Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: rotary support table

rotary support table

Table de Support Rotative : Le Lien Essentiel dans le Forage à Top Drive

Dans le monde dynamique de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, la recherche de ressources implique souvent de forer profondément dans la croûte terrestre. Ce processus nécessite des équipements spécialisés, y compris le composant crucial connu sous le nom de **table de support rotative**. Bien que moins visible que les puissants top drives qui font tourner le trépan, les tables de support rotatives jouent un rôle essentiel pour garantir des opérations de forage efficaces et sûres.

**Une Approche Simplifiée de la Manipulation du Train de Forage**

Les plateformes de forage modernes utilisent de plus en plus des top drives, qui offrent des performances et un contrôle supérieurs aux tables rotatives traditionnelles. Cependant, même avec les top drives, le besoin de suspendre le train de forage pendant les opérations de "tripping" (retrait ou insertion de sections de tige de forage) demeure. C'est là qu'intervient la table de support rotative.

Contrairement à une table rotative complète, une table de support rotative est un **dispositif plus léger et plus compact** conçu uniquement pour la suspension du train de forage. Elle fournit une plateforme sécurisée pour le réglage des "slips", qui agissent comme des pinces pour maintenir le train de forage en place pendant que le top drive gère la rotation. Cette fonction cruciale empêche le train de forage de tomber dans le puits, assurant la sécurité et prévenant les dommages potentiels à l'équipement.

**Avantages Clés des Tables de Support Rotatives :**

  • **Efficacité accrue :** La conception simplifiée des tables de support rotatives permet une installation et un démontage plus rapides et plus faciles comparés aux tables rotatives conventionnelles.
  • **Poids réduit :** La construction plus légère de ces tables minimise la contrainte sur le plancher de forage et simplifie le transport.
  • **Économies de coûts :** L'élimination des machineries rotatives inutiles réduit le coût global de l'opération de forage.
  • **Sécurité renforcée :** En fournissant une plateforme dédiée au réglage des slips, les tables de support rotatives éliminent les risques potentiels associés à l'utilisation du top drive à cette fin.

**Conclusion :**

Les tables de support rotatives sont un élément essentiel des opérations de forage modernes, en particulier lorsqu'on utilise des top drives. Elles fournissent une solution sûre et efficace pour suspendre le train de forage, garantissant des opérations de forage ininterrompues tout en minimisant le poids et les coûts. En simplifiant la manipulation du train de forage pendant les opérations de "tripping" et les connexions, ces tables contribuent de manière significative au succès global du processus d'exploration.

Test Your Knowledge

Rotary Support Table Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a rotary support table? a) To rotate the drill bit b) To suspend the drill string during tripping c) To control the drilling fluid flow d) To provide power to the topdrive


b) To suspend the drill string during tripping

2. Compared to traditional rotary tables, rotary support tables are: a) More complex and heavier b) Lighter and more compact c) More expensive and less efficient d) Primarily used in older drilling rigs


b) Lighter and more compact

3. What is the main advantage of using rotary support tables in topdrive drilling? a) Eliminates the need for a topdrive b) Reduces the risk of drill string falling into the wellbore c) Improves the efficiency of drilling fluid circulation d) Increases the drilling depth capability


b) Reduces the risk of drill string falling into the wellbore

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a rotary support table? a) Increased efficiency during tripping b) Reduced weight on the rig floor c) Enhanced drilling fluid control d) Cost savings due to simplified design


c) Enhanced drilling fluid control

5. Rotary support tables are most commonly used in conjunction with: a) Hydraulic drilling rigs b) Rotary drilling rigs c) Topdrive drilling rigs d) Conventional drilling rigs


c) Topdrive drilling rigs

Rotary Support Table Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig that utilizes a topdrive system. During a tripping operation, the drill string suddenly begins to fall into the wellbore.


  1. Identify the potential cause of this issue.
  2. Explain how a rotary support table could have prevented this situation.
  3. List two actions you would take to immediately address the situation and ensure the safety of the crew and equipment.

Exercise Correction

**1. Potential Cause:** The most likely cause of the drill string falling is a failure of the slips to properly secure the drill string. This could be due to: * Improper setting of the slips * Damaged or worn-out slips * A malfunction in the slip mechanism. **2. How a Rotary Support Table Could Have Prevented This:** A rotary support table provides a dedicated platform for setting the slips, ensuring they are properly engaged and securely holding the drill string. This eliminates the risk of slips failing due to potential issues with the topdrive or other components. **3. Immediate Actions:** * **Stop the tripping operation immediately:** This will prevent further damage and potential injury. * **Inspect the slips and the slip mechanism:** Identify the root cause of the failure and take appropriate action to repair or replace any damaged components.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatise by John C. T. Doole, 2010: This book covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including equipment like topdrives and rotary tables. While it may not directly focus on rotary support tables, it provides valuable context within the broader drilling process.
  • Drilling Operations by Robert P. Davies, 2002: This book offers a detailed analysis of drilling operations, including equipment design, safety procedures, and maintenance. You might find information on rotary support tables in the context of tripping and drill string handling.


  • "Topdrive Technology: Optimizing Drilling Performance" by Schlumberger: This article provides an overview of topdrive technology, including its benefits and applications. It might discuss the role of rotary support tables in conjunction with topdrives.
  • "Rotary Support Tables: A Safety and Efficiency Enhancement in Topdrive Drilling" by [Author Name], [Journal Name], [Year]: This article (hypothetical, but a good example) would specifically focus on rotary support tables, highlighting their features and benefits.

Online Resources

  • National Oilwell Varco (NOV): This company is a leading supplier of drilling equipment, including topdrives and rotary support tables. Their website ( offers product information, technical specifications, and case studies that might be relevant.
  • *Baker Hughes: * Another major player in the oilfield services industry, Baker Hughes ( provides various drilling solutions, including topdrives and associated equipment. Explore their website for related information and resources.
  • Schlumberger: As mentioned above, Schlumberger's website ( offers information about drilling technology and services. You can search for specific keywords like "rotary support table" or "topdrive drilling" to find relevant information and resources.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication often features articles on drilling technology advancements. Use their website ( to search for specific articles or industry trends related to rotary support tables or topdrive drilling.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific terms like "rotary support table topdrive," "topdrive rotary table," "drilling equipment," and "drilling string handling" to narrow down your search results.
  • Include industry-specific terms: Add terms like "oil and gas," "drilling rig," or "wellbore" to refine your search and target relevant industry-related content.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotation marks to find exact matches and avoid broad results. For example, "rotary support table" will only show pages with those specific words together.
  • Explore different search engines: Beyond Google, try search engines like Bing, DuckDuckGo, or specialized industry search engines (like Google Scholar) to discover additional resources.
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