Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: gas-lift well

gas-lift well

Puits à Gaz Lift : Un Outil Puissant pour la Production Pétrolière et Gazière

Les puits à gaz lift constituent un élément essentiel de la production pétrolière et gazière, en particulier dans les réservoirs à faible pression naturelle. Ces puits utilisent la puissance du gaz injecté pour soulever les fluides vers la surface, augmentant ainsi les taux de production et optimisant le recouvrement du réservoir.

Comprendre le Gaz Lift :

Le principe du gaz lift est simple mais efficace. En injectant du gaz dans le puits à intervalles spécifiques, la densité de la colonne de fluide est réduite. Cette diminution de la densité crée une différence de pression qui surmonte le poids de la colonne de fluide et la propulse vers le haut jusqu'à la surface.

Composants d'un Système de Gaz Lift :

Un système de gaz lift typique se compose de :

  • Source de Gaz : Le gaz utilisé pour l'injection peut provenir de diverses sources, notamment des séparateurs de gaz, du gaz associé à la production de pétrole ou même de gazoducs externes.
  • Collecteur d'Injection de Gaz : Ce système contrôle le flux de gaz vers les points d'injection individuels dans le puits.
  • Vannes d'Injection : Ces vannes régulent la quantité de gaz injectée à différents intervalles, permettant un contrôle précis de la pression de levage.
  • Vanne de Gaz Lift : Située au fond du puits, cette vanne contrôle le flux de gaz dans l'espace annulaire, créant la différence de pression nécessaire.
  • Tubage et Revêtement : Ces tuyaux en acier forment le puits, le tubage transportant les fluides produits et le revêtement assurant le support structurel.

Types de Systèmes de Gaz Lift :

Les systèmes de gaz lift peuvent être classés de manière générale en :

  • Gaz Lift Continu : Dans ce système, le gaz est injecté en permanence dans le puits, fournissant une force de levage constante.
  • Gaz Lift Intermittent : L'injection de gaz est cyclique, avec des périodes d'injection de gaz alternant avec des périodes de production. Cette méthode permet de conserver le gaz et d'optimiser l'efficacité du levage.

Avantages des Puits à Gaz Lift :

  • Augmentation des Taux de Production : Le gaz lift améliore considérablement les taux de production, en particulier dans les puits à faible pression naturelle.
  • Amélioration du Recouvrement du Réservoir : En maintenant la pression dans le réservoir, le gaz lift favorise un recouvrement efficace du pétrole et du gaz.
  • Polyvalence : Le gaz lift peut être mis en œuvre dans différents types de réservoirs et conditions de puits.
  • Rentabilité : Comparé aux autres méthodes de levage artificiel, le gaz lift est souvent une option plus économique.

Défis Associés aux Puits à Gaz Lift :

  • Besoin de Gaz : Un volume important de gaz est nécessaire pour un gaz lift efficace, ce qui peut poser des défis logistiques et économiques.
  • Gestion et Injection du Gaz : Une gestion et un contrôle minutieux de l'injection de gaz sont essentiels pour garantir des performances optimales et minimiser l'impact environnemental.
  • Intégrité du Puits : Le maintien de l'intégrité du puits est essentiel pour empêcher les fuites de gaz et assurer un fonctionnement efficace.

Conclusion :

La technologie de gaz lift joue un rôle essentiel dans la maximisation de la production pétrolière et gazière, en particulier dans les situations où la pression naturelle est insuffisante. En comprenant les principes, les composants et les défis associés aux puits à gaz lift, les exploitants peuvent tirer parti de cet outil puissant pour atteindre un recouvrement optimal du réservoir et maximiser le potentiel de production.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Gas-Lift Wells

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind gas-lift technology?

a) Injecting gas to increase the pressure in the reservoir.


Incorrect. While gas injection does affect pressure, the primary principle is to reduce the fluid column density.

b) Injecting gas to reduce the density of the fluid column.


Correct! Gas injection decreases the density of the fluid column, driving it upwards.

c) Injecting gas to increase the viscosity of the fluid.


Incorrect. Gas injection does not increase fluid viscosity.

d) Injecting gas to create a vacuum in the wellbore.


Incorrect. While gas injection can create pressure differences, it does not create a vacuum.

2. Which component of a gas-lift system controls the flow of gas into the wellbore?

a) Gas Lift Valve


Incorrect. The Gas Lift Valve controls the flow of gas into the annulus.

b) Injection Valves


Correct! Injection valves regulate the amount of gas injected at different intervals.

c) Tubing


Incorrect. Tubing carries produced fluids.

d) Gas Source


Incorrect. The Gas Source provides the gas for injection, but doesn't control its flow.

