Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Catenary Riser

Catenary Riser

Le Riser Catenaire : Une Ligne de Vie Flexible pour les Opérations Sous-Marines

La production sous-marine, un élément essentiel de l'extraction moderne du pétrole et du gaz, repose sur un réseau complexe d'infrastructures pour relier le puits de fond de mer aux installations de traitement de surface. Un composant crucial de ce réseau est le riser caténaire, une ligne de vie flexible qui permet une production sûre et efficace dans des environnements sous-marins difficiles.

Qu'est-ce qu'un riser caténaire ?

Le riser caténaire est un type de riser sous-marin, essentiellement un long tuyau qui transporte les hydrocarbures du puits vers la plateforme ou le navire à la surface. Contrairement aux risers droits traditionnels, le riser caténaire adopte une forme en "S" distinctive, suspendu librement dans la colonne d'eau. Cette configuration unique est ce qui lui confère la flexibilité nécessaire pour s'adapter aux mouvements dynamiques du fond marin et des plateformes de surface.

Pourquoi la forme en "S" ?

La forme en "S", connue sous le nom de courbe caténaire, est une forme naturelle qui minimise les contraintes sur le riser. Imaginez une chaîne suspendue librement entre deux points : elle prendra naturellement cette forme incurvée. Cette forme permet au riser de fléchir et de bouger avec les courants changeants, les vagues et les forces de marée, réduisant ainsi le risque de fatigue et de dommages.

Caractéristiques clés des risers caténaires :

  • Flexibilité : La courbe caténaire permet un mouvement et une déformation importants, empêchant les contraintes dues aux courants océaniques et aux mouvements de la plateforme.
  • Stabilité dynamique : La forme en "S" contribue à stabiliser le riser, assurant une production constante même dans des conditions météorologiques difficiles.
  • Coûts d'installation réduits : Comparés aux risers rigides, les risers caténaires sont souvent plus faciles à installer, car ils nécessitent moins d'infrastructures de soutien.

Applications :

Les risers caténaires trouvent une large application dans la production sous-marine de pétrole et de gaz :

  • Riser de production : Pour transporter les hydrocarbures du puits vers les installations de traitement de surface.
  • Riser d'injection : Pour transporter des produits chimiques comme l'eau et le gaz dans le puits pour une récupération accrue du pétrole.
  • Collecteur : Pour connecter plusieurs puits à une seule plateforme de production.

Défis :

Malgré leurs avantages, les risers caténaires présentent certains défis :

  • Gestion des contraintes : La forme en "S" peut provoquer des contraintes élevées aux points de courbure, nécessitant une conception et une sélection de matériaux minutieuses.
  • Assurance de l'écoulement : La géométrie complexe peut affecter l'écoulement des fluides, ce qui pourrait entraîner la formation de bouchons ou des problèmes de gaz-lift.
  • Protection contre la corrosion : L'exposition à l'eau salée et aux environnements difficiles nécessite des mesures robustes de prévention de la corrosion.

Conclusion :

Les risers caténaires sont un composant essentiel de la production sous-marine de pétrole et de gaz, fournissant une connexion flexible et fiable entre le fond marin et la surface. Leur forme en "S" unique leur permet de résister aux forces dynamiques de l'océan, assurant une production sûre et efficace même dans des environnements difficiles. Au fur et à mesure que l'industrie continue d'explorer des eaux plus profondes, l'utilisation des risers caténaires est susceptible de prendre de l'importance, assurant le succès continu des opérations sous-marines.

Test Your Knowledge

Catenary Riser Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a catenary riser?

a) To connect a subsea wellhead to the surface processing facility. b) To transport seawater for injection into the well. c) To act as a structural support for the subsea production platform. d) To provide electrical power to the subsea equipment.


a) To connect a subsea wellhead to the surface processing facility.

2. What gives the catenary riser its characteristic "S" shape?

a) The force of gravity acting on the pipe. b) The pressure of the flowing hydrocarbons. c) The intentional design to maximize flexibility. d) The combined effect of gravity and hydrodynamic forces.


d) The combined effect of gravity and hydrodynamic forces.

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a catenary riser?

a) Flexibility to accommodate seafloor and platform movements. b) Lower installation costs compared to rigid risers. c) Increased resistance to corrosion due to its unique shape. d) Dynamic stability in challenging weather conditions.


c) Increased resistance to corrosion due to its unique shape.

