Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Pipeline Construction: cellar


La fosse : Un élément crucial dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits

Le terme "fosse" dans le contexte du forage et de l'achèvement des puits désigne une fosse stratégiquement conçue creusée dans le sol. Cette fosse joue un rôle crucial dans la facilitation d'opérations de forage sûres et efficaces, en particulier lors des étapes critiques de l'installation du puits de tête et de la prévention des éruptions.

Fonctions clés de la fosse :

  • Avantage de hauteur : La fosse offre une différence de hauteur significative entre le plancher du derrick et le puits de tête. Cette élévation supplémentaire est essentielle pour l'installation d'équipements vitaux tels que les préventeurs d'éruptions (BOP), qui sont cruciaux pour contrôler la pression du puits et empêcher l'écoulement incontrôlé d'hydrocarbures.
  • Hébergement des composants essentiels : La fosse offre également de l'espace pour accueillir d'autres composants essentiels tels que les trous d'accès (petites ouvertures d'accès) et les trous de souris (ouvertures plus petites utilisées pour guider les câbles ou les lignes). Ces composants facilitent l'accès et la maintenance pendant les opérations de forage et d'achèvement.
  • Gestion des fluides : La fosse sert souvent de point de collecte pour l'eau de drainage et autres fluides générés pendant les opérations de forage. Ce fluide collecté est ensuite transporté pour une élimination appropriée, assurant la conformité environnementale et la sécurité.

Construction et conception :

La fosse est généralement construite avec des matériaux tels que le béton, l'acier ou une combinaison des deux. La taille et la conception de la fosse dépendent des exigences spécifiques de l'opération de forage. Parmi les facteurs à prendre en compte, citons la taille et le poids de la pile de BOP, le volume de fluides prévu et les conditions géologiques du site.

Importance en matière de sécurité et d'efficacité :

La fosse joue un rôle vital dans la garantie de la sécurité et de l'efficacité des opérations de forage. En fournissant l'élévation nécessaire pour les BOP et autres équipements, la fosse facilite une intervention rapide et efficace en cas de situation de contrôle de puits. Le drainage contrôlé et l'élimination des fluides dans la fosse contribuent à minimiser l'impact environnemental.

En conclusion :

La fosse est un élément essentiel de tout derrick de forage moderne, offrant un espace vital et des fonctionnalités pour l'installation du puits de tête et les équipements de sécurité cruciaux. C'est un témoignage de l'ingénierie méticuleuse et de la planification qui contribuent à garantir une exploration et une production de pétrole et de gaz sûres et réussies.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Cellar in Drilling and Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a cellar in drilling operations? a) Storing drilling mud b) Housing the drilling crew c) Providing elevation for wellhead equipment d) Mixing cement for well completion


c) Providing elevation for wellhead equipment

2. Which of these equipment is typically installed within a cellar? a) Drilling rig derrick b) Blowout preventers (BOPs) c) Mud pumps d) Power generators


b) Blowout preventers (BOPs)

3. What is the purpose of ratholes and mouseholes within a cellar? a) Ventilation for the drilling crew b) Access and maintenance for equipment c) Holding drilling fluids d) Supporting the weight of the rig


b) Access and maintenance for equipment

4. Which of these factors influences the design and size of a cellar? a) The depth of the well b) The type of drilling fluid used c) The weight of the BOP stack d) The size of the drilling crew


c) The weight of the BOP stack

5. How does a cellar contribute to safety in drilling operations? a) By preventing blowouts b) By providing space for emergency equipment c) By facilitating quick intervention in case of well control issues d) By protecting the drilling crew from weather conditions


c) By facilitating quick intervention in case of well control issues

Exercise: Cellar Design

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a cellar for a new drilling rig. The BOP stack weighs approximately 100 tons, and the anticipated drainage fluid volume is 500 barrels.


  1. Consider the factors affecting cellar size and design.
  2. Sketch a simple layout of the cellar, showing the key components (BOPs, ratholes, mouseholes, drainage area).
  3. Justify your design decisions, considering the weight of the BOPs, fluid volume, and safety aspects.

Exercise Correction

**Design Considerations:** * **BOP Stack Weight:** The cellar needs to be large enough to support the 100-ton BOP stack. This will require a strong foundation and adequate structural support. * **Fluid Volume:** The drainage area should be sufficiently sized to accommodate 500 barrels of fluid. * **Access and Maintenance:** The cellar needs to include ratholes and mouseholes for accessing and maintaining BOPs and other equipment. * **Safety:** The cellar design should consider safety measures like proper ventilation, lighting, and access points for emergency equipment. **Sample Layout:** * A rectangular cellar with dimensions large enough to accommodate the BOP stack, considering the weight and the need for space around the BOPs for maintenance. * A dedicated drainage area within the cellar for collecting and diverting fluids to disposal systems. * Ratholes and mouseholes strategically placed around the BOP stack for maintenance access. * Adequate lighting and ventilation within the cellar. **Justification:** * The large dimensions of the cellar ensure sufficient space for the BOP stack and maintainability. * The dedicated drainage area allows for safe and efficient collection and disposal of fluids. * The strategically placed ratholes and mouseholes facilitate easy access and maintenance of the equipment within the cellar. * Safety features like ventilation, lighting, and accessible emergency equipment enhance overall safety during operations. **Note:** This is a simple example, and the actual design will depend on various site-specific factors and regulatory requirements.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by John Lee - Provides comprehensive information about drilling and completion operations, including cellar construction and design.
  • "Drilling Engineering: A Practical Approach" by L.R. Woods and R.L. Mason - Covers various aspects of drilling, with a section dedicated to rig design and cellar features.
  • "Oil Well Drilling and Workover Manual" by T.W. Taylor - A practical guide with detailed insights into drilling procedures, including cellar requirements and safety considerations.


  • "Blowout Prevention: A Crucial Safety Element in Drilling Operations" - This article would likely discuss the importance of the cellar in providing space and height for BOP installation and efficient well control.
  • "Rig Design and Construction: A Focus on Safety and Efficiency" - This article could explore the role of cellar design in optimizing safety and operational efficiency on drilling rigs.
  • "Environmental Considerations in Drilling and Completion" - This article might discuss the cellar's role in managing and disposing of drilling fluids, minimizing environmental impact.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website features a vast library of publications, technical papers, and online courses related to drilling and well completion. Searching for keywords like "cellar," "blowout preventer," "rig design," and "drilling fluids" would likely yield relevant resources.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication offers articles and news related to drilling, completion, and rig design.
  • DrillingInfo: This website provides drilling data, analysis, and insights, including articles and reports on well completion and related technologies.
  • National Association of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (NAOGEP): This organization's website might offer resources and publications on drilling and completion practices, including cellar design and construction.

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: Combine keywords like "cellar," "drilling rig," "well completion," "blowout preventer," "drilling fluids," and "rig design" for targeted searches.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose phrases like "cellar design" or "blowout preventer installation" in quotes to find exact matches.
  • Combine search operators: Use "AND," "OR," "NOT," and wildcards like "*” to refine your searches. For example: "cellar AND well completion" OR "drilling rig design."
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Google Scholar and other specialized search engines offer advanced features like filtering by publication date, author, or subject.
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