Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: makeup cathead

makeup cathead

Le "Cathead" de Montage : Un Outil Puissant dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde du forage et de l'achèvement des puits, l'efficacité est la clé. Chaque minute compte, et les tâches comme le montage (connexion) des joints de tuyaux doivent être effectuées rapidement et avec précision. Entrez le "cathead" de montage - un élément vital de l'équipement qui fournit la puissance et le contrôle nécessaires pour gérer cette opération cruciale.

Qu'est-ce qu'un "Cathead" de Montage ?

Un "cathead" de montage est un dispositif puissant fixé à l'arbre du treuil, la machinerie principale responsable du levage et de l'abaissement du matériel de forage. Il se trouve généralement du côté du foreur du treuil, à portée de main. Il sert de source d'énergie pour faire tourner le tuyau de forage ou le tubage, permettant aux joints d'être vissés ensemble de manière serrée et sécurisée.

Principe de Fonctionnement :

Le "cathead" de montage est essentiellement un grand tambour rotatif doté d'un moteur puissant qui le fait tourner. Une chaîne ou un câble relie le "cathead" au tuyau en cours de montage. Le foreur contrôle la vitesse de rotation du "cathead" au moyen d'une série de leviers et d'interrupteurs. Cela permet un contrôle précis du processus de serrage, garantissant une connexion solide et étanche.

Pourquoi est-il appelé "Cathead" ?

Le nom "cathead" vient de sa forme, qui ressemble à la tête d'un chat. Cette conception spécifique, avec une surface arrondie et saillante, aide à saisir le tuyau et à l'empêcher de glisser pendant le processus de montage.

Avantages de l'utilisation d'un "Cathead" de Montage :

  • Efficacité accrue : Le "cathead" permet des temps de montage significativement plus rapides par rapport aux méthodes manuelles.
  • Contrôle amélioré : Le foreur peut ajuster la vitesse et le couple du "cathead", garantissant des connexions serrées et fiables.
  • Réduction de la fatigue : Le montage manuel peut être physiquement exigeant, mais le "cathead" automatise le processus, réduisant la fatigue de l'équipage.
  • Amélioration de la sécurité : La rotation contrôlée du "cathead" minimise le risque d'accidents pendant la manipulation des tuyaux.

Variantes :

Certaines variantes du "cathead" de montage incluent :

  • "Cathead" tournant : Ce type est équipé d'une tête tournante qui permet des vitesses de montage plus rapides.
  • "Cathead" hydraulique : Ces "catheads" utilisent la puissance hydraulique pour un couple et un contrôle accrus.

Le "cathead" de montage est un outil essentiel dans toute opération de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Sa puissance, son efficacité et ses capacités de contrôle en font un élément vital pour garantir l'exécution fluide et réussie de ces tâches critiques.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Makeup Cathead

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a makeup cathead? a) To hoist drilling equipment. b) To rotate drill pipe or casing for joint connection. c) To provide power for the drilling rig. d) To control the mud circulation system.


b) To rotate drill pipe or casing for joint connection.

2. Where is the makeup cathead typically located on a drilling rig? a) On the top of the derrick. b) At the bottom of the drilling mud system. c) On the driller's side of the drawworks. d) Inside the mud pit.


c) On the driller's side of the drawworks.

3. Why is the makeup cathead called a "cathead"? a) Because it resembles a cat's paw. b) Because it is as agile as a cat. c) Because it resembles a cat's head. d) Because it is used to catch pipe like a cat catching a mouse.


c) Because it resembles a cat's head.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a makeup cathead? a) Increased efficiency. b) Reduced risk of accidents during pipe handling. c) Increased fatigue for the crew. d) Enhanced control over the tightening process.


c) Increased fatigue for the crew.

5. What is a "spinning cathead"? a) A cathead that rotates at a very high speed. b) A cathead with a spinning head for faster makeup speeds. c) A cathead that can be rotated manually. d) A cathead specifically designed for casing connections.


b) A cathead with a spinning head for faster makeup speeds.


Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and need to make up a new section of drill pipe. The driller instructs you to use the makeup cathead.


  1. Briefly describe the steps involved in using the makeup cathead to connect two joints of drill pipe.
  2. Identify two safety precautions that should be taken while using the makeup cathead.

Exercice Correction

**Steps for using the makeup cathead:** 1. **Position the pipe:** Align the two pipe joints to be connected, ensuring they are properly seated and aligned. 2. **Engage the cathead:** Connect the chain or cable from the cathead to the pipe. 3. **Start rotation:** The driller controls the cathead's rotation speed using levers and switches. Start slowly and gradually increase speed as the connection tightens. 4. **Tighten the joint:** Monitor the makeup torque and ensure the connection is tight and secure according to specifications. 5. **Disengage the cathead:** Once the joint is fully made up, disengage the chain or cable from the pipe. **Safety Precautions:** 1. **Never leave the cathead running unattended.** Ensure someone is always monitoring the makeup process. 2. **Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) while operating the cathead.** This includes gloves, safety glasses, and steel-toe boots.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by Robert E. Williams and K.E. (Kenneth E.) Mclennan - This comprehensive text covers various aspects of drilling, including equipment and tools. The makeup cathead is likely mentioned in sections related to well completion and drilling equipment.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook edited by Jerry L. Jensen - This handbook offers detailed information on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including drilling and well completion. You can search for "makeup cathead" in the index or relevant chapters.
  • Drilling and Well Completion: An Introduction by John A. Lee - This introductory text provides a general overview of drilling and well completion operations, including the use of makeup catheads.


  • "The Makeup Cathead: A Powerful Tool in Drilling and Well Completion" - This article provides a detailed description of the makeup cathead, its function, and benefits. It is not available online, but you can reference the content provided above.
  • "Drilling Equipment and Techniques: A Review" - This article may mention the makeup cathead as part of a general overview of drilling equipment. Look for articles discussing drilling rig components or well completion equipment.
  • "Safety Considerations in Drilling and Well Completion" - This article may discuss the safety aspects of using a makeup cathead, as it reduces manual labor and potential accidents.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: The SPE is a professional organization for petroleum engineers. Their website offers a vast database of technical papers and presentations, where you might find articles or presentations about makeup catheads.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication often features articles on new equipment, technologies, and practices, including those related to drilling and well completion. Search for articles related to drilling equipment or well completion.
  • DrillingInfo: This company provides data and analytics for the oil and gas industry. Their website may offer insights into the use of makeup catheads in different drilling and well completion scenarios.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms: Instead of just "makeup cathead," try using terms like "makeup cathead drilling," "makeup cathead well completion," "cathead rig equipment," or "cathead function in drilling."
  • Include relevant keywords: Include terms like "drilling," "well completion," "oil and gas," "petroleum engineering," or "rig equipment" in your search queries.
  • Explore related terms: If you find information related to "make-up head," "spinning cathead," or "hydraulic cathead," they might be useful for understanding the makeup cathead's function and variations.
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