Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: bushing


Le Rôle Essentiel des Douilles dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Les douilles sont omniprésentes dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, jouant un rôle crucial dans les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Ces composants apparemment simples sont essentiels pour connecter, guider et protéger les équipements, assurant des opérations efficaces et sécuritaires. Cet article explore deux fonctions clés des douilles dans ce contexte :

1. Connexion de tuyaux de différentes tailles :

Un défi courant dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits est la connexion de tuyaux de diamètres variables. C'est là qu'un type spécifique de douille entre en jeu. Ce type de douille sert de "douille de réduction", agissant comme une pièce de transition entre deux tuyaux avec des tailles de filetage externes différentes. La douille présente un filetage externe plus grand qui s'adapte sur le tuyau plus grand, et un filetage interne plus petit qui accepte le tuyau plus petit. Cela permet la connexion transparente de deux tuyaux malgré la disparité de taille.

Description sommaire :

  • Fonction : Connecte des tuyaux de différentes tailles.
  • Caractéristiques : Filetage externe plus grand et filetage interne plus petit.
  • Objectif : Facilite la connexion de tuyaux avec des diamètres variables.
  • Exemple : Une douille de réduction connectant un tuyau de tubage de 2 pouces à un tubage de production de 1 pouce.

2. Limitation de la taille, résistance à l'usure et guidage :

Au-delà de la connexion de tuyaux, les douilles jouent également un rôle crucial dans la limitation de la taille des ouvertures, la résistance à l'usure et à la corrosion, et la fourniture d'une surface de guidage. Ces douilles, souvent appelées "douilles de chemise", sont des manchons amovibles insérés ou vissés dans des ouvertures sur divers composants.

Description sommaire :

  • Fonction : Limite la taille, résiste à l'usure et guide.
  • Caractéristiques : Manchon amovible, inséré ou vissé dans une ouverture.
  • Objectif : Protège les équipements contre l'usure, guide les outils et assure un bon alignement.
  • Exemples :
    • Douilles d'usure : Protégent l'intérieur des composants de tête de puits contre l'abrasion causée par les outils de forage.
    • Douilles de guidage : Guident les tiges de forage et les colonnes de tubage pendant les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits, empêchant les déviations.
    • Douilles résistantes à la corrosion : Protègent les équipements des environnements corrosifs, prolongeant la durée de vie des composants critiques.

Conclusion :

Les douilles sont des composants essentiels dans le processus de forage et d'achèvement des puits. En connectant des tuyaux de différentes tailles, en limitant les ouvertures, en résistant à l'usure et à la corrosion, et en fournissant un guidage, les douilles assurent des opérations fluides, efficaces et sûres. Leur conception apparemment simple joue un rôle crucial dans le monde complexe de la production pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Essential Role of Bushings in Drilling and Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a reducing bushing? a) To connect pipes of different sizes. b) To protect equipment from wear. c) To guide drill pipes and casing strings. d) To prevent corrosion in wellhead components.


a) To connect pipes of different sizes.

2. What type of bushing is often used to protect equipment from abrasion caused by drilling tools? a) Reducing bushing. b) Guide bushing. c) Wear bushing. d) Corrosion resistant bushing.


c) Wear bushing.

3. Which of the following is NOT a function of a bushing? a) Connecting pipes. b) Limiting the size of openings. c) Preventing well blowouts. d) Resisting wear.


c) Preventing well blowouts.

4. What is the main purpose of a guide bushing? a) To connect pipes of different sizes. b) To protect equipment from corrosion. c) To guide drill pipes and casing strings. d) To reduce the size of openings.


c) To guide drill pipes and casing strings.

5. What feature distinguishes a liner bushing from a reducing bushing? a) Liner bushings are removable sleeves, while reducing bushings are permanent. b) Liner bushings are used for connecting pipes, while reducing bushings are used for guiding. c) Liner bushings are made of steel, while reducing bushings are made of plastic. d) Liner bushings are always used in conjunction with reducing bushings.


a) Liner bushings are removable sleeves, while reducing bushings are permanent.

Exercise: Bushings in Well Completion

Scenario: You are working on a well completion operation. You need to connect a 4-inch casing pipe to a 2-inch production tubing. You also need to protect the wellhead from wear caused by the production tubing.

Task: 1. Identify the type of bushing you would use to connect the two pipes. 2. Identify the type of bushing you would use to protect the wellhead from wear. 3. Explain how these bushings would be used in the well completion operation.

Exercice Correction

1. **Reducing Bushing:** You would use a reducing bushing to connect the 4-inch casing pipe to the 2-inch production tubing. This bushing would have a larger external thread to fit onto the casing pipe and a smaller internal thread to accept the production tubing. 2. **Wear Bushing:** You would use a wear bushing to protect the wellhead from abrasion caused by the production tubing. This bushing would be inserted into the wellhead opening, providing a protective layer for the metal. 3. The reducing bushing would be used to facilitate the connection of the two pipes with different sizes. This ensures a seamless transition from the larger casing pipe to the smaller production tubing. The wear bushing would be installed inside the wellhead, creating a barrier between the wellhead and the production tubing. This reduces wear on the wellhead components due to friction from the tubing, extending their lifespan.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. Davies: Covers drilling fundamentals, including the use and function of bushings in well construction.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William C. Lyons: Offers a comprehensive overview of well completion practices, including the role of bushings in connecting and protecting equipment.
  • "Oil Well Drilling Technology" by John Lee: Provides detailed information on drilling operations, with a focus on the various types of bushings used in drilling and well completion.


  • "Bushings: Essential Components for Drilling and Well Completion" by [Author Name]: This article, if it exists, would delve into the specific functions of bushings in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Wear Bushings in Wellhead Components" by [Author Name]: A technical paper exploring the application of wear bushings in protecting wellhead components from abrasion.
  • "Guide Bushings for Drilling and Well Completion Operations" by [Author Name]: An article discussing the design and application of guide bushings for ensuring proper alignment of drill pipes and casing strings.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute) Standards: Explore API standards related to wellhead equipment and components, which often include specifications for bushings.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Publications: Browse SPE articles and papers related to drilling, completion, and wellhead technology, which may provide insights into bushing applications.
  • Oil and Gas Industry Websites: Search websites of major oilfield equipment manufacturers and suppliers for technical documentation and information on bushings.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "bushing drilling well completion," "wear bushing wellhead," "guide bushing casing string."
  • Combine keywords with search operators: "bushing AND API standard" or "bushing OR liner bushing."
  • Search for specific companies or manufacturers: "Baker Hughes bushings" or "Halliburton bushings."
  • Use file type filter: "filetype:pdf" to narrow down searches to PDF documents.
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