Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: long string

long string

Comprendre le "Long String" dans le Forage et l'Achèvement de Puits

Dans le monde du forage et de l'achèvement de puits, le terme "long string" peut faire référence à deux concepts distincts, tous deux essentiels à l'extraction réussie du pétrole et du gaz. Plongeons-nous dans les différentes interprétations de ce terme :

1. La dernière colonne de tubage posée dans un puits :

Cette définition se concentre sur l'ordre chronologique de l'installation du tubage. Le "long string" représente la colonne de tubage finale descendue dans le puits, souvent après que toutes les autres colonnes de production ont été cimentées en place. Cette colonne de tubage joue un rôle essentiel dans la protection du puits, assurant l'intégrité structurelle et empêchant les éventuels dégazages.

  • Caractéristiques clés :
    • Colonne la plus profonde : S'étend généralement de la surface jusqu'au fond du puits.
    • Diamètre plus grand : Souvent plus épais que les autres colonnes de tubage pour résister à des pressions plus élevées.
    • Protection et stabilité : Protège le puits contre l'effondrement, fournit un passage pour les fluides de production et ancre le puits.

2. La colonne de tubage posée au niveau ou à travers la zone de production :

Cette définition se concentre sur la fonction de la colonne de tubage. Le "long string" dans ce contexte fait référence à la colonne de tubage posée au sommet ou à travers la zone de production, connue sous le nom de colonne de pétrole ou de tubage de production. Cette colonne est responsable de l'isolement de la formation productrice, empêchant le flux de fluide vers des zones indésirables et assurant une production contrôlée.

  • Caractéristiques clés :
    • Zone de production : Située directement au-dessus du réservoir, contenant des perforations pour permettre l'écoulement du pétrole ou du gaz.
    • Contrôle de la pression : Maintient la pression dans la formation productrice, permettant une extraction efficace.
    • Chemins de fluide : Fournit un passage pour l'écoulement des hydrocarbures extraits vers la surface.

Distinguer le "Long String" :

Si les deux définitions utilisent le terme "long string", il est important de comprendre le contexte pour éviter toute confusion. Lorsqu'on parle de l'ordre chronologique de l'installation du tubage, "long string" fait référence à la colonne de tubage finale. Inversement, lorsqu'on parle de la fonction, "long string" fait référence à la colonne de tubage située directement au-dessus de la formation productrice.

Globalement, le "long string" est un élément vital dans l'achèvement de puits, assurant l'extraction sûre et efficace des hydrocarbures. Son rôle spécifique au sein du puits est déterminé par son emplacement et son objectif, ce qui est important à prendre en compte lors de la discussion des opérations de forage et d'achèvement de puits.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding "Long String" in Drilling & Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the "long string" as the final casing string in a well?

a) Deepest string in the well.


This is a characteristic of the final casing string.

b) Smaller diameter than other casing strings.


The final casing string is often thicker than other casing strings.

c) Protects the wellbore from collapsing.


This is a key role of the final casing string.

d) Anchors the well.


The final casing string provides stability to the well.

2. The "long string" as the production casing is also known as:

a) Liner string


This refers to a casing string that is installed inside another casing string.

b) Oil string


This is a correct synonym for the production casing.

c) Conductor string


This is the first casing string set in a well.

d) Intermediate string


This refers to a casing string set between the conductor and production casing.

3. What is the primary function of the "long string" as the production casing?

a) Provide a pathway for drilling mud to the surface.


This is the function of the drill pipe.

b) Isolate the producing formation.


This is the key function of the production casing.

c) Anchor the wellhead.


This is a function of the surface casing.

d) Support the drill string.


This is a function of the intermediate casing.

4. What is the difference between the "long string" as the final casing string and the "long string" as the production casing?

a) The final casing string is always larger in diameter.


While the final casing string is often larger, this isn't always the case.

b) The production casing is set at the top of the producing formation.


This is a key difference, but not the only one.

c) The final casing string is set after all other casing strings.


This is the defining characteristic of the final casing string.

d) The production casing is perforated to allow fluid flow.


This is a defining characteristic of the production casing.

5. In which scenario is the term "long string" most likely to refer to the production casing?

a) Discussing the chronological order of casing installation.


The term "long string" in this context refers to the final casing string.

b) Describing the casing string that protects the producing formation.


This is the key function of the production casing, making this context likely to refer to it.

c) Planning the wellhead equipment installation.


The wellhead is typically connected to the surface casing.

d) Analyzing the hydraulics of drilling mud circulation.


Drilling mud circulation is primarily related to the drill pipe and not the casing strings.

Exercise: Identifying the "Long String"


You are working on a well completion project. The well has the following casing strings:

  • Conductor string: 20" diameter, set to 100 ft depth
  • Surface casing: 13 3/8" diameter, set to 2,000 ft depth
  • Intermediate casing: 9 5/8" diameter, set to 8,000 ft depth
  • Production casing: 7" diameter, set to 10,000 ft depth

1. Based on the chronological order of installation, which casing string is the "long string"?

Exercice Correction

The **production casing (7" diameter, set to 10,000 ft depth)** is the long string as it is the last casing string to be set in the well.

2. Based on the function of the casing string, which casing string is the "long string"?

Exercice Correction

The **production casing (7" diameter, set to 10,000 ft depth)** is also the long string in this context because it is set through the producing zone and isolates the formation for controlled production.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by J.A. Jennings - A comprehensive text covering all aspects of drilling, including casing design and installation.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by H.J. Ramey Jr. - Focuses on well completion practices, with detailed sections on casing strings and production operations.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - This multi-volume handbook provides detailed information on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including well completion.
  • "Modern Well Completion Practices" by F.S. van der Werff - A practical guide covering various well completion techniques, with sections dedicated to casing strings.


  • "Casing Design Considerations for Deepwater Wells" by SPE - Explores the challenges and solutions for casing design in deepwater wells.
  • "The Importance of Casing Integrity in Well Completion" by SPE - Emphasizes the role of casing in wellbore stability and production safety.
  • "Casing String Selection and Optimization" by SPE - Discusses the factors involved in selecting the appropriate casing string for a specific well.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: This website provides access to technical papers, journals, and other resources related to drilling and well completion.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: A reputable industry journal offering articles on various aspects of oil and gas exploration and production, including well completion.
  • Schlumberger website: This website provides detailed information on various technologies and services related to drilling and well completion.
  • Halliburton website: Another industry leader offering technical information on well completion technologies and services.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Long string casing," "oil string," "production casing," "well completion design," "casing installation."
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: "Long string casing SPE," "oil string design Halliburton," "production casing Schlumberger."
  • Use quotation marks for exact phrases: "Long string" "well completion" will provide results containing the exact phrase.
  • Include specific well types: "Long string horizontal well," "Long string deepwater well."
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