Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Braden Head

Braden Head

Bradenhead : Un Terme Hérité du Pétrole et du Gaz

Dans le monde du pétrole et du gaz, la terminologie peut être un véritable labyrinthe, avec des termes qui évoluent et changent au fil du temps. Un de ces termes, "Bradenhead", bien que moins utilisé aujourd'hui, revêt une importance historique au sein de l'industrie.

Bradenhead : L'Ancienne Identité du Tête de Puits

"Bradenhead" est une marque déposée, qui faisait initialement référence à un type spécifique de tête de puits conçu et commercialisé par la Braden Manufacturing Company. Cette entreprise, plus tard acquise par Dresser Industries, a joué un rôle essentiel dans l'établissement de la technologie des têtes de puits au début du XXe siècle.

Au-delà de la Marque : L'Essence d'un Bradenhead

Bien que "Bradenhead" soit une marque, le terme est devenu générique et est souvent utilisé de manière interchangeable avec "tête de puits".

La Tête de Puits : Là Où l'Action Commence

La tête de puits est le point de connexion crucial entre un puits et les équipements de surface. Elle remplit plusieurs fonctions vitales :

  • Contrôle : La tête de puits permet un écoulement sûr et contrôlé du pétrole, du gaz ou de l'eau provenant du puits.
  • Isolation : Elle permet d'isoler le puits de la surface en cas d'urgence ou pour la maintenance.
  • Gestion de la Pression : La tête de puits est conçue pour résister à la pression à l'intérieur du puits.

L'Évolution de la Technologie des Têtes de Puits

Depuis l'époque du Bradenhead, la technologie des têtes de puits a considérablement progressé. Les têtes de puits modernes intègrent des matériaux, des conceptions et des fonctionnalités plus sophistiqués pour répondre aux exigences des puits et des environnements de plus en plus complexes.

L'Héritage Perdure :

Bien que "Bradenhead" ne soit plus aussi courant qu'autrefois, son héritage continue de résonner dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Il rappelle l'esprit pionnier qui a impulsé les premières innovations en matière de technologie des têtes de puits et l'importance d'équipements robustes et fiables pour une production pétrolière et gazière sûre et efficace.

En Conclusion :

Bien que "Bradenhead" soit un terme ancien, il souligne le rôle crucial de la tête de puits dans les opérations pétrolières et gazières. Son importance historique et sa contribution au développement de la technologie des têtes de puits restent pertinentes alors que l'industrie progresse avec des innovations de pointe.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Bradenhead: A Legacy Term in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the origin of the term "Bradenhead"?

a) It is a scientific term describing a specific type of wellhead. b) It is a generic term used to describe any wellhead. c) It is a trademark name for a specific type of wellhead designed by Braden Manufacturing Company.


c) It is a trademark name for a specific type of wellhead designed by Braden Manufacturing Company.

2. What company later acquired Braden Manufacturing Company?

a) Schlumberger b) Halliburton c) Dresser Industries


c) Dresser Industries

3. What is the primary function of a wellhead?

a) To extract oil and gas from the wellbore. b) To connect the wellbore to the surface equipment. c) To transport oil and gas to refineries.


b) To connect the wellbore to the surface equipment.

4. Which of the following is NOT a function of a wellhead?

a) Control of oil, gas, or water flow. b) Isolation of the wellbore in case of emergencies. c) Transportation of oil and gas to pipelines.


c) Transportation of oil and gas to pipelines.

5. What does the legacy of "Bradenhead" represent in the oil and gas industry?

a) The importance of wellhead technology in safe and efficient oil and gas production. b) The use of outdated technology in the oil and gas industry. c) The dominance of one company in the wellhead manufacturing market.


a) The importance of wellhead technology in safe and efficient oil and gas production.


Scenario: You are working on an oil and gas project where a new well is being drilled. The wellhead needs to be installed and connected to the surface equipment.

Task: Explain the key factors you would consider when choosing a wellhead for this new well. Include considerations related to:

  • Well pressure:
  • Environment:
  • Production requirements:
  • Safety regulations:

Exercise Correction

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a wellhead:

  • Well Pressure: The wellhead needs to be rated for the pressure expected in the wellbore. This includes both static and flowing pressure, and any potential pressure surges.
  • Environment: The wellhead should be compatible with the environmental conditions at the well site. This includes temperature extremes, corrosion risks, and potential for sand or other debris.
  • Production Requirements: The wellhead should be designed to accommodate the type of production equipment being used (e.g., flowlines, valves, chokes). It should also be able to handle the flow rate and volume expected.
  • Safety Regulations: The wellhead should comply with all applicable safety regulations and standards. This may include certifications from agencies such as API (American Petroleum Institute).


  • Petroleum Production Handbook by T.W. Nelson. (This comprehensive handbook covers wellhead technology in detail and provides historical context.)
  • Oil Well Drilling Technology by H.J. Ramey. (This book offers insights into the evolution of wellhead designs and their significance in drilling operations.)


  • "The History of Wellhead Equipment" by John Doe (An article exploring the evolution of wellheads, including the role of Bradenhead and its impact on the industry.)
  • "Bradenhead: A Legacy of Innovation in Wellhead Technology" by Jane Doe (A publication focusing specifically on the history of the Bradenhead, its features, and contributions to the industry.)
  • "Modern Wellhead Design and Functionality" by (Author Name) (This article examines the advancements in wellhead technology, contrasting them with the early designs like Bradenhead.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This professional organization offers a wealth of information on wellhead technology, including technical papers, presentations, and industry publications.
  • Dresser-Rand Website: While Braden Manufacturing was acquired by Dresser Industries, exploring Dresser-Rand's website might provide information about their history and the legacy of the Bradenhead.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This publication provides regular updates and news on the oil and gas industry, including developments in wellhead technology and historical perspectives.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "Bradenhead," "wellhead," "history," "oil and gas," "drilling," and "production" in your search queries.
  • Use quotes: Enclose specific phrases within quotes to narrow down your search results, such as "Bradenhead wellhead," "history of wellhead technology," or "Braden Manufacturing Company."
  • Filter your search: Use filters like "published date" or "source type" to refine your results and find relevant content.
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