Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: circulating head

circulating head

Le héros méconnu du forage : comprendre la tête de circulation

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le forage est un processus complexe et exigeant. Si le trépan est au cœur de la scène lorsqu'il s'agit de percer les formations rocheuses, un autre composant essentiel joue un rôle silencieux mais crucial : la tête de circulation. Ce simple accessoire, fixé au sommet du train de tiges ou du tubage, est la ligne de vie de l'opération de forage, facilitant la circulation du fluide de forage et assurant un forage réussi.

Qu'est-ce qu'une tête de circulation ?

Une tête de circulation, également appelée tourelle de boue ou tête de rotation, est un élément crucial de l'équipement de forage. Elle sert de pont entre le train de tiges/tubage et le système de boue, assurant un flux continu de fluide de forage à travers le train de tiges et de retour vers la surface.

Fonctions clés :

  • Connexion : La tête de circulation relie le train de tiges ou le tubage au système de boue (le collecteur de boue et les pompes à boue).
  • Rotation : Elle permet au train de tiges de tourner tout en maintenant un flux continu de boue.
  • Lubrification et refroidissement : Le fluide de circulation lubrifie le trépan, refroidit le train de tiges et transporte les cuttings vers la surface.
  • Contrôle de la pression : Elle contribue à maintenir la pression à l'intérieur du puits, prévenant les éruptions et assurant la stabilité du trou de forage.
  • Propreté : La tête de circulation filtre les débris et les contaminants du fluide de forage, assurant des performances optimales.

Types de têtes de circulation :

  • Têtes de circulation standard : Ce sont les plus courantes et sont utilisées pour les applications de forage générales.
  • Têtes de circulation haute résistance : Conçues pour les opérations de forage à haute pression et à fort débit.
  • Têtes de circulation rotatives : Idéales pour le forage directionnel, où le train de tiges tourne tandis que le train de tiges reste immobile.
  • Têtes de circulation de type tourelle : Ces têtes permettent au train de tiges de tourner librement tout en maintenant un flux continu de boue.

Importance des têtes de circulation :

La tête de circulation est vitale pour l'ensemble du processus de forage. Elle joue un rôle crucial dans :

  • Efficacité du forage : Une circulation efficace du fluide de forage accélère le forage, permettant une pénétration plus rapide des formations.
  • Stabilité du puits : Le flux de boue contribue à maintenir la pression, empêchant l'effondrement du trou de forage et assurant l'intégrité du puits.
  • Sécurité : La tête de circulation contribue à prévenir les éruptions et autres dangers associés à une pression incontrôlée.

Conclusion :

La tête de circulation, souvent oubliée dans les discussions sur le forage, est un cheval de bataille silencieux qui assure le bon fonctionnement de l'ensemble du chantier de forage. Sa conception simple mais cruciale permet un flux continu de boue, lubrifiant le trépan, nettoyant le puits et maintenant la pression, contribuant ainsi à une opération de forage sûre et efficace.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Hero of Drilling - The Circulating Head

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a circulating head? a) To connect the drill bit to the drill pipe. b) To rotate the drill string. c) To circulate drilling mud through the drill string. d) To control the speed of the drill bit.


c) To circulate drilling mud through the drill string.

2. Which of these is NOT a type of circulating head? a) Standard Circulating Head b) Heavy Duty Circulating Head c) Rotary Circulating Head d) Hydraulic Circulating Head


d) Hydraulic Circulating Head

3. What is the main benefit of using a circulating head in drilling operations? a) Increased drilling speed. b) Reduced drilling costs. c) Improved wellbore stability. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. What is another name for a circulating head? a) Mud swivel b) Kelly swivel c) Both a) and b) d) Drill string connector


c) Both a) and b)

5. What is the circulating head's role in preventing blowouts? a) It controls the pressure within the wellbore. b) It lubricates the drill bit, reducing friction. c) It removes cuttings from the wellbore. d) It connects the drill pipe to the mud system.


a) It controls the pressure within the wellbore.


Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and need to select the appropriate circulating head for your current operation. You are drilling in a high-pressure, high-volume environment with a risk of borehole instability.


  1. Based on the information provided, which type of circulating head would be most suitable for this drilling operation? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Briefly describe two other factors you would consider when choosing a circulating head for a drilling operation, aside from the pressure and volume requirements.

Exercise Correction

1. **Heavy Duty Circulating Head** would be the most suitable option for this scenario. This type of circulating head is specifically designed for high-pressure and high-volume drilling operations, ensuring it can handle the demanding conditions and prevent potential damage or failure. 2. Here are two other factors to consider when selecting a circulating head: * **Drilling Depth:** Deeper drilling depths require circulating heads capable of handling heavier drill strings and potentially higher pressures. * **Mud Type:** The type of drilling mud used (e.g., water-based, oil-based) might require specific features or compatibility in the circulating head.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Practical Approach by John A. Davies and David S. Economides. This book covers a wide range of topics in drilling, including detailed explanations of drilling equipment like circulating heads.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed. This handbook is a comprehensive resource for petroleum engineers and includes sections on drilling operations and equipment.
  • Drilling and Well Completion Engineering by K.L. Watters. This book provides a thorough overview of drilling and well completion practices, including the role of circulating heads.


  • "The Role of Mud Swivels in Oil and Gas Drilling" by [Author name]. This article, if you can find it, would focus specifically on the circulating head and its importance in drilling operations.
  • "Drilling Fluid Circulation and Its Impact on Wellbore Stability" by [Author name]. While not directly about circulating heads, this article explores the importance of proper mud circulation, which directly relates to the function of the circulating head.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Digital Library: This online database contains a vast collection of technical papers and articles related to drilling and other aspects of the oil and gas industry. Search for "circulating head", "mud swivel", or "kelly swivel" to find relevant articles.
  • Oilfield Glossary: This website provides definitions and explanations of various oilfield terms, including "circulating head".
  • Manufacturer Websites: Companies specializing in drilling equipment often have detailed information on their circulating head products and their functions. Look for companies like NOV (National Oilwell Varco), Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, Halliburton, etc.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "circulating head", try searching for "circulating head drilling", "mud swivel drilling", "kelly swivel function", etc.
  • Include relevant terms: Combine your search with other terms like "oil and gas", "drilling equipment", "drilling operations", etc.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, for example, "circulating head function".
  • Filter results by type: Use the search filters to narrow down your search to articles, videos, or specific websites.
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