Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans General Technical Terms: Binder (coating)

Binder (coating)

Liaisons : L'épine dorsale des revêtements

Le terme "liaison" dans le contexte des revêtements fait référence à la **partie non volatile** d'un revêtement qui **lie les particules de pigment ensemble** et forme un film continu sur le substrat. Ce film confère au revêtement ses propriétés essentielles, telles que l'adhérence, la durabilité et la protection.

**Imaginez la liaison comme la colle qui maintient tout ensemble.**

Voici une décomposition de ses fonctions et caractéristiques clés :

**Fonctions clés :**

  • Adhérence : La liaison adhère au substrat, créant une liaison solide entre le revêtement et la surface à protéger.
  • Formation du film : La liaison se solidifie et forme un film continu, offrant une barrière contre les facteurs environnementaux.
  • Durabilité : Les liaisons contribuent à la résistance du revêtement à l'usure, à la déchirure, à l'abrasion et aux attaques chimiques.
  • Flexibilité : Certaines liaisons permettent au revêtement de se plier et de se fléchir avec le substrat, empêchant les fissures et le décollement.
  • Apparence : La liaison joue un rôle dans l'apparence générale du revêtement, influençant son brillant, sa couleur et sa texture.

Types courants de liaisons :

  • Résines : Les polymères synthétiques comme les résines acryliques, époxy, polyuréthanes et alkydes sont couramment utilisés comme liaisons. Ils offrent une large gamme de propriétés et de caractéristiques de performance.
  • Huiles : Les huiles naturelles comme l'huile de lin, l'huile de tung et l'huile de soja étaient historiquement utilisées comme liaisons, mais elles sont moins courantes aujourd'hui en raison de leur temps de séchage lent et de leur durabilité limitée.
  • Latex : Les liaisons au latex à base d'eau sont populaires pour leur facilité d'utilisation, leur faible odeur et leur temps de séchage rapide.

Facteurs influençant le choix de la liaison :

  • Substrat : Le type de surface à revêtir déterminera la meilleure liaison pour une adhérence optimale.
  • Application : L'utilisation prévue du revêtement (par exemple, intérieur contre extérieur, zones à fort trafic) aura un impact sur la durabilité et les performances requises.
  • Conditions environnementales : La température, l'humidité et l'exposition à la lumière du soleil peuvent influencer le choix de la liaison.

Résumé :

La liaison est un élément crucial de tout système de revêtement, offrant les propriétés essentielles qui rendent le revêtement efficace. Comprendre le rôle et les caractéristiques de la liaison est essentiel pour choisir le bon revêtement pour une application spécifique et garantir ses performances optimales.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Binder: The Backbone of Coatings

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a binder in a coating?

(a) To add color and opacity to the coating. (b) To provide the coating's gloss and sheen. (c) To bind pigment particles together and form a continuous film. (d) To protect the coating from UV damage.


(c) To bind pigment particles together and form a continuous film.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common type of binder used in coatings?

(a) Acrylic resin (b) Epoxy resin (c) Silicone resin (d) Alkyd resin


(c) Silicone resin

3. Which factor is LEAST likely to influence the selection of a binder for a coating?

(a) The type of substrate being coated. (b) The intended use of the coating. (c) The cost of the binder. (d) The weather conditions during application.


(c) The cost of the binder.

4. What is the key characteristic that allows a coating to bend and flex with the substrate, preventing cracking and peeling?

(a) Adhesion (b) Durability (c) Flexibility (d) Film formation


(c) Flexibility

5. Which type of binder is commonly used in water-based coatings and known for its fast drying time?

(a) Oil-based binder (b) Latex binder (c) Resin-based binder (d) Acrylic resin binder


(b) Latex binder

Exercise: Binder Selection for a Project

Task: You are tasked with choosing the right binder for a coating project. Your client wants to paint a wooden deck that receives heavy foot traffic and is exposed to harsh weather conditions.

Consider the following factors:

  • Substrate: Wood deck
  • Application: High-traffic area, exposed to sun, rain, and temperature fluctuations
  • Required Properties: Durability, weather resistance, flexibility

1. Research and select a suitable binder for this project. Explain your reasoning, including the specific properties of the binder that make it appropriate for this application.

2. Provide examples of common coating products that utilize the chosen binder and are suitable for outdoor wooden decks.

Exercice Correction

**1. Suitable Binder:** For a wooden deck that experiences heavy foot traffic and harsh weather conditions, a polyurethane resin binder would be an excellent choice. **Reasoning:** * **Durability:** Polyurethane resins are known for their exceptional durability, providing strong resistance to abrasion, wear, and tear. This is crucial for a high-traffic deck that sees a lot of foot traffic. * **Weather Resistance:** Polyurethane binders are highly resistant to moisture, UV radiation, and temperature fluctuations. This makes them ideal for outdoor applications where they can withstand the elements without degrading. * **Flexibility:** Some polyurethane binders offer excellent flexibility, allowing the coating to expand and contract with the wood as it experiences changes in temperature and humidity. This prevents cracking and peeling. **2. Coating Product Examples:** * **Exterior Polyurethane Deck Stain & Sealer:** This type of product is formulated with a polyurethane binder and specifically designed for outdoor decks. They offer excellent protection against UV damage, moisture, and foot traffic. * **Solid-Color Polyurethane Deck Coating:** This option provides a solid color finish and offers the same durability and weather resistance as the stain and sealer. It is a good choice if you prefer a solid color over a transparent finish. **Note:** Always consult product labels and manufacturer recommendations to ensure the specific coating you choose is compatible with your chosen substrate (wood) and application (outdoor deck).


  • Coatings Technology: Principles, Applications, and Performance by Edward S. Flick. This comprehensive book covers all aspects of coatings, including a detailed discussion of binders.
  • The Chemistry and Technology of Coatings by D. R. Karsa. This book provides a detailed overview of the chemistry and technology of coatings, including a thorough section on binders.
  • Handbook of Coatings edited by George Wypych. This handbook offers a broad overview of coatings, including a chapter on binders and their properties.


  • Binder Chemistry: A Review by S. K. Gupta and V. K. Gupta. This article provides a review of the chemistry of different types of binders used in coatings.
  • The Role of Binders in Coatings: A Comprehensive Review by A. K. Jain and P. K. Jain. This article discusses the various functions of binders in coatings and their importance in performance.
  • Binder Technology: Recent Advances and Future Trends by R. K. Sharma and S. K. Sharma. This article explores the latest developments in binder technology and future trends in the coatings industry.

Online Resources

  • The Coatings Technology Resource Website: This website offers a wealth of information on coatings, including a section on binders and their properties.
  • The Paint and Coatings Industry Association (PCI): This industry association provides information on coatings, including technical resources on binders.
  • The National Paint & Coatings Association (NPCA): This association provides industry news, technical resources, and information on coatings, including binders.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "binder," use phrases like "binder types in coatings," "binder chemistry in coatings," or "role of binder in paint film formation."
  • Include the term "coating": This will help narrow down your search results to relevant information.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks (e.g., "acrylic binder") will find exact matches and more precise results.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use operators like "site:" to search within specific websites (e.g., " binder") or "filetype:" to find specific file types (e.g., "filetype:pdf binder in coatings").
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