Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: horsehead


La Tête de Cheval : Un Élément Essentiel du Pompage par Tiges de Pompe

Dans le monde de l'extraction pétrolière et gazière, le pompage par tiges de pompe joue un rôle crucial pour amener les hydrocarbures à la surface. Un élément essentiel de ce système est la tête de cheval, une pièce en acier en forme de tête de cheval qui sert de point de connexion entre la poutre de l'unité de pompage et les tiges de pompe du puits.

Comprendre le Rôle de la Tête de Cheval :

  • Connecter la Poutre au Bridage : La tête de cheval, fixée à l'extrémité avant de la poutre, abrite un bridage, un dispositif qui relie les tiges de pompe à l'unité de pompage.
  • Faciliter le Mouvement des Tiges : La forme de la tête de cheval permet un mouvement fluide et efficace des tiges de pompe lorsqu'elles montent et descendent, propulsées par le mouvement alternatif de la poutre.
  • Assurer une Fixation Sécurisée : La conception de la tête de cheval offre un point de fixation robuste et sécurisé pour le bridage et les tiges de pompe, empêchant leur détachement pendant le fonctionnement.
  • Prévenir l'Usure : La surface lisse et arrondie de la tête de cheval minimise la friction et l'usure des connexions des tiges de pompe, améliorant la longévité du système.

Types de Têtes de Cheval :

  • Têtes de Cheval Standard : Ce sont les plus courantes, conçues pour les tiges de pompe et les bridages de taille standard.
  • Têtes de Cheval Robuste : Pour les puits à haute pression ou à fort volume, ces têtes de cheval sont construites avec un matériau plus épais pour une résistance et une durabilité accrues.
  • Têtes de Cheval Spécialisées : Certaines applications nécessitent des têtes de cheval spécialisées, comme celles avec des jauges de contrainte intégrées pour surveiller les charges des tiges ou celles conçues pour des tailles de tiges spécifiques.

Maintenance et Inspection :

  • Inspections Régulières : Les têtes de cheval doivent être inspectées régulièrement pour détecter toute usure, fissure ou dommage. Tout signe de détérioration nécessite une attention immédiate pour prévenir d'éventuelles défaillances.
  • Lubrification : Une lubrification adéquate est essentielle pour un fonctionnement fluide et pour prévenir l'usure de la tête de cheval et de ses composants.

Conclusion :

La tête de cheval est un élément discret mais vital des systèmes de pompage par tiges de pompe. Sa conception unique garantit un fonctionnement fluide et efficace, offrant une connexion sécurisée et fiable entre l'unité de pompage et le puits. La maintenance de la tête de cheval et de ses composants associés est cruciale pour la longévité et la sécurité de l'ensemble du système, maximisant la production de pétrole et de gaz.

Test Your Knowledge

Horsehead Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the horsehead in sucker rod pumping?

a) To connect the wellhead to the pumping unit b) To connect the sucker rods to the pumping unit c) To lubricate the sucker rods d) To regulate the flow of oil and gas


b) To connect the sucker rods to the pumping unit

2. What component does the horsehead house?

a) The wellhead b) The bridle c) The sucker rod d) The beam


b) The bridle

3. What is a benefit of the horsehead's rounded shape?

a) It increases the pressure on the sucker rods b) It allows for easier attachment of the bridle c) It minimizes friction and wear on the sucker rod connections d) It helps regulate the flow of oil and gas


c) It minimizes friction and wear on the sucker rod connections

4. What type of horsehead is used for high-pressure or high-volume wells?

a) Standard Horsehead b) Heavy-Duty Horsehead c) Specialty Horsehead d) All of the above


b) Heavy-Duty Horsehead

5. What is a crucial aspect of horsehead maintenance?

a) Replacing the horsehead every year b) Regularly inspecting for wear and tear c) Using only specialized lubricants d) Adjusting the horsehead's position every month


b) Regularly inspecting for wear and tear

Horsehead Exercise


You are a field engineer tasked with inspecting a sucker rod pumping system. During your inspection, you notice that the horsehead has visible cracks and signs of excessive wear.


