Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Gestion de la qualité de l'air: Wallace & Tiernan

Wallace & Tiernan

Wallace & Tiernan : Un héritage dans le traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement

Le nom Wallace & Tiernan (W&T) est synonyme d'innovation et d'excellence dans l'industrie du traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement. Bien que l'entreprise ait subi plusieurs transformations, son héritage de solutions fiables et de pointe continue de résonner aujourd'hui.

Du chlore gazeux aux solutions d'eau complètes :

Fondée en 1909, Wallace & Tiernan s'est initialement fait connaître pour son travail pionnier dans les systèmes de désinfection au chlore gazeux. Ces systèmes ont joué un rôle crucial dans la protection de la santé publique en éliminant les bactéries nocives dans les sources d'eau potable. Au fur et à mesure que l'entreprise grandissait, elle a élargi son portefeuille pour englober une large gamme de technologies de traitement de l'eau.

Une histoire d'acquisitions et de croissance :

Au fil des ans, Wallace & Tiernan a fait l'objet de plusieurs acquisitions et fusions, culminant avec son intégration à USFilter Corporation en 1999. Cette fusion a consolidé la position de l'entreprise en tant que leader mondial des technologies de l'eau et de l'environnement.

USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan : Un héritage d'innovation :

Aujourd'hui, le nom "Wallace & Tiernan" est souvent utilisé de manière interchangeable avec USFilter pour représenter la gamme diversifiée de produits et de services offerts par l'entité combinée.

Produits et services clés :

USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan propose une suite complète de solutions pour diverses applications de traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement, notamment :

  • Systèmes de traitement de l'eau : De la désinfection et de la filtration au dosage chimique et à la technologie membranaire, USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan fournit des solutions sur mesure pour les besoins de traitement de l'eau municipale, industrielle et commerciale.
  • Systèmes de traitement des eaux usées : L'entreprise propose des technologies de pointe pour le traitement des eaux usées provenant de diverses sources, notamment les installations industrielles, municipales et agricoles.
  • Surveillance et contrôle de l'environnement : USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan fournit des instruments et des systèmes pour surveiller et contrôler les paramètres environnementaux, notamment la qualité de l'air, la qualité de l'eau et la contamination des sols.

L'héritage se poursuit :

Malgré les structures corporatives changeantes et les acquisitions, l'héritage de Wallace & Tiernan continue de guider l'engagement d'USFilter à fournir des solutions innovantes et fiables pour l'eau et l'environnement. Le dévouement de l'entreprise à la recherche et au développement garantit qu'elle reste à l'avant-garde de l'industrie, en offrant des technologies de pointe pour relever les défis croissants de la rareté de l'eau, de la pollution et du changement climatique.

Conclusion :

Le nom Wallace & Tiernan est un témoignage d'une riche histoire d'innovation et de dévouement au traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement. Bien que l'entreprise ait considérablement évolué au fil des ans, son héritage continue d'inspirer et de guider l'industrie vers un avenir plus durable. Alors qu'USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan continue de croître et de s'adapter, elle reste une force majeure dans la formation de l'avenir de la protection de l'eau et de l'environnement à l'échelle mondiale.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Wallace & Tiernan: A Legacy in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was Wallace & Tiernan's initial area of expertise?

(a) Wastewater treatment systems (b) Environmental monitoring and control (c) Chlorine gas disinfection systems (d) Membrane technology


(c) Chlorine gas disinfection systems

2. Which company did Wallace & Tiernan merge with in 1999?

(a) GE Water (b) Veolia (c) Suez (d) USFilter Corporation


(d) USFilter Corporation

3. What is a key product or service offered by USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan?

(a) Solar power systems (b) Air purification systems (c) Water treatment systems (d) Agricultural equipment


(c) Water treatment systems

4. What is a key aspect of Wallace & Tiernan's legacy that continues to influence USFilter today?

(a) Focus on cost-effectiveness (b) Commitment to research and development (c) Exclusive reliance on traditional technologies (d) Emphasis on short-term solutions


(b) Commitment to research and development

5. What is the significance of the Wallace & Tiernan legacy in the context of water and environmental treatment?

(a) It demonstrates the importance of government regulation in the industry. (b) It highlights the impact of technological innovation on public health. (c) It emphasizes the need for privatization of water resources. (d) It showcases the limitations of traditional water treatment methods.