4. In which scenario would a catenary riser be most advantageous?

a) Shallow water production with minimal wave action. b) Deep water production with significant wave and current variations. c) Production in a tectonically active region with frequent seabed movements. d) All of the above.


b) Deep water production with significant wave and current variations.

5. What is a major challenge associated with the use of catenary risers?

a) The "S" shape can lead to excessive stress at bend points. b) The "S" shape increases the risk of corrosion due to increased surface area. c) The complex geometry makes it difficult to maintain a consistent flow of hydrocarbons. d) Both a) and c).


d) Both a) and c).

Catenary Riser Exercise


You are a subsea engineer working on the design of a new catenary riser for a deep-water oil field. The water depth is 2,000 meters, and the field is known for its strong currents and significant wave action.


Describe three key design considerations you would need to account for when designing this catenary riser to ensure its long-term performance and reliability. Explain your reasoning for each consideration.

Exercice Correction

Here are three key design considerations for a catenary riser in a deep-water field with strong currents and wave action:

  1. **Stress Management at Bend Points:** The "S" shape of the riser creates high stress concentrations at the bend points. This stress needs to be carefully managed to prevent fatigue and potential failure. Design considerations include: * **Material Selection:** Using high-strength, fatigue-resistant materials like high-grade steel or specialized alloys to withstand the cyclic stresses. * **Optimization of Bend Radius:** Increasing the bend radius to reduce stress concentration. * **Design Analysis:** Using advanced computer simulations and analysis tools to predict stress levels and ensure the riser can handle the expected loads.
  2. **Hydrodynamic Forces and Flow Assurance:** The strong currents and wave action in the deep-water environment will exert significant forces on the riser. This can impact flow assurance, potentially causing issues like slug formation or gas-lift difficulties. Design considerations include: * **Flow Simulation:** Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to model the flow of hydrocarbons and identify potential issues related to flow velocity, pressure drops, and slug formation. * **Riser Geometry Optimization:** Optimizing the riser geometry to minimize the impact of hydrodynamic forces and ensure efficient flow of hydrocarbons. * **Design for Vortex Shedding:** Accounting for potential vortex shedding effects which can cause vibration and fatigue on the riser.
  3. **Corrosion Protection:** Deep-water environments are harsh and corrosive. The combination of salt water, oxygen, and potentially corrosive compounds in the hydrocarbons can significantly degrade the riser over time. Design considerations include: * **Protective Coatings:** Applying high-quality corrosion-resistant coatings like epoxy or polyurethane to the riser surface. * **Cathodic Protection:** Implementing cathodic protection systems to prevent corrosion by creating an electrical current that counteracts the corrosion process. * **Material Selection:** Choosing materials known for their corrosion resistance in the specific environment.


  • Subsea Engineering Handbook by M.J. Brown and M.J. Hibberd: A comprehensive guide covering various aspects of subsea engineering, including detailed information on risers.
  • Subsea Production Systems: Design, Installation and Operation by P.A.S. Stewart: Focuses on subsea production systems, including a dedicated chapter on risers.
  • Pipelines and Risers by C.J. Taylor: Provides a detailed analysis of pipeline and riser design, including the specifics of catenary risers.


  • "Catenary Risers: An Overview of their Design and Analysis" by J.R.T. Murai et al. (2014): A thorough examination of the design and analysis of catenary risers, focusing on stress and stability.
  • "Catenary Riser Technology for Deepwater Oil and Gas Production" by A.K. Sharma et al. (2010): Explores the advancements in catenary riser technology and its relevance in deep-water exploration.
  • "Flow Assurance in Catenary Risers: Challenges and Solutions" by D.J. Williams et al. (2017): Addresses the specific challenges of fluid flow and potential issues in catenary riser systems.

Online Resources

  • Subsea 7: This company specializes in subsea engineering and offers various publications and resources on catenary risers.
  • Shell: Shell, a major oil and gas company, has a dedicated website section discussing its subsea operations, including information on catenary risers.
  • The Marine Technology Society (MTS): MTS provides valuable insights into the latest advancements in marine technology, including research on catenary risers.

Search Tips

  • Use the exact phrase "catenary riser" in your search.
  • Combine "catenary riser" with specific aspects like "design," "analysis," "installation," or "flow assurance."
  • Search for articles and publications by reputable organizations like industry associations, academic institutions, and major oil and gas companies.
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