Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Cellar


La Cave Essentielle : Un Fondament pour un Forage Sûr et Efficace

Dans le monde du forage pétrolier et gazier, le terme "cave" peut sembler plus évoquer le paradis d'un amateur de vin qu'une composante cruciale d'un derrick de forage. Cependant, cette fosse au sol, apparemment simple, joue un rôle vital pour assurer la sécurité et l'efficacité de la complétion de puits.

Une Fosse avec un But :

La cave, située sous le plancher du derrick, offre un espace désigné pour l'installation et le fonctionnement des équipements de forage essentiels. Cela comprend :

  • Préventeurs d'Éruption (BOP) : Ces dispositifs de sécurité cruciaux empêchent les éruptions incontrôlées de puits, qui peuvent être des événements catastrophiques. La cave permet l'installation de plusieurs piles de BOP, avec suffisamment d'espace pour la maintenance et les tests.
  • Trou de Rat et Trou de Souris : Ces ouvertures dans le sol de la cave permettent l'accès au tête de puits pour les opérations de forage et de complétion.
  • Drainage : La cave sert de point de collecte pour les eaux de drainage et autres fluides générés pendant le forage, facilitant leur élimination en toute sécurité.

Avantages Au-delà de la Sécurité :

Au-delà de sa fonction de sécurité principale, la cave offre plusieurs avantages opérationnels :

  • Avantage de Hauteur : En créant une fosse sous le plancher du derrick, la cave offre la garde au sol verticale nécessaire pour l'installation et le fonctionnement des BOP et des équipements associés. Cette hauteur est cruciale pour l'accessibilité et le bon fonctionnement.
  • Infrastructure Organisée : La cave garantit un espace dédié pour les différents équipements nécessaires à la complétion de puits, réduisant l'encombrement et facilitant un flux de travail efficace.
  • Protection de l'Environnement : En collectant les fluides de drainage, la cave prévient les déversements et la contamination de l'environnement environnant.

L'Importance d'une Conception et d'une Construction Adéquates :

La taille et la configuration de la cave sont des facteurs essentiels pour garantir son efficacité. Une conception appropriée doit tenir compte de :

  • Profondeur : La cave doit être suffisamment profonde pour accueillir les équipements nécessaires et offrir une hauteur libre adéquate.
  • Dimensions : La taille et la forme de la cave doivent être adaptées aux équipements installés et à la circulation du personnel.
  • Matériau : La cave doit être construite avec des matériaux durables capables de résister au poids du derrick et aux pressions des opérations de forage.

La Cave : Un Héros Insoupçonné :

Bien que souvent négligée, la cave est une composante vitale du derrick de forage, contribuant de manière significative à la sécurité et à l'efficacité. Sa conception apparemment simple cache un rôle crucial dans la protection du personnel, la protection de l'environnement et la facilitation de la complétion réussie des puits. Elle sert de rappel que même les composants les plus basiques d'une opération de forage peuvent avoir des implications profondes pour le succès et la sécurité globaux du projet.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Crucial Cellar

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the cellar in a drilling rig?

a) To store drilling fluids and equipment. b) To provide a space for crew accommodation. c) To house the engines and power systems.


a) To store drilling fluids and equipment.

2. What safety device is typically installed in the cellar?

a) Mud pumps. b) Blowout Preventers (BOPs). c) Drilling motors.


b) Blowout Preventers (BOPs).

3. What is the main benefit of having a cellar beneath the rig floor?

a) It reduces the overall height of the rig. b) It provides a space for the storage of drilling mud. c) It allows for sufficient vertical clearance for equipment.


c) It allows for sufficient vertical clearance for equipment.

4. Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider when designing a cellar?

a) The type of drilling fluid being used. b) The depth of the cellar. c) The material used in construction.


a) The type of drilling fluid being used.

5. Why is the cellar considered an "unsung hero" in drilling operations?

a) It is often overlooked, yet its importance in safety and efficiency is significant. b) It is a relatively inexpensive component of the rig. c) It is a recent invention that has revolutionized drilling practices.


a) It is often overlooked, yet its importance in safety and efficiency is significant.

Exercise: Designing a Cellar

Scenario: You are designing a cellar for a new drilling rig. The drilling operation involves a complex well completion with multiple BOP stacks, requiring substantial vertical clearance.


  1. List three essential factors to consider when determining the depth of the cellar.
  2. Explain how the dimensions of the cellar should accommodate the necessary equipment and personnel flow.
  3. Identify two durable materials suitable for constructing the cellar, considering the rig's weight and drilling pressures.

Exercise Correction

**1. Factors for determining cellar depth:**

  • **Height of BOP stacks:** The cellar needs to be deep enough to allow for the full height of the BOP stacks, including any necessary maintenance space above them.
  • **Vertical clearance for other equipment:** The cellar should provide adequate vertical space for other equipment that needs to be accessed or operated within the cellar, like control panels or valves.
  • **Safety and accessibility:** There should be enough clearance for personnel to safely move around within the cellar, including space for working on equipment and potential emergency exits.

**2. Accommodating equipment and personnel:**

  • **Space for equipment:** The dimensions of the cellar should be sufficient to accommodate the required equipment, considering the layout of the BOP stacks, access points, and potential storage for spare parts or tools.
  • **Personnel movement:** There should be enough space for personnel to safely move around the cellar, considering the flow of workers to and from different locations, potential walkways, and emergency egress routes.
  • **Clear access to equipment:** The dimensions should allow for easy access to all equipment for maintenance, inspection, and operation.

**3. Durable materials:**

  • **Reinforced concrete:** Concrete offers excellent durability, strength, and resistance to the weight of the rig and drilling pressures. Reinforcement bars can be added to further enhance its structural integrity.
  • **Steel:** Steel is also a highly durable material, resistant to corrosion and able to withstand significant loads. It can be used for the cellar walls and floor, potentially with a concrete foundation.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Bourgoyne, Millheim, Chenevert, and Economides: A comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of drilling, including rig design and cellar specifications.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by B.C. Craft and M.F. Hawkins: Provides detailed explanations of drilling equipment, safety protocols, and the importance of cellar design.
  • "Well Control: Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Histories" by J.E. Allen: This book covers well control principles and the critical role of blowout preventers (BOPs) housed within the cellar.


  • "Cellar Design and Construction: A Practical Guide for Drilling Engineers" by [Author name]: (Search for this title in industry journals like SPE Journal, World Oil, or Oil & Gas Journal)
  • "Blowout Prevention: A Critical Examination of Cellar Design and BOP Installation" by [Author name]: (Search for this title in industry journals like SPE Journal, World Oil, or Oil & Gas Journal)
  • "The Role of the Cellar in Drilling Efficiency and Environmental Protection" by [Author name]: (Search for this title in industry journals like SPE Journal, World Oil, or Oil & Gas Journal)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Their website ( has numerous resources, including articles, research papers, and presentations related to drilling and well completion.
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): Their website ( offers information on drilling practices, standards, and safety regulations, including cellar design and construction.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication often features articles related to drilling technology, including cellar design and safety.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "cellar," "drilling rig," "blowout preventer," "BOP," "well completion," "safety," and "design" to refine your search.
  • Filter by date: Select the "Tools" option in Google search to filter results by date, focusing on recent and relevant articles.
  • Include specific companies: Search for information about specific drilling companies or equipment manufacturers to find case studies or product specifications related to cellars.
  • Use "filetype" operator: Add "filetype:pdf" to your search to find downloadable PDF documents, often containing technical specifications or presentations.
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