  1. Identify the potential consequences of using a damaged horsehead.
  2. Explain the steps you would take to address this situation.
  3. What are the long-term implications of neglecting horsehead maintenance?

Exercice Correction

Potential Consequences: * **Sucker rod detachment:** A cracked horsehead could lead to the bridle detaching from the sucker rods, disrupting the pumping process and potentially causing damage to the well. * **Increased wear and tear:** A damaged horsehead will cause increased friction and wear on the sucker rods and bridle, leading to premature failure of these components. * **Safety hazard:** A broken horsehead could potentially detach during operation, posing a safety hazard to personnel. Steps to Address the Situation: 1. **Immediately stop pumping operations:** This is a safety precaution to prevent further damage or potential accidents. 2. **Document the damage:** Take photographs and record the extent of the damage to the horsehead. 3. **Replace the horsehead:** A new horsehead should be installed as soon as possible to ensure the system's safe and efficient operation. 4. **Inspect other components:** Inspect the bridle, sucker rods, and other related components for signs of wear or damage that may have resulted from the damaged horsehead. 5. **Implement a maintenance plan:** Develop a schedule for regular inspections and maintenance of the horsehead and other critical components of the sucker rod pumping system. Long-Term Implications of Neglecting Maintenance: * **Increased downtime and production loss:** Frequent repairs and replacements due to neglected maintenance will lead to downtime and reduced oil and gas production. * **Higher maintenance costs:** The cost of replacing worn-out components will be significantly higher than the cost of regular maintenance. * **Safety risks:** Neglecting maintenance can lead to safety hazards for personnel and potential damage to the well. * **Environmental damage:** A malfunctioning pumping system could potentially lead to spills or leaks, causing environmental damage.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including sucker rod pumping systems. It offers detailed information about the components and principles of operation.
  • Oil Well Pumping: Design, Operation, and Optimization: This book focuses on the practical aspects of sucker rod pumping, including the design, installation, and troubleshooting of pumping systems. It provides a thorough explanation of the horsehead's function and maintenance requirements.
  • Production Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry: This book covers a wide range of topics related to oil and gas production, including well completion and artificial lift methods. The section on sucker rod pumping will likely discuss horseheads in detail.


  • "Sucker Rod Pumping Systems: A Comprehensive Overview" by [Author Name], Journal of Petroleum Technology (or similar publication): This article provides an in-depth analysis of sucker rod pumping systems, likely including a dedicated section on the horsehead and its function.
  • "Horsehead Design and Optimization for Improved Pumping Efficiency" by [Author Name], SPE Journal (or similar publication): This article focuses specifically on the design and optimization of horseheads to enhance the overall efficiency of sucker rod pumping systems.
  • "Maintenance Practices for Sucker Rod Pumping Systems" by [Author Name], Oil & Gas Journal (or similar publication): This article highlights essential maintenance procedures for sucker rod pumping systems, including the inspection and lubrication of horseheads.

Online Resources

  • Oilfield Glossary: This website provides a comprehensive glossary of oilfield terms, including definitions for horseheads and other related components.
  • Schlumberger: This global oilfield services company offers various resources and articles about sucker rod pumping systems, including information about horsehead design, installation, and maintenance.
  • Baker Hughes: Another major oilfield services provider, Baker Hughes offers online resources and technical papers on sucker rod pumping, potentially covering horseheads in detail.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: For example, search for "horsehead sucker rod pumping" or "horsehead design sucker rod" for targeted results.
  • Include specific oilfield terms: Incorporate terms like "bridle," "beam," "pumping unit," or "downhole" to refine your search.
  • Combine terms with operators: Use "+" or "-" to include or exclude certain words from your search. For example, "horsehead + maintenance -" "oil well" might provide relevant results.
  • Explore relevant websites: Focus your search on websites of oilfield service companies, engineering firms, and industry journals for reliable information.
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