Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Rathole


Le Puits de Rat : Un Élément Crucial dans les Opérations du Sol de Forage

Dans le monde du forage pétrolier et gazier, le terme "puits de rat" peut paraître étrange, mais il fait référence à un élément vital de l'infrastructure qui joue un rôle crucial dans la complétion du puits. Ce trou apparemment anodin dans le sol de la plate-forme de forage, d'une profondeur d'environ 30 à 35 pieds, est bordé de tubage qui se projette au-dessus du sol. Cette structure apparemment simple est loin d'être insignifiante, servant de lien vital entre la plate-forme de forage et le puits.

Le Rôle du Puits de Rat :

La fonction principale du puits de rat est de fournir un espace sûr et sécurisé pour le kelly, le lourd tuyau en acier qui relie la table tournante à la colonne de forage, lorsque des opérations de levage sont en cours. Ceci est crucial lors des phases de forage suivantes :

  • Descente de la Colonne de Forage : Lors de l'ajout de nouvelles sections de tubage à la colonne, le kelly doit être levé et abaissé pour connecter les sections. Le puits de rat garantit que le kelly est correctement positionné, l'empêchant de se balancer ou de heurter d'autres équipements.
  • Remontée de la Colonne de Forage : De même, lors du retrait de sections de tubage, le kelly est logé dans le puits de rat pour des raisons de sécurité pendant le processus.

Au-delà de la Sécurité :

L'importance du puits de rat va au-delà de la simple garantie d'un transit sûr du kelly. Il offre également :

  • Protection de la Table Tournante : Le puits de rat protège la table tournante du poids potentiellement dommageable du kelly lors des opérations de levage.
  • Stabilité des Opérations de Levage : Le tubage qui borde le puits de rat fournit une plate-forme stable pour le kelly, empêchant tout mouvement ou instabilité pendant le processus crucial de levage et d'abaissement de la colonne de forage.
  • Utilisation Efficace de l'Espace : Le puits de rat permet une utilisation plus efficace de l'espace sur le sol de la plate-forme, car le kelly est correctement positionné dans une zone dédiée.

Un Composant Crucial :

Bien que simple en apparence, le puits de rat est un élément indispensable de toute plate-forme de forage. Sa conception et sa fonction contribuent au bon fonctionnement et à la sécurité de la plate-forme, garantissant l'achèvement efficace et réussi des projets de construction de puits. Il témoigne de l'attention méticuleuse portée aux détails et à la sécurité qui définit l'industrie du forage pétrolier et gazier.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Rathole

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the rathole in oil and gas drilling? a) To store drilling fluids b) To house the kelly during hoisting operations c) To provide access to the wellbore d) To support the derrick


b) To house the kelly during hoisting operations

2. What is the approximate depth of a rathole? a) 10-15 feet b) 20-25 feet c) 30-35 feet d) 40-45 feet


c) 30-35 feet

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit provided by the rathole? a) Protection for the rotary table b) Enhanced drilling fluid circulation c) Stability for hoisting operations d) Efficient use of space on the rig floor


b) Enhanced drilling fluid circulation

4. Why is the rathole lined with casing? a) To prevent drilling fluid from leaking b) To provide a stable platform for the kelly c) To increase the depth of the rathole d) To allow for easier access to the wellbore


b) To provide a stable platform for the kelly

5. Which of the following phases of drilling does the rathole play a crucial role in? a) Running in the drill string b) Tripping out the drill string c) Both a) and b) d) None of the above


c) Both a) and b)

Exercise: Rathole Safety

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and are about to trip out the drill string. A new crew member approaches you and expresses confusion about the role of the rathole in this process.

Task: Explain to the new crew member the importance of the rathole during the tripping out process, emphasizing the safety implications of using it.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

"Hey there, it's good to see you're curious! The rathole plays a crucial role when we're tripping out the drill string. Essentially, it's a safety feature that keeps the kelly, which connects the rotary table to the drill string, securely housed while we're removing sections of drill pipe. Imagine the kelly swinging freely as we lift it up and down. It could potentially damage equipment, injure people, or even get stuck. The rathole prevents all that by providing a stable, dedicated space for the kelly to sit safely during the entire process. It's like a designated parking spot for the kelly that ensures everything runs smoothly and safely."


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles, Applications, and Management by Robert E. Spivey & William D. Sharp - Covers drilling fundamentals, including rig floor operations and the importance of rathole.
  • Oil Well Drilling Technology by James G. Anderson - Provides a comprehensive overview of drilling techniques, including rig design and the role of the rathole in well construction.
  • Drilling and Well Completion: A Practical Guide by Thomas F. Dulaney - A practical resource for oil and gas drilling professionals, covering drilling operations and rig components like the rathole.


  • "The Rathole: A Vital Component of Rig Floor Operations" - (You can write this article based on the provided text!)
  • "Safety and Efficiency in Rig Floor Operations: The Importance of the Rathole" - A potential article highlighting the safety aspect of rathole in drilling operations.
  • "Rig Floor Design and Layout: A Comprehensive Overview" - Articles that cover the layout of a rig floor and its components, including the rathole.

Online Resources

  • DrillingInfo: This website provides a wealth of information on oil and gas drilling, including rig equipment and operations. Search for terms like "rathole," "rig floor," and "drilling operations."
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This professional organization offers a vast library of technical papers and resources related to drilling and well completion. Search for articles and publications related to drilling rig design, equipment, and safety.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication features articles on drilling technologies, rig design, and operational practices.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on the rathole, use specific keywords like "rathole drilling," "rathole rig floor," "rathole function," etc.
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Include relevant industry terms like "oil drilling," "gas drilling," "rig operations," "well completion" to narrow down your search results.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, for example, "rathole rig floor design."
  • Explore related search terms: Google's "related searches" feature at the bottom of the search results page can lead you to additional relevant information.
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