inspection:** After completion, inspect the cementing head for any damage or malfunctions and clean all components. **Importance of Rotating Capability:** Rotating the cementing head during the cementing process is essential to avoid channeling or bridging of the cement slurry. It promotes uniform distribution of the cement, ensuring a complete and solid cement bond throughout the casing annulus. This, in turn, enhances well integrity, prevents leaks, and improves production efficiency. **Potential Problems and Solutions:** 1. **Cement Channeling:** If the cement slurry flows unevenly down the casing annulus, it can create channels in the cement. This can lead to a weaker bond and potential leaks. * **Solution:** Rotate the cementing head to distribute the cement evenly. 2. **Cement Bridging:** The cement slurry can solidify prematurely, forming a bridge across the casing annulus. This can prevent the cement from reaching the desired depth. * **Solution:** Use a cement slurry with a longer setting time or increase the pumping rate to ensure that the cement flows smoothly. 3. **Equipment Failure:** The cementing head or associated equipment can malfunction, interrupting the cementing operation. * **Solution:** Have backup equipment readily available. If the failure is severe, stop the operation and troubleshoot the problem.


  • "Cementing" by K.H. Van der Zanden - Comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of cementing, including cementing heads.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed - Widely-used handbook for petroleum engineers containing a section on cementing operations, including cementing head design and function.
  • "Well Completion Engineering" by S.A. Holditch - This book explores well completion practices, with a dedicated chapter on cementing and cementing equipment.


  • "Cementing Head Design and Performance" by Schlumberger - A technical paper outlining the key aspects of cementing head design and their impact on cementing quality.
  • "Advances in Cementing Head Technology" by Halliburton - This article explores the latest developments in cementing head technology and their implications for well construction.
  • "The Importance of Cementing Heads in Well Construction" by Baker Hughes - This paper highlights the crucial role of cementing heads in ensuring well integrity and safety.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger Cementing Services Website: ( - Offers in-depth information about cementing services, including different cementing head types.
  • Halliburton Cementing Services Website: ( - Provides detailed information on cementing technologies and equipment, including cementing heads.
  • Baker Hughes Cementing Services Website: ( - Presents a comprehensive overview of cementing services and the role of cementing heads in well construction.

Search Tips

  • "Cementing Head Types" - To explore different types of cementing heads available in the market.
  • "Cementing Head Design" - To understand the engineering principles behind cementing head design and function.
  • "Cementing Head Performance" - To learn about the factors that affect cementing head performance and their impact on well integrity.
  • "Cementing Head Applications" - To find examples of cementing head applications in different well construction scenarios.
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