Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: cementing head

cementing head

Tête de cimentation : le héros méconnu de l'achèvement des puits

Dans le monde du forage pétrolier et gazier, la tête de cimentation joue un rôle crucial, bien que souvent négligé, pour garantir l'intégrité et la productivité des puits. Cet équipement essentiel fait office de pont entre le puits et le processus de cimentation, permettant une liaison sécurisée et efficace entre le tubage et la formation environnante.

Qu'est-ce qu'une tête de cimentation ?

Une tête de cimentation est un accessoire fixé au sommet du train de tubage, conçu spécifiquement pour l'opération de cimentation. Elle agit essentiellement comme un "portier", contrôlant le flux de coulis de ciment dans le puits et assurant le bon placement du ciment.

Caractéristiques et fonctions clés :

  1. Passages de coulis de ciment : La tête de cimentation intègre des passages spécifiquement conçus pour le passage du coulis de ciment de la surface au puits. Ces passages sont conçus pour assurer un flux uniforme et constant, empêchant tout risque de canalisation ou de contournement du ciment.

  2. Chambres de retenue : Un autre élément crucial de la tête de cimentation est la chambre de retenue. Cette chambre abrite des bouchons d'essuyage de ciment, qui sont des dispositifs utilisés pour isoler le coulis de ciment et empêcher son reflux dans le tubage pendant le processus de cimentation.

  3. Connexion sécurisée : La tête de cimentation est conçue pour fournir une connexion sécurisée au train de tubage, assurant la stabilité pendant l'opération de cimentation. Elle présente une conception mécanique robuste capable de résister aux pressions et aux contraintes élevées rencontrées pendant le processus.

Pourquoi est-elle importante ?

La tête de cimentation joue un rôle essentiel pour réussir l'achèvement d'un puits. En voici les raisons :

  • Intégrité du puits : Le ciment crée une barrière entre le tubage et la formation, empêchant la migration des fluides et assurant l'intégrité structurelle du puits.
  • Optimisation de la production : Les puits correctement cimentés empêchent les fuites de fluides et optimisent la production en isolant les zones productrices des formations indésirables.
  • Sécurité et protection de l'environnement : Une opération de cimentation sécurisée minimise le risque d'éruptions de puits et de dommages environnementaux potentiels.

Autres noms :

La tête de cimentation est également appelée tête de retenue en raison de sa fonction de retenue des bouchons d'essuyage de ciment.

Conclusion :

Bien qu'elle soit souvent occultée par les équipements de forage et d'achèvement plus importants, la tête de cimentation joue un rôle essentiel pour garantir la réussite de la construction d'un puits. Sa capacité à contrôler le flux de coulis de ciment, à retenir les bouchons d'essuyage et à fournir une connexion sécurisée au tubage en fait un élément essentiel pour atteindre l'intégrité du puits et une production pétrolière et gazière efficace.

Test Your Knowledge

Cementing Head Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a cementing head?

a) To connect the drill pipe to the casing string. b) To control the flow of cement slurry into the wellbore. c) To monitor the pressure during cementing operations. d) To provide a platform for the cementing crew.


b) To control the flow of cement slurry into the wellbore.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of a cementing head?

a) Cement slurry passages. b) Retainer chambers. c) BOP (Blowout Preventer). d) Secure connection to the casing string.


c) BOP (Blowout Preventer).

3. What is the purpose of the retainer chambers in a cementing head?

a) To store excess cement slurry. b) To hold the cementing wiper plugs in place. c) To regulate the pressure during cementing. d) To prevent the cement from hardening too quickly.


b) To hold the cementing wiper plugs in place.

4. What is a major benefit of proper cementing, facilitated by a well-functioning cementing head?

a) Minimizing the amount of drilling fluid required. b) Preventing fluid migration and ensuring well integrity. c) Increasing the rate of drilling. d) Making the well more accessible for future operations.


b) Preventing fluid migration and ensuring well integrity.