(b) It highlights the impact of technological innovation on public health.


Imagine you are a researcher studying the history of water treatment. You need to write a brief report on Wallace & Tiernan's contribution to the field. Your report should include:

  • A brief overview of the company's founding and early innovations
  • The significance of their chlorine gas disinfection systems
  • The impact of acquisitions and mergers on their growth and product offerings
  • The legacy of Wallace & Tiernan in the modern context of USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan

Exercise Correction

**Wallace & Tiernan: A Legacy of Innovation in Water Treatment** Founded in 1909, Wallace & Tiernan (W&T) made an immediate mark on the water treatment industry with its pioneering work in chlorine gas disinfection systems. These systems revolutionized public health by effectively eliminating harmful bacteria in drinking water sources. The innovation was critical, as it addressed a major public health concern of the time – waterborne diseases. W&T's early success paved the way for further growth and expansion. Through a series of strategic acquisitions and mergers, the company broadened its portfolio to encompass a wider range of water treatment technologies, including filtration, chemical dosing, and membrane technology. In 1999, W&T merged with USFilter Corporation, forming a global leader in water and environmental solutions. While the company underwent multiple transformations, its legacy of innovation and excellence in water treatment remained deeply ingrained in USFilter's identity. The name "Wallace & Tiernan" is still often used interchangeably with USFilter, reflecting the enduring impact of its pioneering work. Today, the legacy of W&T lives on in USFilter/Wallace & Tiernan's commitment to research and development of cutting-edge technologies. The company continues to address evolving water treatment challenges, including water scarcity, pollution, and climate change, ensuring a sustainable future for water resources.


  • A History of Water Treatment: While there isn't a dedicated book on Wallace & Tiernan, several books on the history of water treatment might contain valuable information. Search for books with titles like "History of Water Supply and Sanitation", "The Evolution of Water Treatment", or "Water Technology Through the Ages".
  • Corporate Histories of USFilter and its subsidiaries: Look for books on the history of USFilter, as Wallace & Tiernan was incorporated into this entity. These books might have sections dedicated to the history and impact of Wallace & Tiernan.


  • Industry Publications: Search for articles in water treatment industry publications like "Water Technology", "Water Environment & Technology", "WaterWorld", and "AWWA Journal".
  • Historical Archives: Look for online archives of water treatment and engineering journals published during the early to mid-20th century, as they might feature articles about Wallace & Tiernan's early innovations.
  • Newspaper Archives: Search historical newspaper archives, especially those from the regions where Wallace & Tiernan had major operations, for articles about the company, its products, and its impact.

Online Resources

  • USFilter Website: The current USFilter website might contain information on the company's history, including sections about its legacy of innovation and its predecessor companies, like Wallace & Tiernan.
  • Industry Websites: Explore the websites of industry associations like AWWA (American Water Works Association), WEF (Water Environment Federation), and the Water Quality Association (WQA). They might have historical information, resources, or articles related to Wallace & Tiernan.
  • Digital Libraries: Search for digital libraries like JSTOR, Google Scholar, and the Internet Archive for relevant articles, research papers, and historical documents.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms: Combine search terms like "Wallace & Tiernan history", "Wallace & Tiernan innovation", "USFilter history", "chlorine disinfection history", "water treatment pioneers" and "water industry legacy".
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases or company names in quotation marks to refine your search results, for example, "Wallace & Tiernan" or "USFilter acquisition history".
  • Include dates: Refine your search by including specific years or date ranges, for example, "Wallace & Tiernan 1909-1999" or "water treatment innovations 1920s".
  • Combine search terms and operators: Use Boolean operators like "AND", "OR", and "NOT" to refine your search, for example, "Wallace & Tiernan AND chlorine disinfection".
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