Forage et complétion de puits

deadline sheave

La Poulie de Détente : Un Composant Essentiel dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde exigeant du forage et de l'achèvement des puits, chaque composant joue un rôle crucial pour garantir une opération sûre et efficace. Parmi ces composants, la **poulie de détente** occupe une place importante, contribuant au bon fonctionnement du système de levage du derrick de forage.

**Comprendre la Poulie de Détente :**

La poulie de détente est une **grande roue cannelée** montée sur le bloc couronne, la structure la plus haute du derrick de forage. Sa fonction principale est de **rediriger la détente** - un câble en acier lourd utilisé pour sécuriser la ligne de forage (le câble utilisé pour hisser la colonne de forage) et empêcher son glissement - sur le bloc couronne et de la renvoyer vers les treuils.

**L'Importance de la Poulie de Détente :**

La poulie de détente est essentielle pour plusieurs raisons:

  • **Manipulation Sûre de la Ligne de Forage :** En redirigeant la détente sur le bloc couronne, la poulie garantit un mouvement fluide et contrôlé de la lourde ligne de forage, l'empêchant de se tordre ou de se rompre.
  • **Maintien de la Tension de la Ligne :** La poulie de détente aide à maintenir la tension sur la ligne de forage, ce qui est crucial pour le hissage et l'abaissement efficaces de la colonne de forage.
  • **Prévention de l'Usure de la Ligne :** En dirigeant la ligne autour d'une poulie de grand diamètre, l'usure de la ligne de forage est minimisée, ce qui prolonge sa durée de vie.
  • **Facilitation d'un Fonctionnement Fluide :** La surface lisse et la conception cannelée de la poulie garantissent un mouvement sans friction de la détente, minimisant les frottements et facilitant un fonctionnement efficace.

**Types de Poulies de Détente :**

Il existe plusieurs types de poulies de détente, chacune étant conçue pour des applications spécifiques et des configurations de derrick :

  • **Poulies de Détente Fixes :** Celles-ci sont fixées de manière permanente au bloc couronne et ne peuvent pas être déplacées.
  • **Poulies de Détente Pivotantes :** Celles-ci sont montées sur un mécanisme pivotant, ce qui permet d'ajuster la direction de la ligne.
  • **Poulies de Détente à Rouleaux :** Celles-ci utilisent des rouleaux pour réduire les frottements et garantir un mouvement fluide de la détente.

**Maintenance et Inspection :**

La maintenance et l'inspection régulières de la poulie de détente sont cruciales pour garantir son bon fonctionnement et prévenir les accidents. Cela comprend :

  • **Lubrification :** La lubrification régulière des paliers de la poulie réduit les frottements et prolonge la durée de vie de la poulie.
  • **Inspection de l'Usure :** Inspecter la poulie pour détecter l'usure, y compris les rainures, les fissures et les dommages, peut prévenir les défaillances catastrophiques.
  • **Remplacement :** Si la poulie montre des signes d'usure ou de dommages importants, elle doit être remplacée immédiatement pour garantir la sécurité et prévenir les temps d'arrêt.

**Conclusion :**

La poulie de détente est un composant essentiel dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits, assurant une manipulation sûre et efficace de la ligne de forage. Son bon fonctionnement est essentiel pour le bon fonctionnement du derrick, réduisant l'usure des équipements et prévenant les accidents potentiels. La maintenance et l'inspection régulières sont essentielles pour maintenir les performances de la poulie et garantir la sécurité et la productivité continues.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Deadline Sheave

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the deadline sheave? a) To support the drill string. b) To redirect the deadline over the crown block. c) To control the speed of the drilling line. d) To prevent the drill string from spinning.


b) To redirect the deadline over the crown block.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a deadline sheave? a) Safe handling of the drilling line. b) Reduced wear and tear on the drilling line. c) Increased drilling speed. d) Maintaining tension on the drilling line.


c) Increased drilling speed.