5. Why is the cementing head considered an "unsung hero" in well completion?

a) Its function is often overlooked compared to other equipment. b) It is not as visible as other equipment during well completion. c) Its importance is often underestimated. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Cementing Head Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a well completion project. The cementing head is ready to be attached to the casing string, but the cementing wiper plugs are missing.


  1. Describe the potential risks of proceeding with the cementing operation without the wiper plugs.
  2. Explain how the absence of wiper plugs could impact well integrity and production.
  3. Suggest the necessary steps to address the missing wiper plugs before continuing the cementing operation.

Exercice Correction

**Risks of Proceeding Without Wiper Plugs:** * **Cement Backflow:** Without wiper plugs, the cement slurry could flow back up the casing during the cementing process, creating a weak and potentially compromised cement bond. * **Uneven Cement Placement:** The cement might not be properly placed in the wellbore, leaving gaps and voids, which can lead to fluid migration and wellbore instability. * **Equipment Damage:** The cement slurry could flow into the cementing head and damage its internal components, rendering it unusable. **Impact on Well Integrity and Production:** * **Fluid Migration:** The absence of a proper cement barrier could allow fluids from different formations to mix, impacting production and potentially contaminating the reservoir. * **Wellbore Instability:** The cement bond would be weak, leading to a compromised wellbore structure, potentially causing leaks or blowouts. * **Reduced Production:** Fluid leakage and channel formation can significantly reduce well productivity. **Necessary Steps:** * **Stop the Cementing Operation:** Immediately halt the cementing process and notify the supervisor. * **Source Wiper Plugs:** Obtain the necessary wiper plugs from the supplier or a nearby drilling site. * **Inspect and Verify:** Ensure that the wiper plugs are compatible with the cementing head and that they are in good condition. * **Install and Secure:** Carefully install the wiper plugs in the retainer chambers of the cementing head, ensuring they are properly secured. * **Resume Cementing:** Once the wiper plugs are in place, the cementing operation can be resumed.


  • "Cementing" by John A. Mowell (2009): This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of cementing, including a detailed discussion on cementing heads.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by John C. Wilson (2014): This classic drilling engineering textbook includes a chapter on cementing, which provides a good overview of the cementing process and the role of the cementing head.
  • "Oilfield Cementing: Design, Practice, and Operations" by John D. Montgomery (2017): This book offers in-depth insights into cementing operations, focusing on the design and use of cementing equipment, including heads.


  • "Cementing Head Design and Optimization for Improved Well Integrity" by J. Smith et al. (2023): A recent research article discussing advancements in cementing head technology for enhanced well integrity. (This is a hypothetical example; you might need to search for similar research papers online.)
  • "The Role of the Cementing Head in Well Completion" by A. Jones (2022): A technical article focusing on the importance and functionality of cementing heads in well construction. (This is another hypothetical example; search for relevant articles on industry journals or online databases.)
  • "A Review of Cementing Head Technologies for High-Pressure, High-Temperature Wells" by B. Brown (2020): An article discussing specific cementing head designs and their applications in challenging environments. (This is yet another hypothetical example; search for relevant articles on industry journals or online databases.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website has a vast collection of technical papers and presentations on various drilling and completion topics, including cementing. Search for papers related to "cementing head," "retainer head," or "cementing equipment."
  • ONEPetro (Oil & Gas Technical Information): This platform offers access to a wide range of technical information related to the oil and gas industry, including resources on cementing operations.
  • Schlumberger Cementing Services: The website of leading oilfield service companies like Schlumberger often features technical information and case studies on their cementing equipment and services, including cementing heads.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "cementing head," try searching for "cementing head design," "cementing head types," "cementing head function," etc.
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Use terms like "oilfield cementing," "well completion," or "cementing operations" to refine your search.
  • Search within specific websites: Use Google's "site:" operator to limit your search to specific websites like SPE, ONEPetro, or Schlumberger. For example: " cementing head."
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