Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Purification de l'eau: wash-water trough

wash-water trough

Le Bac de Rinçage : Un Composant Crucial dans le Traitement de l'Eau

Dans le monde du traitement de l'eau, un rétrolavage efficace et performant est primordial. Ce processus élimine les débris et la saleté accumulés dans le média filtrant, assurant la qualité continue de l'eau traitée. Un composant clé facilitant ce processus est le bac de rinçage.

Comprendre le Bac de Rinçage

Situé au-dessus du média filtrant dans un système de filtration, le bac de rinçage est une structure peu profonde et ouverte qui sert d'espace de stockage temporaire pour l'eau de rétrolavage. Cette eau provient généralement d'une source séparée et est dirigée vers le média filtrant pendant le cycle de rétrolavage.

La fonction principale du bac de rinçage est de :

  • Collecter et distribuer l'eau de rétrolavage : Le bac assure une distribution uniforme de l'eau de rétrolavage sur le lit filtrant, maximisant son efficacité dans le détachement des débris.
  • Empêcher l'eau de rétrolavage de pénétrer directement dans l'effluent filtré : Le bac agit comme une barrière, empêchant l'eau de rétrolavage contaminée de se mélanger à l'eau traitée libérée du filtre.
  • Faciliter l'élimination des débris : La conception du bac permet de collecter les débris en suspension dans l'eau de rétrolavage, qui sont ensuite évacués séparément.

Conception et Fonctionnement du Bac de Rinçage

La conception d'un bac de rinçage varie en fonction du système de filtration spécifique et de ses besoins. Cependant, les caractéristiques communes comprennent :

  • Fond incliné : Cela garantit un drainage efficace de l'eau de rétrolavage vers la sortie.
  • Système de distribution : Une série de trous ou de tuyaux distribue l'eau de rétrolavage uniformément sur le lit filtrant.
  • Mécanisme de débordement : Cela empêche le bac de déborder pendant le rétrolavage, assurant un fonctionnement correct.
  • Système d'élimination des boues : Ce système collecte et élimine les débris qui se déposent dans le bac pendant le rétrolavage.

Le fonctionnement du bac de rinçage est simple. Pendant le cycle de rétrolavage, l'eau de rétrolavage est dirigée vers le bac, où elle est distribuée sur le média filtrant. L'eau traverse ensuite le lit filtrant, entraînant les débris vers le haut et hors du système. Le bac collecte les débris en suspension et les laisse décanter, puis ils sont évacués séparément.

Importance du Bac de Rinçage

Le bac de rinçage joue un rôle crucial dans les performances globales et l'efficacité des systèmes de traitement de l'eau. Il garantit :

  • Un rétrolavage efficace : En fournissant un système de distribution contrôlé, le bac maximise l'efficacité du rétrolavage, conduisant à un média filtrant plus propre et à une eau traitée de meilleure qualité.
  • La protection de l'eau traitée : Le bac agit comme une barrière, empêchant l'eau de rétrolavage contaminée de pénétrer dans le flux d'eau traitée.
  • Une maintenance réduite : L'élimination efficace des débris réduit la fréquence de la maintenance du filtre, améliorant le temps de disponibilité du système et réduisant les coûts opérationnels.

En conclusion, le bac de rinçage est un composant essentiel des systèmes de traitement de l'eau, jouant un rôle vital dans le rétrolavage efficace et la production d'eau traitée de haute qualité. Sa conception simple et son fonctionnement garantissent des performances optimales et une maintenance minimale, contribuant à l'efficacité et à la fiabilité globales des processus de traitement de l'eau.