3. What type of deadline sheave allows for adjustments to the line's direction? a) Fixed Deadline Sheave b) Swivel Deadline Sheave c) Roller Deadline Sheave d) All of the above


b) Swivel Deadline Sheave

4. Which of the following is a crucial aspect of deadline sheave maintenance? a) Regular lubrication of bearings. b) Inspection for wear and tear. c) Replacement when necessary. d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. What is the most likely consequence of neglecting deadline sheave maintenance? a) Increased drilling speed. b) Reduced wear and tear on the drilling line. c) Potential accidents and downtime. d) Improved efficiency of the drilling rig.


c) Potential accidents and downtime.

Exercise: Analyzing Deadline Sheave Issues

Scenario: You are inspecting a deadline sheave on a drilling rig and notice the following:

  • Significant grooves on the sheave surface.
  • Excessive wear on the sheave bearings.
  • Signs of cracking in the sheave material.


  1. Identify the potential issues associated with these observations.
  2. Explain the risks associated with these issues.
  3. Suggest appropriate actions to address these issues.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Issues:**

  • Grooves on the sheave surface: Indicate excessive wear, potentially leading to slippage and damage to the drilling line.
  • Excessive wear on sheave bearings: Suggests lubrication failure or prolonged operation without proper maintenance, increasing friction and potentially leading to failure.
  • Cracking in sheave material: Indicates structural damage and potential catastrophic failure, posing a severe risk to personnel and equipment.


  • Slippage and damage to the drilling line: This can lead to lost time, costly repairs, and potential injuries.
  • Sheave failure: This can cause a sudden drop of the drill string, resulting in catastrophic accidents, equipment damage, and potential fatalities.

**Appropriate actions:**

  • Immediately remove the sheave from service.
  • Inspect the drilling line for any damage.
  • Replace the sheave with a new one.
  • Thoroughly inspect the bearings and replace if necessary.
  • Investigate the cause of the sheave damage to prevent similar issues in the future.
  • Review and update maintenance procedures for deadline sheaves.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Handbook by Robert J. Detournay and J.A. Michelena - This comprehensive handbook offers a detailed explanation of drilling equipment and operations, including sections on the crown block, deadline sheave, and their functions.
  • Modern Petroleum Engineering by C.A. Shoham and M.P. Speight - A comprehensive resource on petroleum engineering, including chapters on drilling equipment and procedures, discussing the deadline sheave as a critical component of the hoisting system.
  • Well Completion Design and Operations by Richard A. Wattenbarger, John W. Hunt, and William C. Matthews - This book focuses on the well completion phase, highlighting the importance of safe and efficient handling of the drilling line, where the deadline sheave plays a crucial role.


  • "Crown Block and Sheaves: Critical Elements for Drilling Safety" - This article, likely found in industry journals like Oil & Gas Journal or SPE publications, will offer a detailed look at the crown block and its components, including the deadline sheave, emphasizing safety and maintenance.
  • "Understanding and Maintaining Hoisting Systems in Drilling Operations" - Search for articles with this title or similar themes. They will provide insight into the importance of proper maintenance and inspection of all components in the hoisting system, including the deadline sheave.
  • "Analyzing Stress and Fatigue in Deadline Sheaves" - If you're interested in the technical aspects, search for articles that delve into the mechanical stress and fatigue analysis of deadline sheaves, considering the heavy loads they bear.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute) Website - API offers technical standards and guidelines for drilling equipment, including requirements for deadline sheaves.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) Website - IADC provides industry resources and publications related to drilling operations, including information on safety, best practices, and equipment maintenance.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website - SPE offers technical papers and publications covering various aspects of drilling and well completion, including those related to the deadline sheave.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "deadline sheave" with keywords like "drilling," "well completion," "hoisting system," "crown block," "maintenance," "safety," "inspection," and "types."
  • Target industry publications: Add keywords like "Oil & Gas Journal," "SPE Journal," "Drilling Contractor," or "World Oil" to your search to narrow down your results to industry-specific articles.
  • Include specific manufacturers: Search for "deadline sheave" followed by names of major drilling equipment manufacturers like Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, etc., to find information about their products and specifications.


Chapter 1: Techniques

Deadline Sheave Installation and Alignment

1.1 Preparation: * Ensure the drilling rig is properly secured and the crown block is ready for installation. * Carefully inspect the deadline sheave for any damage or wear and tear. * Check the sheave bearings for proper lubrication.

