Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: choke


Les Chokes : Des Héros Anonymes du Forage et de l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, contrôler le flux des fluides est crucial pour la sécurité, l'efficacité et la maximisation de la production. Entrez le **choke**, un dispositif apparemment simple mais ayant un impact significatif sur les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits.

**Le Rôle d'un Choke : Plus Qu'une Simple Restriction**

À sa base, un choke est un dispositif avec un orifice qui restreint le flux des fluides. Bien que cela puisse paraître simple, ses applications sont diverses et essentielles :

  • **Chokes de Surface :** Ces derniers font partie de l'"arbre de Noël" du puits de tête, un assemblage complexe qui contrôle le puits. Les chokes de surface contiennent un **nipple de choke** ou **une bille** avec un alésage de petit diamètre, contrôlant précisément le flux du pétrole, du gaz et de l'eau produits.

  • **Chokes de Circulation :** Pendant le forage, un "kick" (afflux de fluides de formation) peut se produire. Le choke est crucial pour contrôler le débit de boue de forage sortant du puits lorsque le kick est circulé. Cela empêche l'accumulation de pression incontrôlée et les possibles éruptions.

**Avantages des Chokes**

Les chokes offrent de nombreux avantages :

  • **Sécurité :** En contrôlant le flux des fluides, les chokes empêchent les surpressions incontrôlées et les possibles éruptions, protégeant le personnel et l'équipement.
  • **Optimisation de la Production :** Un contrôle précis des débits permet une production efficace et une optimisation des performances du puits.
  • **Gestion de la Pression :** Les chokes jouent un rôle crucial dans le maintien de la pression du puits, garantissant des opérations de forage et de production sûres et efficaces.

**Types de Chokes**

Les chokes se présentent sous diverses configurations, notamment :

  • **Chokes Fixes :** Ceux-ci ont une taille d'orifice fixe et conviennent aux débits constants.
  • **Chokes Réglables :** Ceux-ci permettent des ajustements du débit, offrant une plus grande flexibilité dans la gestion des performances du puits.
  • **Collecteurs de Chokes :** Ce sont des systèmes complexes avec plusieurs lignes de chokes, permettant un contrôle simultané de différents flux de puits.

**Au-delà de la Surface :** L'Impact du Choke

L'influence du choke s'étend au-delà du puits de tête :

  • **Mesure du Débit :** Les chokes sont utilisés en conjonction avec des débitmètres pour mesurer avec précision les débits de production.
  • **Essais de Puits :** Les chokes sont essentiels pour les essais de puits contrôlés, fournissant des données pour l'évaluation du réservoir et l'optimisation de la production.


Les chokes peuvent paraître simples, mais leur contribution au forage et à l'achèvement des puits sûrs et efficaces est indéniable. Leur capacité à contrôler le flux des fluides, à gérer la pression et à optimiser la production en fait des composants essentiels de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. La prochaine fois que vous verrez un arbre de Noël ou entendrez parler d'une opération de forage, souvenez-vous des chokes, les héros anonymes qui travaillent dans l'ombre.

Test Your Knowledge

Choke Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a choke in drilling and well completion?

a) To prevent the flow of fluids. b) To restrict the flow of fluids. c) To increase the flow of fluids. d) To measure the volume of fluids.


b) To restrict the flow of fluids.

2. What type of choke is typically used in the wellhead's "Christmas tree"?

a) Circulation choke b) Surface choke c) Adjustable choke d) Fixed choke


b) Surface choke

3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using chokes in drilling and well completion?

a) Increased safety b) Reduced production costs c) Improved pressure management d) Optimized well performance


b) Reduced production costs

4. What type of choke allows for flow rate adjustments?

a) Fixed choke b) Adjustable choke c) Choke manifold d) Circulation choke


b) Adjustable choke

5. What is a choke manifold used for?

a) Controlling the flow of fluids from multiple well streams b) Measuring the flow rate of fluids c) Testing the integrity of the well d) Preventing blowouts during drilling


a) Controlling the flow of fluids from multiple well streams

Choke Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a well that is producing a high volume of gas. The current choke setting is causing the pressure in the wellhead to fluctuate significantly. This unstable pressure is creating safety concerns.


  • Identify two potential problems caused by unstable pressure in the wellhead.
  • Suggest two possible solutions to stabilize the pressure using the choke.
  • Explain your reasoning for each solution.

Exercice Correction

**Potential problems:** 1. **Equipment damage:** Fluctuating pressure can stress and damage equipment like pipelines, valves, and the Christmas tree itself. 2. **Safety hazards:** Unstable pressure can lead to uncontrolled releases of gas, posing a significant risk to personnel and the environment. **Possible solutions:** 1. **Adjust the choke setting:** Reduce the choke opening to decrease the flow rate of gas. This would lower the pressure in the wellhead and create a more stable flow. 2. **Install a pressure control system:** A pressure control system, like a pressure regulator or a choke manifold with multiple chokes, can be used to manage the pressure more effectively. This can involve automatically adjusting the choke opening based on pre-set pressure parameters. **Reasoning:** * **Solution 1:** Reducing the choke opening decreases the flow rate and pressure. This aims to balance the production rate with the wellhead's capacity to manage pressure. * **Solution 2:** A dedicated pressure control system provides a more sophisticated approach to managing pressure. It allows for more precise adjustments and can better handle variations in production rates.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including drilling, well completion, and production. The relevant sections on well control, pressure management, and flow control would provide insights into choke functionality.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by John C. Spath: This textbook provides a detailed explanation of drilling practices and technology. It includes chapters on well control and drilling fluid management, which would touch upon the role of chokes in drilling operations.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by R.E. Krueger: This book focuses on the design and execution of well completion operations, encompassing wellhead equipment, choke configurations, and flow control.


  • "The Importance of Chokes in Oil and Gas Production" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: Search for articles specifically discussing the role of chokes in oil and gas production, their different types, and their impact on well performance.
  • "Choke Selection and Optimization in Well Completion" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: Look for articles that analyze choke selection criteria, optimization techniques, and their influence on production efficiency.
  • "Safety and Efficiency of Chokes in Well Control Operations" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: Explore articles that discuss the role of chokes in ensuring well control, preventing blowouts, and maintaining safety during drilling and production.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE's website offers technical articles, research papers, and industry publications related to oil and gas exploration and production, including choke technology.
  • Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (PESA): PESA's website provides information on various oil and gas equipment suppliers, including those specializing in choke systems.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly features articles and technical reports on drilling, completion, and production practices, including advancements in choke design and application.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "choke," "well control," "drilling," "well completion," "production optimization," and "oil and gas."
  • Include specific terms for choke types: Specify "surface choke," "circulation choke," "adjustable choke," "fixed choke," or "choke manifold" for targeted results.
  • Focus on industry journals: Include search terms like "SPE journal," "Petroleum Technology Quarterly," or "Oil & Gas Journal" to narrow down the results to relevant industry publications.
  • Explore relevant technical forums: Search for online forums or communities specifically focused on oil and gas exploration and production for discussion threads and expert opinions on choke technology.
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