Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: spot


Le Spotting : Un Outil de Précision pour le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde du forage et de l'achèvement des puits, le "spotting" désigne une technique spécifique utilisée pour **pomper une quantité précise d'une substance dans un intervalle désigné au sein du puits**. Cette livraison contrôlée est souvent cruciale pour une variété d'opérations, allant du déblocage d'équipements coincés à l'amélioration de la productivité du puits.

Voici une explication du spotting et de ses applications courantes :

Pourquoi le Spotting ?

Le principal avantage du spotting réside dans sa capacité à **cibler des zones spécifiques** à l'intérieur du puits, maximisant ainsi l'efficacité de la substance injectée tout en minimisant le gaspillage et les dommages potentiels à la formation environnante. Contrairement au pompage conventionnel qui remplit tout le puits, le spotting garantit que la substance souhaitée n'est livrée que là où elle est nécessaire.

Applications courantes du Spotting :

  • Déblocage d'équipements coincés : Le spotting de l'huile diesel ou d'autres lubrifiants autour des tubages de forage ou d'autres outils coincés dans le puits peut aider à réduire la friction et à faciliter leur libération.
  • Opérations de cimentation : Le spotting de coulis de ciment pendant les opérations de tubage permet un placement précis du ciment, assurant une liaison solide et sûre entre le tubage et le puits.
  • Stimulation acide : Le spotting d'acide dans des zones spécifiques au sein du réservoir aide à dissoudre les dommages de la formation, améliorant ainsi la production de pétrole ou de gaz.
  • Opérations de fracturation : Le spotting de fluides de fracturation à des profondeurs spécifiques permet la création de réseaux de fractures complexes, maximisant la capacité du réservoir à libérer des hydrocarbures.
  • Opérations d'achèvement : Le spotting de divers produits chimiques, tels que des inhibiteurs de corrosion ou des biocides, peut protéger les équipements du puits et améliorer les performances à long terme.

Techniques de Spotting :

Le processus de spotting implique généralement :

  1. Calcul du volume souhaité : Déterminer le volume spécifique de la substance à injecter, en tenant compte des dimensions de l'intervalle cible et de la concentration souhaitée.
  2. Placement de l'outil de spotting : Utiliser des équipements spécialisés, tels que des tétines de spotting ou des assemblages de tubages, pour diriger l'écoulement de la substance vers l'emplacement souhaité.
  3. Pompage de la substance : Utiliser des pompes spécialisées et des systèmes de contrôle pour délivrer précisément le volume calculé de la substance à un débit contrôlé.
  4. Surveillance et vérification : Surveiller la pression et le débit pendant l'opération de spotting pour garantir un bon placement et une bonne livraison du volume.

Avantages du Spotting :

  • Efficacité accrue : Le spotting minimise le gaspillage de matériaux et améliore l'efficacité globale du traitement.
  • Réduction du risque de dommages : Le placement précis des produits chimiques réduit le risque d'endommager la formation environnante.
  • Amélioration des performances du puits : L'application ciblée de fluides améliore la production et la longévité du puits.

Conclusion :

Le spotting est une technique cruciale et polyvalente dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits. En permettant le placement précis de substances à l'intérieur du puits, le spotting améliore considérablement l'efficacité, l'efficacité et la sécurité de diverses opérations. Au fur et à mesure que la technologie progresse, de nouvelles méthodes de spotting innovantes sont constamment développées, améliorant encore les performances et la valeur de cette technique importante.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Spotting in Drilling and Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary advantage of using the spotting technique in drilling and well completion?

a) It allows for the injection of large volumes of fluids into the wellbore.


Incorrect. Spotting focuses on delivering precise quantities, not large volumes.

b) It simplifies the process of pumping fluids into the wellbore.

Incorrect. Spotting involves specialized equipment and procedures, which can be more complex than traditional pumping.

c) It enables the targeted delivery of substances to specific locations within the wellbore.

Correct! Spotting allows for precise placement of substances, maximizing effectiveness and minimizing waste.

d) It reduces the overall time required for well completion operations.

Incorrect. While spotting can improve efficiency, it's not always the primary factor in reducing completion time.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common application of the spotting technique?

a) Freeing stuck equipment.


Incorrect. Spotting lubricants is a common method to free stuck equipment.

b) Cementing operations.

Incorrect. Spotting cement slurry ensures precise placement during casing runs.

c) Acid stimulation.

Incorrect. Spotting acid allows for targeted treatment of specific zones within the reservoir.

d) Wellbore pressure monitoring.

Correct! Spotting is not directly involved in wellbore pressure monitoring. Pressure monitoring uses specialized gauges and sensors.

3. What is a crucial step in the spotting process?

a) Determining the wellbore's total volume.


Incorrect. Spotting focuses on the target interval's volume, not the entire wellbore.

b) Calculating the desired volume of the substance to be spotted.

Correct! Precisely calculating the volume is essential for effective and efficient spotting.

c) Choosing the most powerful pump available.