3. What is the main advantage of using intermittent gas lift compared to continuous gas lift?

a) Intermittent gas lift is more cost-effective than continuous gas lift.


Incorrect. While intermittent gas lift can save on gas usage, it's not always the more cost-effective option overall.

b) Intermittent gas lift can be used in a wider range of well conditions.


Incorrect. Both types of gas lift have their own applications.

c) Intermittent gas lift helps to conserve gas and optimize lifting efficiency.


Correct! Intermittent gas lift allows for periods of gas injection and production, conserving gas and optimizing lift efficiency.

d) Intermittent gas lift requires less maintenance than continuous gas lift.


Incorrect. Both systems require regular maintenance.

4. Which of the following is NOT a challenge associated with gas-lift wells?

a) The need for a significant volume of gas for injection.


Incorrect. This is a major challenge, as obtaining and handling gas can be costly.

b) Maintaining wellbore integrity to prevent gas leakage.


Incorrect. Wellbore integrity is essential to prevent gas leakage and ensure efficient operation.

c) The need for specialized equipment to handle high-pressure gas.


Incorrect. High-pressure gas handling requires specialized equipment.

d) The potential for reservoir pressure depletion.


Correct! Gas lift actually helps maintain reservoir pressure, promoting efficient recovery.

5. What is a key benefit of using gas lift technology?

a) It reduces the need for artificial lift methods.


Incorrect. Gas lift is itself an artificial lift method.

b) It improves reservoir recovery by maintaining pressure.


Correct! Gas lift maintains pressure in the reservoir, improving recovery.

c) It eliminates the need for wellbore maintenance.


Incorrect. All wells require regular maintenance.

d) It is suitable for all types of reservoirs.


Incorrect. Gas lift has specific applications, not all reservoirs are suitable.


Scenario: You are a petroleum engineer working on a field with several low-pressure wells. You are tasked with deciding whether to implement gas lift in these wells.


  • List at least 3 factors that would influence your decision to implement gas lift.
  • For each factor, explain how it would affect your decision.

Exercise Correction

Here are some factors that might influence the decision to implement gas lift, along with explanations:

  • Reservoir characteristics: * Reservoir Pressure: Low reservoir pressure is a primary indicator for gas lift. If the pressure is too low for natural flow, gas lift can be a solution. * Fluid Properties: The type of fluid (oil, gas, or water) and its viscosity will impact the effectiveness of gas lift. Gas lift is generally more suitable for oil and gas wells. * Reservoir Size and Geometry: The size and geometry of the reservoir can influence the feasibility and efficiency of gas lift.
  • Wellbore Conditions: * Wellbore Integrity: A wellbore with good integrity is necessary to prevent gas leakage and ensure efficient operation. * Wellbore Depth: Deeper wells require higher gas injection pressures, which could increase costs and operational complexity.
  • Economics: * Gas Availability and Cost: The availability and cost of gas for injection are key factors. If gas is readily available and cost-effective, gas lift becomes more attractive. * Project Costs: The initial investment for installing a gas lift system, including equipment and labor, needs to be weighed against potential production increases. * Operational Costs: Ongoing costs associated with gas handling, injection, and maintenance need to be considered.


  • "Artificial Lift Methods" by John P. Brill and Harvey J. Beggs (A comprehensive resource covering various artificial lift techniques, including gas lift)
  • "Production Operations in Petroleum Engineering" by Ahmed A. El-Sharkawy (Provides a detailed explanation of production operations, including gas-lift systems)
  • "Petroleum Production Systems" by Don E. Menzie (Covers production engineering principles and technologies, including gas lift)


  • "Gas Lift Fundamentals" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This article provides a basic understanding of the principles and applications of gas lift.
  • "Optimization of Gas Lift Systems" by JPT (Journal of Petroleum Technology) - This article discusses methods for optimizing gas lift systems for increased efficiency and production.
  • "Gas-Lift Well Design and Optimization" by Oil & Gas Journal - This article covers the design considerations and optimization strategies for gas-lift wells.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - Search for "gas lift" on the SPE website to find a wealth of technical information, articles, and presentations.
  • Schlumberger: - Search for "gas lift" on Schlumberger's website for technical information, case studies, and equipment details.
  • Halliburton: - Search for "gas lift" on Halliburton's website for information on their gas lift equipment, services, and technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "gas lift" with specific topics, such as "design," "optimization," "equipment," or "case studies."
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use keywords like "oil production," "reservoir engineering," "artificial lift," and "well completion."
  • Use quotation marks: Put keywords in quotation marks to find exact phrases, for example, "continuous gas lift" or "intermittent gas lift."
  • Filter by source: Use advanced search options to filter results by specific websites, such as SPE, Schlumberger, or Halliburton.
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