1.2 Installation: * Using a lifting device, carefully hoist the deadline sheave to the crown block. * Guide the sheave into its designated position on the crown block, ensuring it aligns with the grooves on the block. * Secure the sheave to the crown block using appropriate fasteners.

1.3 Alignment: * Visual Inspection: Visually ensure the sheave is correctly aligned with the crown block and the deadline line. * Line Tension Test: Run the deadline line through the sheave and apply a small amount of tension. * Ensure the line runs smoothly through the sheave and does not experience any binding or excessive friction. * Check for any unusual sounds or vibrations.

1.4 Final Adjustments: * If necessary, make minor adjustments to the sheave's position to ensure proper alignment. * Re-check the line tension and alignment after making adjustments.

1.5 Safety Considerations: * Always wear appropriate safety gear when working on the drilling rig. * Ensure all personnel are aware of the work being performed and are positioned safely. * Utilize proper lifting techniques and equipment to avoid accidents.

Deadline Sheave Lubrication and Maintenance

2.1 Frequency: * Lubricate the sheave bearings regularly, based on the manufacturer's recommendations and the specific operating conditions. * Generally, lubrication should be performed every few days or weeks, depending on the rig's activity level and environmental factors.

2.2 Lubricant Choice: * Choose a lubricant specifically designed for high-load, high-temperature applications. * Consult the sheave manufacturer's specifications for recommended lubricants.

2.3 Lubrication Procedure: * Clean the sheave bearings thoroughly before applying lubricant. * Apply the lubricant evenly to all bearing surfaces, ensuring proper coverage. * Wipe away any excess lubricant after application.

2.4 Inspection: * Visual Inspection: Regularly inspect the sheave for signs of wear, cracks, or other damage. * Wear Measurement: Use a suitable tool to measure the wear on the sheave grooves and bearings. * Bearing Inspection: Inspect the sheave bearings for signs of damage, overheating, or excessive wear.

2.5 Replacement: * Replace the sheave if it exhibits significant wear or damage beyond acceptable limits. * Ensure the replacement sheave meets the specific requirements of the drilling rig.

Chapter 2: Models

Common Deadline Sheave Designs

1. Fixed Deadline Sheaves: * Description: Permanently mounted on the crown block, providing a fixed direction for the deadline line. * Advantages: Simple and reliable design. * Disadvantages: Limited adjustability for line direction changes.

2. Swivel Deadline Sheaves: * Description: Mounted on a swivel mechanism, allowing for adjustment of the line's direction. * Advantages: Versatility for line direction changes, facilitating operations with varying line configurations. * Disadvantages: Increased complexity compared to fixed sheaves, potentially leading to higher maintenance requirements.

3. Roller Deadline Sheaves: * Description: Utilize rollers to reduce friction and ensure smooth movement of the deadline line. * Advantages: Minimized wear on the deadline line, enhanced efficiency during hoisting and lowering operations. * Disadvantages: Can be more complex to maintain compared to fixed or swivel sheaves.

4. Other Sheave Types: * Double-Grooved Sheaves: Designed to handle two deadline lines simultaneously, increasing efficiency in certain operations. * Hydraulically Adjustable Sheaves: Allow for precise adjustment of line direction using hydraulic mechanisms.

5. Selection Criteria: * The selection of the appropriate deadline sheave model depends on various factors, including: * The specific requirements of the drilling rig. * The type of drilling operation. * The weight and size of the drilling line. * The desired level of flexibility and adjustability.

Chapter 3: Software

Software Tools for Sheave Performance Monitoring and Analysis

1. Data Acquisition Systems: * Description: Systems that collect real-time data from the drilling rig, including sheave performance metrics such as load, speed, and temperature. * Applications: Enable continuous monitoring of the sheave's operating parameters, facilitating early detection of potential problems.

2. Predictive Maintenance Software: * Description: Utilizes historical data and machine learning algorithms to predict potential sheave failures and recommend preventative maintenance actions. * Applications: Optimize maintenance schedules, minimize downtime, and reduce the risk of unexpected failures.

3. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Software: * Description: Used to simulate the behavior of the sheave under various operating conditions, predicting stress levels and potential failure points. * Applications: Optimize sheave design, assess the impact of different loading scenarios, and identify potential areas of improvement.

4. Visualization Tools: * Description: Software that provides 3D models and interactive visualizations of the sheave and its components. * Applications: Facilitate communication among engineers and technicians, enhance training materials, and aid in troubleshooting and maintenance.

5. Data Analysis and Reporting Software: * Description: Tools used to process and analyze the acquired data, generate reports, and visualize trends in sheave performance. * Applications: Identify patterns in sheave behavior, track maintenance history, and provide insights into equipment performance and reliability.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Best Practices for Deadline Sheave Operation and Maintenance

1. Regular Inspection and Maintenance: * Implement a comprehensive inspection and maintenance program for all deadline sheaves on the drilling rig. * Follow manufacturer's recommendations for inspection intervals and maintenance procedures. * Ensure the sheave is properly lubricated and free of any wear or damage.

2. Proper Loading and Operation: * Avoid overloading the sheave beyond its rated capacity. * Ensure the deadline line is properly spooled and guided through the sheave. * Monitor the sheave's operating temperature and load, addressing any abnormal readings promptly.

3. Safe Handling and Operation: * Implement safe work practices when handling the sheave, utilizing appropriate lifting equipment and safety gear. * Ensure all personnel are aware of potential hazards associated with sheave operation.

4. Training and Certification: * Provide adequate training to personnel responsible for sheave operation, maintenance, and inspection. * Implement certification programs for qualified personnel to ensure competency and adherence to safety standards.

5. Documentation and Recordkeeping: * Maintain thorough records of all sheave inspections, maintenance procedures, and repairs. * Document any unusual events or observations during sheave operation, enabling trend analysis and proactive maintenance planning.

6. Collaboration and Communication: * Encourage open communication among all personnel involved in sheave operation and maintenance. * Establish clear lines of communication to facilitate timely reporting of issues and coordination of maintenance activities.

7. Continuous Improvement: * Implement a system for continuous improvement, identifying areas for improvement in sheave operation and maintenance practices. * Regularly review and update procedures and practices to ensure optimal safety, efficiency, and performance.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Real-World Examples of Deadline Sheave Performance and Maintenance

1. Case Study 1: Deadline Sheave Failure Due to Improper Maintenance

  • Scenario: A drilling rig experienced a catastrophic deadline sheave failure due to neglect of routine maintenance.
  • Root Cause: Insufficient lubrication and inspection led to excessive wear on the sheave bearings and grooves, culminating in a sudden breakdown.
  • Lessons Learned: The importance of adhering to recommended maintenance schedules and rigorous inspection protocols for critical equipment like deadline sheaves.

2. Case Study 2: Optimized Sheave Selection and Performance

  • Scenario: A drilling contractor implemented a strategy to optimize sheave selection based on rig specifications and operating conditions.
  • Outcome: The new sheave model exhibited improved performance, reducing downtime, and extending service life.
  • Lessons Learned: The significant impact of choosing the right sheave design for the specific application and operational requirements.

3. Case Study 3: Predictive Maintenance and Cost Savings

  • Scenario: A drilling company implemented predictive maintenance software to monitor the performance of deadline sheaves across their fleet.
  • Outcome: The software successfully identified potential failures and recommended preventive maintenance actions, significantly reducing downtime and associated costs.
  • Lessons Learned: The effectiveness of proactive maintenance strategies and the benefits of leveraging software for monitoring and analysis.

4. Case Study 4: Innovative Sheave Design and Improved Efficiency

  • Scenario: A drilling equipment manufacturer developed a new sheave design incorporating a unique roller bearing system.
  • Outcome: The new design reduced friction and wear on the deadline line, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced maintenance requirements.
  • Lessons Learned: The potential for innovation and continuous improvement in deadline sheave technology to enhance performance and reduce costs.


Deadline sheaves are crucial components in the drilling and well completion process, requiring careful attention to operation, maintenance, and design. By adhering to best practices, utilizing appropriate software tools, and learning from case studies, operators can maximize the performance and reliability of these critical components, contributing to safer and more efficient drilling operations.


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