Test Your Knowledge

Wash-Water Trough Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Where is the wash-water trough located in a filtration system? a) Below the filter media b) Above the filter media c) Inside the filter media d) Outside the filtration system


b) Above the filter media

2. What is the primary function of the wash-water trough? a) To store treated water b) To filter raw water c) To collect and distribute backwash water d) To remove impurities from the water supply


c) To collect and distribute backwash water

3. Which feature of the wash-water trough prevents backwash water from mixing with treated water? a) Sloped bottom b) Distribution system c) Overflow mechanism d) Sludge removal system


c) Overflow mechanism

4. How does the wash-water trough facilitate the removal of debris? a) By filtering the backwash water b) By allowing the debris to settle and be removed separately c) By pushing the debris back into the filter media d) By dissolving the debris in the backwash water


b) By allowing the debris to settle and be removed separately

5. What is a significant benefit of using a wash-water trough in water treatment? a) Increased risk of contamination b) Reduced efficiency of backwashing c) Higher maintenance requirements d) Improved quality of treated water


d) Improved quality of treated water

Wash-Water Trough Exercise:

Scenario: You are designing a new water treatment system for a small community. The filter bed is 10 meters wide and 20 meters long. You need to design a wash-water trough that will effectively distribute backwash water across the filter bed.


  1. Draw a simple diagram of the wash-water trough.
  2. Label the key components of the trough (sloped bottom, distribution system, overflow mechanism, sludge removal system).
  3. Explain how the distribution system will ensure even distribution of backwash water over the filter bed.
  4. Consider the size and capacity of the trough, taking into account the dimensions of the filter bed and the volume of backwash water needed.

Note: You can use a pencil and paper to create your diagram or use a drawing software.

Exercice Correction

The diagram should show a shallow, rectangular trough placed above the filter bed.

**Key Components:**

  • **Sloped bottom:** The bottom of the trough should be sloped towards the outlet to facilitate drainage of the backwash water.
  • **Distribution system:** This could be a series of evenly spaced holes or pipes running along the length of the trough. The holes/pipes should be designed to distribute the water evenly across the filter bed.
  • **Overflow mechanism:** A simple overflow pipe or channel along the edge of the trough can be used to prevent the trough from overflowing during the backwashing process.
  • **Sludge removal system:** This could involve a dedicated pipe or valve at the lowest point of the trough to collect and remove the debris that settles.

**Distribution system explanation:** The evenly spaced holes or pipes in the distribution system allow the backwash water to flow evenly across the filter bed. This ensures that all parts of the filter bed are effectively cleaned during backwashing, resulting in better overall performance and water quality.

**Size and Capacity:** The size of the trough should be large enough to hold the volume of backwash water required for the filtration system. The capacity should be determined based on the dimensions of the filter bed and the flow rate of the backwash water. You can calculate the volume of water needed by multiplying the area of the filter bed by the desired depth of water in the trough.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of water treatment, including filtration and backwashing. It provides in-depth information on the design and operation of different filter types and their associated components, including the wash-water trough.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations: This book focuses on practical aspects of water treatment plant operation, providing detailed guidance on backwashing procedures and the role of the wash-water trough.


  • "Backwashing and Filter Media Cleaning" by [Author Name], Water Technology Magazine: This article explores different backwashing techniques and the importance of proper filter media cleaning, highlighting the role of the wash-water trough in this process.
  • "Design and Performance of a Novel Wash Water Trough for Filter Backwashing" by [Author Names], Journal of Environmental Engineering: This research paper focuses on the design and performance analysis of a novel wash-water trough, examining its efficiency and impact on backwashing effectiveness.

Online Resources

  • Water Treatment Plant Design and Operation Manuals: Various organizations, including the US EPA and water treatment technology companies, provide online resources with detailed information on water treatment processes, including backwashing and the role of the wash-water trough.
  • Water Treatment Equipment Manufacturer Websites: Companies specializing in water treatment equipment, such as filter manufacturers, often have sections dedicated to their products, including detailed information on the design and operation of their wash-water troughs.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "wash-water trough," "backwashing," "filter media cleaning," "water treatment design," and "water treatment operations" for targeted results.
  • Include filter types: Specify the type of filter you're interested in, such as "sand filter wash-water trough" or "rapid sand filter backwashing" for more relevant information.
  • Focus on specific applications: If you're searching for information related to a specific industry or application, like "municipal water treatment wash-water trough" or "industrial water treatment wash-water trough," you'll get more relevant results.
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