Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: crown block and water table

crown block and water table

Le bloc couronne et la table d'eau : Composants essentiels dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits

Le processus de forage et d'achèvement des puits repose sur une interaction complexe d'équipements et de processus. Deux composants cruciaux de cette opération sont le **bloc couronne** et la **table d'eau**, qui jouent des rôles essentiels dans le levage et la stabilisation du derrick de forage.

**Le bloc couronne : Le sommet du levage**

Le **bloc couronne** trône fièrement au sommet du derrick, servant d'ancre pour la ligne de forage. Il s'agit d'un assemblage de **poulies** (galets) montées sur des poutres, offrant un trajet lisse et efficace à la ligne de forage pour se déplacer du tambour de levage vers le bloc mobile et descendre jusqu'à la colonne de forage.

**Fonctions clés du bloc couronne :**

  • **Dirige la ligne de forage :** Les poulies du bloc couronne guident la ligne de forage, assurant un mouvement fluide et contrôlé pendant les opérations de levage et d'abaissement.
  • **Réduit le frottement :** Les multiples poulies du bloc couronne minimisent le frottement sur la ligne de forage, ce qui se traduit par une plus grande efficacité et une usure réduite.
  • **Fournit un avantage mécanique :** La configuration du bloc couronne offre un avantage mécanique, permettant au tambour de levage de soulever des charges plus lourdes avec moins d'effort.

**La table d'eau : Un fondement pour la stabilité**

La **table d'eau** est une plateforme située sous le bloc couronne, positionnée au sommet du derrick. Elle sert de base stable pour divers équipements, notamment :

  • **Ancrage de la ligne de forage :** La table d'eau abrite la **ligne morte**, une section de la ligne de forage qui est attachée de manière permanente au bloc couronne. Cela garantit que la ligne de forage est toujours sécurisée, même lorsque le bloc mobile est abaissé au fond du puits.
  • **Équipement de contrôle :** La table d'eau sert également de point de montage pour l'équipement de contrôle, comme les **treuils**, les **pivots** et les **tables rotatives**, qui sont essentiels pour l'opération de forage.
  • **Accès à l'entretien :** La table d'eau offre une plateforme pour accéder et entretenir le bloc couronne et d'autres composants au sommet du derrick.

**La connexion cruciale : Bloc couronne et table d'eau**

Le bloc couronne et la table d'eau fonctionnent à l'unisson, formant le cœur du système de levage dans les opérations de forage. Le bloc couronne assure un mouvement efficace et contrôlé de la ligne de forage, tandis que la table d'eau fournit une base stable pour l'ensemble du système.

**Comprendre les rôles du bloc couronne et de la table d'eau est crucial pour tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans le processus de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Ces composants jouent un rôle fondamental pour garantir la sécurité, l'efficacité et la réussite de ces opérations critiques.**

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Crown Block and Water Table

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the crown block in a drilling rig?

a) To provide a platform for control equipment. b) To anchor the traveling block. c) To guide and support the drilling line. d) To hold the drilling mud tanks.


c) To guide and support the drilling line.

2. How does the crown block reduce friction on the drilling line?

a) By using a lubricant on the sheaves. b) By using a large diameter drilling line. c) By using multiple sheaves to distribute the load. d) By using a hydraulic system to lift the line.


c) By using multiple sheaves to distribute the load.

3. What is the purpose of the dead line in a drilling rig?

a) To provide a backup for the main drilling line. b) To connect the crown block to the traveling block. c) To provide a permanent anchor for the drilling line. d) To support the weight of the drilling mud.


c) To provide a permanent anchor for the drilling line.

4. Which of the following equipment is NOT typically mounted on the water table?

a) Drawworks. b) Swivels. c) Rotary tables. d) Mud tanks.


d) Mud tanks.

5. Why is understanding the roles of the crown block and water table crucial for drilling operations?

a) They ensure the safety and efficiency of hoisting operations. b) They provide a platform for storing drilling equipment. c) They help regulate the flow of drilling mud. d) They control the speed of the drill bit.


a) They ensure the safety and efficiency of hoisting operations.



You are working on a drilling rig, and the drilling line starts to fray near the crown block.


  1. Identify the potential hazards associated with a frayed drilling line.
  2. Explain why this problem needs to be addressed immediately.
  3. Suggest three steps to take to resolve the issue and ensure the safety of the operation.

Exercise Correction

**Potential Hazards:** * **Line breakage:** A frayed line could snap under tension, leading to a dangerous fall of the drill string or other heavy equipment. * **Equipment damage:** The frayed line could damage the sheaves in the crown block, leading to equipment failure and costly repairs. * **Injury to personnel:** A broken line could cause debris to fly, potentially injuring personnel on the rig. * **Production delays:** Repairing or replacing the line could lead to costly production delays. **Reasons for Immediate Action:** * **Safety:** The primary concern is the safety of personnel on the rig. A frayed line poses a significant risk of injury or fatality. * **Operational Efficiency:** A broken line would halt drilling operations, causing significant production losses. * **Equipment Protection:** The frayed line could damage the crown block and other hoisting equipment, requiring expensive repairs or replacements. **Steps to Resolve:** 1. **Stop drilling operations immediately:** This prevents further damage to the line and reduces the risk of a catastrophic failure. 2. **Inspect the line thoroughly:** Identify the extent of the fraying and the location of the damage. 3. **Replace the damaged section of the line or the entire line:** If the damage is significant, replace the entire line to ensure the safety and reliability of the hoisting operation.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by M.L. Muskat and M.B. Witherspoon: A comprehensive text covering all aspects of drilling and well completion, including detailed explanations of drilling equipment like crown blocks and water tables.
  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by B.H. Caudle and M.D. Crain: A practical guide to drilling engineering, including sections on drilling rigs, components, and safety procedures, with insights into the crown block and water table functions.
  • The Oil and Gas Engineer's Handbook by J.S. Henry: A vast reference guide containing sections on drilling equipment, drilling operations, and well completion, offering valuable information on the crown block and water table.


  • "Drilling Rig Components" by [Author Name], [Journal Name]: Look for articles focusing on drilling rig components, which are likely to delve into the crown block and water table's roles and functionalities.
  • "Understanding Drilling Operations" by [Author Name], [Journal Name]: Articles explaining drilling operations will likely discuss the crown block and water table in the context of hoisting and rigging.
  • "Safety Practices in Drilling" by [Author Name], [Journal Name]: Articles focusing on drilling safety may highlight the importance of the crown block and water table for ensuring safe operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: The SPE website contains a vast library of technical papers, presentations, and resources on drilling and well completion, including information on crown blocks and water tables.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) website: The IADC website offers information on drilling practices, safety standards, and drilling equipment, which may include details on the crown block and water table.
  • Oilfield Glossary: Online glossaries dedicated to the oil and gas industry can provide definitions and explanations of technical terms, including crown block and water table.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "crown block" and "water table" with "drilling," "rig," "hoisting," "well completion," "safety," or "equipment" for more targeted results.
  • Explore image search: Use Google Images to visualize crown blocks and water tables on drilling rigs.
  • Refine search results: Use filters like "PDF" or "articles" to narrow down the search to specific document types.
  • Search for educational resources: Add terms like "tutorial," "guide," or "explanation" to find resources that explain the concepts clearly.
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