Incorrect. The pump's power should be suitable for the specific application, not necessarily the strongest available.

d) Injecting the substance as quickly as possible.

Incorrect. Spotting involves controlled and precise delivery, not rapid injection.

4. How does spotting improve the efficiency of well completion operations?

a) By minimizing the amount of waste generated during the process.


Correct! Spotting ensures that the substance is delivered only where it's needed, reducing waste.

b) By eliminating the need for specialized equipment.

Incorrect. Spotting often requires specialized equipment like spotting nipples or tubing assemblies.

c) By allowing for faster pumping rates.

Incorrect. Spotting typically involves controlled and precise delivery, which may not always be faster.

d) By reducing the overall cost of well completion.

Incorrect. While spotting can contribute to cost reduction by minimizing waste, it's not always the primary factor.

5. What is one of the main benefits of using spotting techniques for fracturing operations?

a) It reduces the risk of wellbore collapse.


Incorrect. While fracturing can create stress, spotting itself doesn't directly reduce the risk of wellbore collapse.

b) It allows for the creation of more complex fracture networks.

Correct! Spotting fracturing fluids at specific depths helps create intricate fracture networks, maximizing reservoir production.

c) It eliminates the need for proppant injection.

Incorrect. Proppant injection is still usually required for effective fracturing.

d) It ensures that the fracturing process is completely silent.

Incorrect. Fracturing operations can often be noisy, and spotting itself doesn't make them silent.


Scenario: A well is experiencing low production due to formation damage in a specific zone. The well operator decides to use acid stimulation to dissolve the damage and improve production.

Task: Explain how the spotting technique would be used in this scenario, outlining the steps involved and the benefits it would bring to the acid stimulation process.

Exercice Correction

Here's how spotting would be used in acid stimulation:

  1. **Identify the target zone:** The well operator would use logs and other data to pinpoint the specific zone within the reservoir where the formation damage is located.
  2. **Calculate the required acid volume:** Based on the zone's dimensions and the severity of the damage, the operator would determine the precise volume of acid needed for effective treatment.
  3. **Select the spotting tool:** Specialized tools, like tubing assemblies or spotting nipples, would be used to direct the flow of acid specifically to the target zone.
  4. **Pump the acid:** Utilizing a controlled pump, the acid would be injected at a controlled rate, ensuring that it's delivered only to the designated zone.
  5. **Monitor and verify:** Pressure and flow rate would be monitored throughout the spotting process to ensure that the acid is placed correctly and the calculated volume is delivered.

**Benefits of spotting for acid stimulation in this scenario:**

  • **Targeted treatment:** The acid is delivered only to the damaged zone, minimizing the risk of damaging other reservoir zones.
  • **Increased efficiency:** The acid is used only where it's needed, reducing waste and minimizing the overall treatment cost.
  • **Improved production:** By effectively dissolving the formation damage in the targeted zone, the acid stimulation would result in enhanced oil or gas production.
  • **Reduced risk of wellbore damage:** Precise acid placement reduces the risk of damaging the wellbore or other formations.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. Davies - A comprehensive text covering various aspects of drilling, including well completion and stimulation. This book provides in-depth information on wellbore operations and techniques, including spotting.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by Robert C. Earlougher - Offers a detailed overview of well completion design and operations, with dedicated sections on downhole equipment, stimulation techniques, and cementing operations, which often involve spotting.
  • "Petroleum Production Engineering" by William C. Lyons - This book covers the engineering principles and practices of oil and gas production, including sections on well stimulation, workover, and completion operations, providing context for spotting techniques.


  • "Optimizing Stimulation Treatments Through Spotting" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This article explores the benefits of spotting for stimulation treatments, discussing different methods and their applications.
  • "Spotting Technique for Efficient Cementing Operations" by Schlumberger - This article details how spotting is used in cementing operations, emphasizing its role in achieving a successful and durable cement bond.
  • "Spotting Techniques for Improved Well Completion" by Baker Hughes - This article highlights the application of spotting in various well completion scenarios, explaining its impact on overall well performance.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: ( - The SPE website offers a vast collection of publications, technical papers, and online resources related to oil and gas exploration, drilling, and production, including relevant information on spotting techniques.
  • Schlumberger website: ( - This website provides technical resources, case studies, and information on various well completion services, including spotting methods and equipment.
  • Baker Hughes website: ( - This website offers insights into well completion technologies and solutions, including detailed information on spotting techniques and their applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching on Google, use keywords like "spotting technique," "spotting cement," "spotting acid," "spotting fracturing," or "spotting well completion."
  • Include industry terms: Combine keywords with terms like "drilling," "well completion," "production," or "reservoir engineering" for more targeted results.
  • Specify your region: Adding locations like "Texas," "North Sea," or "Middle East" to your searches can help find relevant information for specific geographical areas.
  • Explore related topics: Search for terms like "downhole tools," "cementing," "acid stimulation," "hydraulic fracturing," and "wellbore fluid management" to understand the broader context and applications of spotting.
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