Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Distributed Control Systems (DCS): Bird


L'« Oiseau » en Exploration Sismique : Naviguer les Profondeurs avec des Ailerons Mobiles

Dans le domaine de l'exploration sismique sous-marine, le terme « oiseau » fait référence à un composant crucial attaché à un streamer sismique, un long câble remorqué derrière un navire de recherche. Ce dispositif apparemment simple joue un rôle crucial pour garantir l'acquisition de données précises et efficaces.

La Fonction de l'Oiseau :

L'« oiseau » est essentiellement un dispositif doté d'ailerons mobiles, souvent comparés aux « ailes d'un oiseau », conçu pour contrôler la profondeur et l'orientation du streamer dans la colonne d'eau. Ces ailerons, lorsqu'ils sont ajustés, créent des forces hydrodynamiques qui contrecarrent les forces exercées par les courants d'eau et le mouvement du navire.

Pourquoi l'« Oiseau » est Essentiel :

  1. Maintenir une Profondeur Constante : Les données sismiques sont très sensibles à la profondeur du streamer. L'« oiseau » garantit que le streamer reste à la profondeur souhaitée tout au long du relevé, éliminant les variations dans les données collectées dues aux fluctuations de profondeur.

  2. Minimiser le Mouvement du Streamer : Les ailerons compensent activement le mouvement du navire, minimisant le lacet et le roulis du streamer, ce qui peut introduire du bruit et de la distorsion indésirables dans les données sismiques.

  3. Optimiser la Qualité des Données : En maintenant une position stable du streamer, l'« oiseau » maximise la qualité des signaux sismiques acquis, garantissant des interprétations précises et fiables des structures géologiques souterraines.

  4. Augmenter l'Efficacité : La capacité de l'« oiseau » à naviguer le streamer à travers les courants et les turbulences permet des opérations plus fluides, minimisant les retards et les interruptions dans l'acquisition de données.

Types d'Oiseaux :

Différents types d'« oiseaux » existent, chacun conçu pour des conditions et des configurations de streamer spécifiques. Voici quelques variations courantes :

  • Oiseaux Passifs : Ils dépendent de l'écoulement naturel de l'eau pour ajuster la profondeur du streamer.
  • Oiseaux Actifs : Ils utilisent des systèmes de contrôle pour ajuster activement les ailerons, permettant un contrôle précis de la profondeur même dans des conditions difficiles.
  • Oiseaux Hybrides : Combinant les caractéristiques des designs passifs et actifs, ils offrent adaptabilité et performance robuste.

Conclusion :

L'« oiseau » apparemment modeste joue un rôle crucial dans l'exploration sismique moderne. En contrôlant méticuleusement la profondeur et l'orientation du streamer, il garantit une acquisition de données de haute qualité, contribuant à des interprétations précises du sous-sol terrestre et faisant progresser notre compréhension des formations géologiques.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The "Bird" in Seismic Exploration

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the "bird" in seismic exploration? (a) To record seismic signals (b) To transmit acoustic waves into the seabed (c) To control the streamer's depth and orientation (d) To analyze the collected seismic data


The correct answer is (c) To control the streamer's depth and orientation.

2. How do "birds" help improve the quality of seismic data? (a) By increasing the intensity of the acoustic signals (b) By minimizing noise and distortion in the data (c) By identifying specific geological formations (d) By speeding up the data acquisition process


The correct answer is (b) By minimizing noise and distortion in the data.

3. Which type of "bird" relies on natural water flow to adjust the streamer's depth? (a) Active Bird (b) Hybrid Bird (c) Passive Bird (d) None of the above


The correct answer is (c) Passive Bird.

4. What is the primary benefit of using active "birds" in seismic exploration? (a) They are less expensive than passive birds (b) They are more efficient in shallow waters (c) They allow for precise depth control in challenging conditions (d) They require less maintenance than passive birds


The correct answer is (c) They allow for precise depth control in challenging conditions.

5. Why is maintaining a constant streamer depth crucial in seismic exploration? (a) It prevents the streamer from getting tangled (b) It ensures accurate data acquisition by minimizing variations (c) It increases the speed of the survey vessel (d) It helps avoid damage to the streamer


The correct answer is (b) It ensures accurate data acquisition by minimizing variations.

Exercise: The "Bird" in Action

Scenario: You are working on a seismic exploration project in a region known for strong ocean currents. The project requires precise depth control of the streamer, even in challenging conditions.

Task: Based on your knowledge of "birds" in seismic exploration, suggest the most appropriate type of "bird" for this project and explain why.

Exercice Correction

The most appropriate type of "bird" for this project would be an **Active Bird**. This is because active birds utilize control systems to actively adjust the vanes, allowing for precise depth control even in challenging conditions like strong currents. Active birds would ensure the streamer remains at the desired depth, minimizing variations in the collected data and producing more reliable results.


  • Seismic Exploration: A comprehensive textbook like "Seismic Exploration: An Introduction" by John Sheriff or "Geophysics: An Introduction to Seismic Exploration" by John A. Scales would have sections on streamers and their associated equipment, including "birds."
  • Marine Geophysics: Textbooks like "Marine Geophysics" by Peter M. Shearer or "Introduction to Marine Geophysics" by Kenneth L. Miller would offer in-depth information on seismic data acquisition techniques and the role of "birds."
  • Technical Manuals: Manufacturers of seismic streamers and "birds" often provide detailed technical manuals that describe the specific design, operation, and maintenance of their equipment.


  • Scientific Journals: Search journals like "Geophysics," "The Leading Edge," "Journal of Seismic Exploration," and "Marine Geophysical Researches" for articles on seismic exploration techniques, data acquisition, and streamer technology.
  • Industry Publications: Publications like "Oil and Gas Journal," "World Oil," and "Offshore Magazine" often feature articles on seismic exploration advancements, including discussions on streamer design and "birds."

Online Resources

  • SEG Wiki: The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) maintains a comprehensive wiki with information on various aspects of exploration geophysics, including seismic data acquisition and streamer technology.
  • Wikipedia: Search for "Seismic streamer" or "Seismic exploration" on Wikipedia for an overview of the topic and links to further resources.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Websites of companies specializing in seismic exploration equipment like Schlumberger, CGG, and Sercel often provide information on their streamers, "birds," and associated technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching, use terms like "bird seismic streamer," "streamer control systems," "hydrodynamic vanes," and "seismic data acquisition" to refine your results.
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use "+" to include specific words, "-" to exclude words, and " " to search for exact phrases.
  • Explore advanced search options: Use advanced search options like "filetype:pdf" to search for specific document types like technical papers or manuals.
  • Search scholarly databases: Use online databases like Google Scholar or IEEE Xplore to find peer-reviewed articles related to seismic exploration and "birds."
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